JMich: Vote? What Vote? Where did I vote for Robb?
I do apologise for this. I was sure I had remembered you voting for Robbeasy, and did not bother to go back and check. I have now done so, and will acknowledge that I got this one wrong.
JMich: Yes, ending RVS is a goal in itself, because ending it means the posts after RVS should have a reasoning. Vitek's vote was because I was being "too serious", which then started a discussion with reasons other than "Off tune", "mixing rythm and pitch", "looking funny". You (and Vitek) claim that RVS should end naturally, and making a serious post on a joke one isn't natural.
So, even though my post moving us out of RVS did start discussions, that any "good townie" would find welcome, you do not like that we are out of RVS. Ok...
I was thinking about this over the weekend( that may be one of the saddest sentences I've ever typed). What this comes down to, I feel, is that we perceive the phases of Forum Mafia in different ways. I am not fond of RVS, but feel it has a natural progression, and that- due to a slip, bandwagoning, etc.- it will peter out, and then the game proper will begin. You, on the other hand, detest RVS, and wish to end it as quickly as possible, so that we can have 'serious conversation'.
My problem with this view is twofold:
1) It is distracting in the extreme that you would make unfounded accusations to get us out of RVS. Yes, by accusing Rob, you did remove us from RVS, but you also made yourself look incredibly suspicious. You throw all suspicion on to yourself, and distract attention from actual scum hunting( that is, if you really are town). The way you forced us out of RVS is one of the main reasons you are suspect to me.
2) Although I am not fond of RVS, I absolutely detest the rest of the first day( that is, while we are still in it). There is very little serious discussion to be had. Everything is merely accusation and response, usually until we reach a deadline, in which case everyone jumps on the most likely wagon to achieve a lynch( admittedly, usually someone that is suspect), only to avoid a no lynch. Day one's conversations only really have relevance when compared to statements made during the rest of the game.
As an aside: Did you really find Robbeasy's joke-jab at Joe to be that suspect, or were you merely making a serious accusation to remove us from RVS?
JMich: Why? "Make-up" or "Don't worry" part? So roleblocker or doctor/nurse?
I'm not entirely sure I understand your question. If you mean, why do I find those parts in particular more suspect than Vitek's other actions, I'd have to say that initially it was due to my own seriousness that day, and later on due to its frequent use in the conversation about whether or not Vitek's actions were suspect.
Sorry if that's not a very clear answer.
JMich: So because two (or more) people can't effectively communicate with each other, it's best to stop the discussion instead of trying to communicate. Ok (again).
Oh, and one more thing. You do recall that the 3-page argument me and Vitek had during the last game did help expose me as scum, right? So why wouldn't you want a discussion that may expose scum?
I feel that you're trying to misrepresent my argument in this case. No, conversation should not cease, and attempts at communication should be repeatedly made. However, no one is helped by constant miscommunication. It is merely confusing. I did say this, but never that conversation should be stopped because of it.
As for the second point, I do recall that that conversation helped us day-kill you. However, as Vitek has already pointed out, it was tedious in the extreme. Besides, it was merely a referential joke, and I did not mean to suggest that I wish conversation to cease.
JMich: Ah, so then you agree with
my view that the "best" play during RVS is to say "I vote for X because the die I indicated thus", since you didn't told me how delusional I was, yet you
the question I had in the same post. Or could it be that answering/referring to part of a post doesn't mean automatical agreement with the rest of it? Hm, I wonder ([url=]I wo wo wo wo wonder)
Off to XCOM:EW again, had my first tentacle encounter yesterday, not pretty :(
With this last one, I feel that you are being extraordinarily silly. You making an off hand comment about voting practices- and then me responding to a totally different part of the post- is in no way the same as me making a suggestion to flubbucket, and Robbeasy picking up on it, and asking everyone to list their suspects.
I will also repeat, that I did not force anyone to follow my suggestion to flubbucket. If the rest of the group still wanted to discuss Vitek( as some still are), then they can do so. I am not adverse to discussing issues about Vitek, but feel that( and this is the important part, coming up here) for the time being, the conversation about Vitek has run its course. If someone presents a new or interesting argument, I'd be glad to consider it.
Off-topic: I'm glad that you were able to fix your computer.
Moving on, my top three suspects- given in no particular order- are:
flubbucket: His repeated, tunneled-visioned attacks against Vitek, in which he- at least to my mind- stretched, twisted or misrepresented some of Vitek's remarks, make him suspect to me( as an example of this, I would point to post 213).
Joesapphire: Joe always seems to be on my suspect list, simply due to the eccentric nature of many of his posts. He has, however, been a bit quiet this game, or at least it has seemed that way to me. Speaking of, where has he got off to? His last post was three days ago.
DarkoD13: This is opening an old can of worms, but his initial overreaction to my mention of his absence is still striking to me.