SirPrimalform: Think about the way they vote though, they don't care for the alignment of the person they're voting for and would happily vote for anyone who isn't themselves. Now factor this into a LYLO situation, say there are two scum, three townies and one survivor. The scum will vote as a team and the survivor will happily go along with any lynch. They're anti-town because they're not pro-town. Not as dangerous as scum but still anti-town in my book. I'll put the 'claim' down to newbiness for now but let's not forget it. Survivors become dangerous to us in the end game.
So we can either go after neutrals for some possible end game scenario or we can just get a scum instead and not allow such scenario at all.
Neutral hunting is generally regarded scummy and for reason. Every lynch of neutral distracts attention from scum, allows them to appear proactive and provides them with safe survival of lynch.
JoeSapphire: Not all survivors are neutral. There are Town Survivors (and also Mafia Survivors).
But yeah, I can believe that that isn't what was actually claimed.
I do disagree with flubbucket recently, but that doesn't mean that doesn't mean that Vitek's 'town' thing couldn't be a 'thing'. If you get what I mean.
You should tunnel less.
There are other things going on, other players in action or inaction and you are barely doing anything else then reassuring yourself of my scummines in each of your posts.
SirPrimalform: Regarding Flubbucket and Vitek, yeah I'm having to make sure I don't write off the genuinely suspicious stuff Vitek has done just because Flub's case doesn't make sense.
So out of 3 people campaining against me you think 2 of them are bollocks but it doesn't make you change your opinion?
You mean "the genuinely suspicious stuff Vitek has done" like that one ambigious sentence? Something else?