Posted April 16, 2014

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

No Strings On Me
Registered: Feb 2013
From Greece

Wandering fruit
Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted April 17, 2014
Yes, and I apologise for my long absence. We have a family member staying over at our house, and they've been making use of my room.
As for the results:
1) flubbucket: I crept into flub's room, where I found that flub was in bed. I talked calmly, inducing in flubbucket what my PM calls a, "unconscious hyperawareness." For some reason, I don't feel that flub is responding particularly well to this, and become a little disheartened by it. I press on, however, and ask if flub's character( which the PM states is a female, as it uses the pronoun "her") has ever involved herself in murder.
In response, as you well know, flub has a bout of flatulence. I feel embarrassed and proceed to leave.
2) JMich: The first line states that I'm happy about tonight. I feel that there's something mystical in the air. I sneak into JMich room and talk slowly to her(again the PM uses the pronoun "her"), rousing JMich from a deep sleep and into a trance. I then ask JMich, "Did you have anything to do with the murder?"
I am then informed that JMich's answer is very clear, and entirely truthful. JMich responds, "no".
I've asked the question twice, and apparently have asked it twice in vain, but I'll give it another go: The entirety of the response PM I got concerning my investigation of JMich was capitalised and punctuated, except for that "no" response. Do you think it's viable to doubt the truthfulness of the response on this alone, or do you think I'm being silly?
Also, I would urge everyone to vote, as we're a day (at this point) away from the deadline.
I'm leaving my vote on flub for the time being.
As for the results:
1) flubbucket: I crept into flub's room, where I found that flub was in bed. I talked calmly, inducing in flubbucket what my PM calls a, "unconscious hyperawareness." For some reason, I don't feel that flub is responding particularly well to this, and become a little disheartened by it. I press on, however, and ask if flub's character( which the PM states is a female, as it uses the pronoun "her") has ever involved herself in murder.
In response, as you well know, flub has a bout of flatulence. I feel embarrassed and proceed to leave.
2) JMich: The first line states that I'm happy about tonight. I feel that there's something mystical in the air. I sneak into JMich room and talk slowly to her(again the PM uses the pronoun "her"), rousing JMich from a deep sleep and into a trance. I then ask JMich, "Did you have anything to do with the murder?"
I am then informed that JMich's answer is very clear, and entirely truthful. JMich responds, "no".
I've asked the question twice, and apparently have asked it twice in vain, but I'll give it another go: The entirety of the response PM I got concerning my investigation of JMich was capitalised and punctuated, except for that "no" response. Do you think it's viable to doubt the truthfulness of the response on this alone, or do you think I'm being silly?
Also, I would urge everyone to vote, as we're a day (at this point) away from the deadline.
I'm leaving my vote on flub for the time being.

No Strings On Me
Registered: Feb 2013
From Greece
Posted April 17, 2014

I noticed your question the two previous times as well, I just haven't answered because I don't know what to make of it. Perhaps the more experienced players could get something from it, I can't.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted April 17, 2014
Well those posts are not going to read themselves and I am not going to do it either anytime soon so let's just vote JMich if only to achieve something.
Good night.
Good night.

No Strings On Me
Registered: Feb 2013
From Greece

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted April 18, 2014
I feel that I'm doing the wrong thing, but I'm going to say Unvote: flubbucket and Vote: JMich.
I think that knowing a little bit more about how my power works is preferable to having a no lynch occur today.
I think that knowing a little bit more about how my power works is preferable to having a no lynch occur today.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted April 18, 2014

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted April 18, 2014
Well, CSPVG, Flubbucket, Vitek, and P1na had all voted for Jmich.
While Jmich voted for flubbucket, DarkoD13 voted for CSPVG and I voted for... well I can't really remember now but no-one was really listening to me.
Anyway, they put poor Hatty onto the skis and it was obvious immediately that she'd never been on the snow in her life. She made a good go of it, poor thing, but she slid, rather slowly, off the egde of the precipice and was gone. How anybody could have imagined Harriet Franks to have had anything to do with murder is a complete mystery to me but, well, what choice did we have officer?
JMich all dead being been Harriet Franks, Powerless Townmember
Night away!
While Jmich voted for flubbucket, DarkoD13 voted for CSPVG and I voted for... well I can't really remember now but no-one was really listening to me.
Anyway, they put poor Hatty onto the skis and it was obvious immediately that she'd never been on the snow in her life. She made a good go of it, poor thing, but she slid, rather slowly, off the egde of the precipice and was gone. How anybody could have imagined Harriet Franks to have had anything to do with murder is a complete mystery to me but, well, what choice did we have officer?
JMich all dead being been Harriet Franks, Powerless Townmember
Night away!

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted April 23, 2014
We woke up the next day and no-one was dead.
"Oh hurrah" we thought, "perhaps it's all over!"
But just to be sure we carried on...
"Oh hurrah" we thought, "perhaps it's all over!"
But just to be sure we carried on...

Wandering fruit
Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted April 23, 2014
I used my ability on Vitek last night.
My PM states that I feel excited about tonight, that I feel the stars are with me. I sneak into Vitek's room, whisper to him as he sleeps, "Were you involved in the murder?"
The response I receive is, "No".
I find two things interesting about this result, though:
1) It does not explicitly state that I hear a clear and entirely truthful answer;
2) Instead of the response lacking capitalisation (as it did in JMich's case), the response is now capitalised.
I'm not sure what to make of these facts. Any thoughts?
Pina: So, did you investigate Darko again, or did you choose someone else?
My PM states that I feel excited about tonight, that I feel the stars are with me. I sneak into Vitek's room, whisper to him as he sleeps, "Were you involved in the murder?"
The response I receive is, "No".
I find two things interesting about this result, though:
1) It does not explicitly state that I hear a clear and entirely truthful answer;
2) Instead of the response lacking capitalisation (as it did in JMich's case), the response is now capitalised.
I'm not sure what to make of these facts. Any thoughts?
Pina: So, did you investigate Darko again, or did you choose someone else?

No Strings On Me
Registered: Feb 2013
From Greece