Telika: Are you waiting for all the names to be known, or for all the names to be repeated by their owners ?
Vitek: I don't mind anyone posting it.
I have no grand plan here, I just want to know who is who and get some action.
DarkoD13: I'm pretty sure he wants to show the clue about the killer's accomplices being English. He has mentioned it a couple of times already.
Vitek: Yeah, of course I do. If someone is not english, he could be confirmed as not mafia. But if there is nobody it could also mean that what flub said is totally useless or false.
Ok. What we have :
Ladies :
1. NPC Caroline Bianchi (NOBODY)
2. Prudence Eggars (RODZAJU)
3. Edie Delaney (FLUBBUCKET)
4. Constance Drabble (REDBARON)
5. Harriet Franks (JMICH)
6. Delilah Cattling (SIRPRIMALFORM - dead mafia)
7. Rosemary Pollit (DARKO)
8. Adele Riechenstein (AMOK - dead townnnnish?)
Gentlemen :
1. Gabriel Delaney (PAZZER)
2. Peter Browning (VITEK)
3. Lawrence Birch (TELIKA)
4. George Mariner (P1NA)
5. Christopher Sedgeworthy (ROBBEASY - dead town)
6. Damian Hoarly (CSPVG)
7. Kurt Paschale (ZCHINQUE - dead nothing)
8. Frances Page (NMILLAR - dead town)
0. Bernie Von Moriz (NOBODY)
Matching JMich's 8+8 takes some shoehorning (count Bernie in? count Caroline in?), but, heck, I've been doing it with that list all game long.
Also, my character is from York. I don't know if nationalities can be inferred by names (in real life they can't), but Kurt Paschale, Caroline Bianchi, Bernie von Moriz and Adele Riechenstein aren't britannic-connoted. As for distinctions between UK and US... :-/
Is that nationality clue really the thing you wanted to show us from day one ?