Action descriptions
Night 2 (part 1/2)
As you are all brought out of the hold, you start chanting, as if for yourself, that "Bollywood got it right, music is key" and that "what may not be shown in plain sight may be hidden in songs". You repeat it all the way to the deck, in the general indifference. Now that all of you have spread out, you stay alone under the drizzle, unable to tell whether anyone else aboard understands your language. And hoping to get an answer on this next time...
This time, you won't offer him a chance to get lost on the deck. You've chosen a small storage room in the corridor between the hold and the deck, where you are sure to see them all. As the hold is being evacuated by the crew, you wait in the shadows, and let the shaken, chaotic crowd pass in front of you, pushed and barked at by the staff. Grabbing the right arm at the right time, pulling him inside, and throwing him in a corner, turns out easy. The rest is what you do best. You shut the hatch as he stands back up, and smash him back into the corner when he opens his mouth. In shock, he doesn't oppose much resistance, and you make him pay for the frustration of that other night, as he curls up under your strikes.
When you're done, you open the door, and leave through the now empty corridor. Now this is how that other night looked like. And this is what the next night will look like. You look forward to meet again the same person, in the same circumstances. You love the look in their eyes when they recognise you the second time...
<Vitek has been roleblocked (x1)>
You realise that you haven't escaped wars and killings yet, but at least you are in your environment then. You will end this, your way.
Once outside on the deck, you start looking for your chosen target, but he's nowhere to be seen. A bit confused, as you are quite sure of having left the hold with him when the ship's crew had evacuated you all, you decide to backtrack into the boat. Then you spot him, indeed strangely lagging behind. As he slowly walks towards the exit, leaning on the railway, you pass him casually. He doesn't pay attention to you. In a movement rendered automatic by your experience, you slip behind him, and slit his throat open before he can react. He gargles and falls without any resistance.
Well, that was easy. With no one in sight, you continue your way, closing your pocket knife, and without look back. Suppressed memories come back in waves, but you know now that it's still way to early to try forgetting your previous life.
<You have murdered Vitek.>
As you are all expelled from the hold, you hear someone mutter a strange song in urdu. "Bollywood got it right, music is key. What may not be shown in plain sight may be hidden in songs." You're trying to see who said that, and wondering what it could mean, when a large hand brutally pulls you out of the crowd, and throws you into a dark storage room. A large threatening figure overshadows you, as you hear all the other voices and footsteps receed in the distance, including the mysterious repeated song.
Now alone with the giant, you get up, and open your mouth to protest, but it gets painfully slammed shut by an immense fist, as your head hits painfully the metal wall behind you. Another fist hits you in the belly, and, as you double up, you realise that it is just the beginning. The next few minutes are a chaotic hell of relentless strikes, leaving you bewildered and trembling, curled on the floor. In a fog of pain, it takes you time to realise that they have ceased, and that your aggressor has left. And even more time to get back up, and to stumble back out in the corridor.
Disoriented, leaning on the handrail, you try to find your way out to the deck, stopping your progression with a fright each time somebody walks by, and feeling a bit ashamed by that reflex. You only manage to control yourself when a child passes by.
Which means that, when that kid expertly slits your throat open, you really don't see it coming. You crumble on the floor, in a widening pond of blood, as your chaotic thoughts finish dissolving.
<You have been killed.>