Telika: Oh yes. My list includes Bernie von Moriz, who is dead and therefore not played. Means :
Ladies :
1. (Caroline Bianchi - PC or NPC ?)
2. Harriet Franks (player 1)
3. Frances Page (player 2)
4. Constance Drabble (player 3)
5. Prudence Eggars (player 4)
6. Delilah Cattling (player 5)
7. Rosemary Pollit (player 6)
8. Edie Delaney (player 7)
Gentlemen :
1. Gabriel Delaney (player 8)
2. Peter Browning (player 9)
3. Lawrence Birch (player 10)
4. George Mariner (player 11)
5. Christopher Sedgeworthy (player 12)
6. Damian Hoarly (player 13)
7. (Bernie Von Moriz - Dead NPC)
8. Kurt Pascal (player 14)
Plus :
9. Amok's character (player 15)
So, there goes, again, JMich's 8+8 info. Or did JMich expect 8+8 people apart from him/her ?
Also, Amok and Zchinque, with your kind of "identification" here, would you consider yourselves particularly in danger ? I mean, from what you know, flavor-wise, of the plot and mafia motives, do you suspect that they have flavour-related reasons to target you (as "kurt pascal" and as "bernie's friend", on the basis of knowing this alone) more than some other players ?
Name is Kurt Paschale, got autocorrected.
I don't think the scum are after named targets in particular (though I'm sure there are some they'd love to find), but I suspect we might have a lyncher and/or hitman, but as I mentioned I feel I have reasons to speculate they wouldn't be after me.
So no, I don't feel in particular danger, but I do think mass nameclaiming would be a poor idea.