Action descriptions
Night 1 (part 1/2)
You are not satisfied. Something is wrong, and everybody around you look like they have forgotten about it the instant they saw the wide star-filled sky again. Nobody seems to wonder why the doctor didn't come back. Nobody seems interested in doing anything about it.
That guy, there, at the aft. He's just starring at the white foam that the boat leaves behind, mumbling to himself. You walk up to him, and pull him out of his thoughts. You remind him of the situation, you point out that you are all on your own, all of you, isolated at sea, and that everybody seems to apathetically wait for things to get solved on their own. Of course, you can't help making it political, as you extrapolate on the history of Africa, emancipation, self-determination, initiative, and most of the themes of your candidate's campaign. At the end, you're not even sure whether you're talking about your country or that ship, but maybe it is the same thing.
Out of breath, a bit calmed, you turn to the sea and start yourself to follow the pale trail of the ship's wake, that dissolves into the night. You think of the country that you have left, at the end of this line, and about its future without you. Lost in your own thoughts, you don't pay attention to the guy at your side anymore. When you decide to go back inside, you realise that you have been alone for a while. You wonder if your speech has had any effect at all.
So, they say you kill people with your thoughts, even the ones you're hardly aware of ? If that is so, let's put this to use. The doctor has vanished, and you're sure something is afoot. You've learnt to not trust anybody when your whole village and family has turned against you, and you will not let something like that happen again. This time, you'll strike first, deliberately.
That big guy, there. There's something you don't like about him. So, how is it done, exactly ? You pick up a cigarette butt that he has left behind, and get back to your bag, from which you pick up a tiny pack of twigs. Then you get back out, and walk to the rear of the ship. There, alone under the moon, you snap and plant two little bits of twings into that cigarette butt, and improvise a prayer, a mix of powerful-sounding christian terms and traditional notions. You put all your fear and hatred in it, and and continue until you're out of ideas. You look at this cigarette butt and its two twigs, and think of a magical invisible plane that would fly above the ship and drop onto your victim like a bird of prey.
<JoeSapphire has been betwitched (once)>
Then something happens. Some agitated guy has approached you without you noticing, and spontaneously started speaking to you. He seems very anxious about the disappearance of the doctor, and about how few people seem bothered by it. He then goes on a seemingly random rant about social apathy, emancipation, political involvement, modernism, corruption, post-colonialism. He seems upset about the defeat of some political candidate, which he pins on a general passivity akin to the one he perceives on the ship. You're not very interested in his views, and are, actually, a bit anxious at the idea of political conflicts brought up on board. Still, his energy may be a tad communicative, and he somehow convinced you, at least, to do more about the current situation aboard. You leave him to his thoughts, and decide to bewitch a new target.
<You have been motivated into a performing a second night action>
Time flies, and you are not really sure how you magic works. As you watch over your next victim, your fingers rub a piece of twig into dust. Jumping on the last opportunity that you may get during that night, you blow these morcels on the back of your new target, who doesn't realise anything. Back to the corner of the hull where you use to sleep, you focus and mutter the prayers that should poison his spirit. You fall asleep hoping that your magic works that way too.
<CSPVG has been betwitched (once)>
Very well. They gave you a target to roughen up a bit, you don't dislike this. You've already noticed him several times, he shouldn't offer much resistance. It's just a matter of waiting for them to show up on the deck, and then following him until he's alone.
There they come, you drop your cigarette with a pinch, and start walking towards the group, as it already scatters. You've spotted him, he's following two or three migrants, they are chatting a bit. It's just a matter of patience.
There, the others have finally left, he looks vulnerable, and is mounting the stairs to the upper deck. You crack your knuckes, and slowly, casually follow him up.
You damn your luck, for some reason he's already disappearing down the opposite stairs. You hurry after him through the upper deck, and miss a step behind him. You grab the balustrade to avoid falling down, but just twist your finger and still hurt your coccyx on three consecutive metal steps. Without taking a breath, you get up and hurl yourself into a door that just opened as a crew member was enquiring about the noise. By the time you regain your balance, and soak up your nose's blood with a handkerchief, your target is out of sight. You decide to light a smoke, and take your pack out of your back pocket before cursing and tossing all the smashed cigarettes into the sea.
Your finger has swelled, you wish there was still a doctor aboard. You wipe your forehead's sweat with your blood-soaked handkerchief before deciding that this was enough for tonight. What you need now is a good strong coffee. Of the precise brand that you remember forgetting to buy during last stopover.
You go back to your cabin and bump your head against the door's frame. Upset and slightly freaked out by your bad luck, you drop on your bed, hearing a spring snap under your weight. Your sleep is haunted by strange nightmares involving an oppressively giant invisible motorplane.
CSPVG IS BLOCKED BY JMICH (yeah, really ?)
Back inside, you decide to go eat something. Strangely you realise that you're not sure anymore of how to get back to the hold. All these corridors seem more complex than when you came out. You walk in circles for an irritating amount of time, before finding the right hatch. The hold is empty, as everybody else is still outside, and you grab a remaining can of food from your bag. In your eagerness, you clumsily cut your thumb open while opening it. To make things worse, you notice that the food inside has rotten. Your pulsating, bleeding thumb in your mouth, you swear against your bad luck, and turn back to get a bit more of fresh air, and maybe find some other snack. Unfortunately, just as you are reaching the door, everybody is flowing back inside. Time is up, and you find yourself locked again in the hold, with all your travel companions. You'll have to wait for the next opportunity, and no one knows when that will be.
During your sleep, you make strange, heavy dreams about your back turning to ashes.