Red_Baron: See told you we should have lynched amok or him :P train.
amok: It would have been much better if we lynched you....
It would have been much better if we had lynched Nmillar....
Actually, it would have been much better if we had lynched Zchinque. His absence in the last evening was very bad (I had important questions for him, and questions with consequences for Amok), and the lack of flip makes it worse (some answers could have been brought by it). That's a low (supposedly metagaming) blow.
Red_Baron: except we now know we are missing those which may no longer be named from Zchinque &
Telika. amok: By the way, are you privy to some inside information?
He's talking about the clue/like/dislike thing.
Anyway, are we back to square one. Do the wagon resume as yesterday, or are there new things to take in consideration ? And more specifically, Amok, why isn't your first post about sniffing ?