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flubbucket: So you think townies should find power roles instead of looking for scum?? Interesting.

Also here we are at less than 100 posts and the soft claiming has already started. I'll admit I was curious at the notion of the doctor being dead on post #1.
It seems I need to hire spokesperson.

CSPVG: 2) While the humorous play on words did not escape me, I still think it smacks of a softclaim.
Even if it was, why exactly would town player wanted to bring broad attention toward it?

DarkoD13: Hmm. So the person I voted first comes to the defense of the person that "made a jab" at me and then outright accused me. Come to think of it, he only did so after I voted for you. Thank you, things are becoming clear now!
So your vote against SirPrimalform was serious?
Vitek: So your vote against SirPrimalform was serious?
Not really. I just didn't like his face. It's his recent behavior I find troubling. Still, not CSPVG-level troubling.
DarkoD13: Hmm. So the person I voted first comes to the defense of the person that "made a jab" at me and then outright accused me. Come to think of it, he only did so after I voted for you. Thank you, things are becoming clear now!
Nice, rather than actually countering anything I say just go straight for OMGUS. I am definitely sticking with my vote.
SirPrimalform: ...
CSPVG: Lastly, has anyone seen or heard from kkreo or DarkoD13? Unless I've missed an obvious post by one of them, neither has posted here in five days.
Just to clarify, SirPrimalForm, how exactly do you perceive these words by CSPVG? As an innocent question? Was he simply expressing concern for my (and kkreo's) well-being? Does he express similar "concern" for other people that haven't posted in days? Why hasn't he responded in 11 hours? Is he sleeping? Is he pretending to be sleeping while pursuing his nefarious agenda?
I know I'm just a humble immigrant that has come to this town to seek a better life, but his "question" looks to me as nothing more than the first step in an elaborate plan of attack.
If anything I'm saying doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll translate it in Italian for you. Wink wink.
DarkoD13: Not really. I just didn't like his face. It's his recent behavior I find troubling. Still, not CSPVG-level troubling.
This doesn't jive. Your vote against SirPrimalform was pure RVS so it should bear no importance in current event.
What does it have to do with CSPVG situation?
Vitek: Your vote against SirPrimalform was pure RVS so it should bear no importance in current event.
That's what I thought too. Perhaps CSPVG was worried because I hadn't changed my initial vote (SirPrimalform), prompting him to question my whereabouts? Of course, that's assuming SirPrimalForm's current stance (defending CSPVG, voting for me) is part of a larger conspiracy. Scum need to stick together.
CSPVG: Lastly, has anyone seen or heard from kkreo or DarkoD13? Unless I've missed an obvious post by one of them, neither has posted here in five days.
DarkoD13: Just to clarify, SirPrimalForm, how exactly do you perceive these words by CSPVG? As an innocent question? Was he simply expressing concern for my (and kkreo's) well-being? Does he express similar "concern" for other people that haven't posted in days? Why hasn't he responded in 11 hours? Is he sleeping? Is he pretending to be sleeping while pursuing his nefarious agenda?
I know I'm just a humble immigrant that has come to this town to seek a better life, but his "question" looks to me as nothing more than the first step in an elaborate plan of attack.
If anything I'm saying doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll translate it in Italian for you. Wink wink.
Not your wellbeing, but the game's wellbeing. Lurking is bad for the game and causes it to stagnate. It also can be a way for scum to hide, they can't slip up if they don't post.

To quote the rules in the OP:
11) Be active, be involved. After 48 hours of inactivity, you're prodded. After 24 more hours, you're declared officially dead, and modkilled. Too bad for your team.
Now I don't care that you broke the rules and I certainly don't want you to be modkilled (it's only the start of the game after all), but my point is that it's perfectly normal and reasonable to mention it if you're wondering where someone's got to.

The fact is, you were lurking. Whether it was 4 days or 5 days is somewhat irrelevant and I find your pedantic counterattack to be suspicious, like it's indicative of a guilty conscience or something.

On top of this, you then respond to that with OMGUS directed at me...
hmm.... I am finding DarkoD's behavior a little bit over the top right now. On the other hand, this is a lot more entertaining than what I usually watches. When do you all start singing and dancing?
amok: hmm.... I am finding DarkoD's behavior a little bit over the top right now. On the other hand, this is a lot more entertaining than what I usually watches. When do you all start singing and dancing?
When you pays us!
SirPrimalform: ...
I was not prodded, I had cast my vote and the game was at a dead end due to DieRuhe's absence. So his "concern" was vastly exaggerated.

You're also deliberately misusing the term "OMGUS". I didn't vote for you, did I? But I can't help but feel that jumping that fast to CSPVG's defense is suspicious. Still waiting for his response.
amok: hmm.... I am finding DarkoD's behavior a little bit over the top right now. On the other hand, this is a lot more entertaining than what I usually watches. When do you all start singing and dancing?
SirPrimalform: When you pays us!
Do you take an IOU? I will make a lot of money when we arrive, I promise.

Speaking of which.... do you think Vitek takes an IOU? I have been felling..... a little lonely lately.
DarkoD13: I was not prodded, I had cast my vote and the game was at a dead end due to DieRuhe's absence. So his "concern" was vastly exaggerated.

You're also deliberately misusing the term "OMGUS". I didn't vote for you, did I? But I can't help but feel that jumping that fast to CSPVG's defense is suspicious. Still waiting for his response.
The lack of prod is one of many reasons you definitely didn't deserve a modkill, but you were still absent for ~96 hours which is double the 48 hour 'limit'. That you weren't prodded is irrelevant here, you're not supposed to post and then wait to be prodded before you post again. You're supposed to post again withing 48 hours yourself.

Apologies for misusing the term OMGUS, it wasn't deliberate. It appears its meaning has broadened in my mind at some point, I was using it to refer to your sudden suspicion after I voted for you. I'm not defending CSPVG particularly, but rather defending against what I saw as faulty logic on your part. Note that I only replied to a single part of your reply to CSPVG.
EBWOP - I'm getting sidetracked a bit. I'm not trying to attack you for your absence (I've been guilty of longer periods of absence before). I am however saying that questioning your absence was a perfectly reasonable thing to do and that I find your reaction to that to be suspicious.
Perhaps CSPVG was simply alerting fellow mafia team mates of the potential for mod kill. As an experienced player he would be the one to point these things out to new scum.

Also noticed the reclusive JMich has gone back into hiding. Was it because someone pointed out his greater than average posting??
flubbucket: Also noticed the reclusive JMich has gone back into hiding. Was it because someone pointed out his greater than average posting??
Not really. It was mostly due to a splitting headache, and wanting to finish AC3. Normal chattiness will resume soonish.