flubbucket: I'm not voting you based on play style. I'm also seeing you, now under pressure, coming up with some far fetched theories (zombie-doctor-mod is alive or at least in play, mafia
and serial killer).
Is this your idea of scum hunting, or are you desperately flailing around looking to obfuscate the incriminating spot light??
OK, first I dismissed your posts as you being funny but now you are obviously just making things up to accuse me.
I am willing to accept Joe's vote as he always suspects me. In some way I am willing to accept Rob's as well because, even if he is buliding something ridiculous, he is at least working with real content.
You are just creating fake accusations.
In no way was the living doctor my idea and contrary to what you are saying, I did exact opposite and dismissed it as crap.
Two days ago you accused me of
being too defensive. That you based on fact I blamed everyone around.
In your opinion Joe, Robbeasy, SPF, and whole town.
Joe when I cursed him for maing G15 and forcing me to do typo here, which has nothing to do with actual case and with this game.
Ugh, damn it. That's Joe's fault. I wanted to just type good guys at first but then I remembered his mafia game, changed it to make it more accurate and screwed it in the process.That game will haunt me forever. I curse you Joe!")
Robbeasy apparently just because I mentioned him.
No, you are not the person. That's what I was telling to Robbeasy. Nobody but SirPrimalform cared. Robb talked abbout how I should realise it will turn town upside down but if SPF left it alone, no one would even notice and never saw any sort of soft claim. ")
SPF for being the one who caused the soft claim shenanigans which is true and he admited it himself.
And then according to you I blamed town becuase I mentioned it in my post too when I talked about how I usually name thing.
Maybe. I guss so. I certainly use townie only for uninforme majority, never for whole town, and town for whole group, but probably not only for that. It's more likely not rule, though. You should provide examples, you are accusing me. Also, how would you know who I was adressing in my old posts otehr than I tell you?")
All this being too defensive came 2 posts after you accused me of not defending myself.
Do poeple really think I accused everyone around in those posts as flub claims?
Are people really OK with this? @amok; This reminded me I wanted to quote you one more thing.
Telika: 12. Telika : Esteban Florès, ship's doctor [TOWN DOCTOR],
So yeah, it does say that he is dead.
@Telika; kkreo needs prod or replacement; He hasn't posted for 5 days.