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As the ship continues its route, people progressively get more acquainted with the faces around them. Tongues untie, impatience and tensions find new channels to manifest themselves. No shouting, but some voices occasionally raise above the regular tremor of the engines and the vibration of the metal. Is it the promiscuity ? Some people cast anxious doubts on the sexual lives of those who'll share their limited space for a few weeks.

SirPrimalform : 1 vote, by Flubbucket
CSPVG : 1 vote, by DarkoD13
kkreo : 0
Vitek : 0
amok : 0
JMich : 0
Robbeasy : 0
JoeSapphire : 0
gkaiser : 0
DarkoD13 : 2 votes, by CSPVG and SirPrimalform
Flubbucket : 1 vote, by gkaiser.

Not voted since last reset : kkreo, Vitek, amok, JMich, Robbeasy, JoeSapphire.

With 11 players on board, it takes 6 votes for a lynch.

Edit : Corrected by DarkoD13
Post edited November 05, 2013 by Telika
Robbeasy: SPF - Can't really see where you get Mafia Roleblocker from though!! Viteks assertion that he has something to make up for Town losing Doc, and you think of Mafia Roleblocker? Prostitute role? It's a bit of a tenuous link at best. You then backtrack immensely in post 113, when you think you might get some heat for the softclaim accusation.
Hang on, Vitek's assertion? He said he had a lot of make up, not that he has something to make up for it.

The link was meant to be tenuous, that was the joke. I took his make up thing as a joke (which is still how I interpret it) and since mafia roleblockers are sometimes called prostitutes or 'dancers' I was going "How iiiiiinteresting... *strokes beard* That looks like a scum softclaim to me!". It was a bit of RVS mudslinging rather than a serious suggestion.

I'm not sure what you mean about backtracking.

Vitek: Oh God, what have I done?
I take responsibility, no one would have even remembered your make up joke if I hadn't "accused" you of soft claiming.
JMich: Hm, seems like we start having some activity again. So, let me add a question for SPF.

You assumed Vitek's "make-up" post meant he was a roleblocker, since those may be known in some games as prostitutes. My question is why would that term pop up to make such a joke, instead of something else, like rouges are overpowered?
Because I was making a mafia joke, not an RPG joke? That's a weird question. In the context of roles in a game of mafia, the only link to lots of make up that I could think of was prostitute. If I missed an obvious one please do tell me.
SirPrimalform: Because I was making a mafia joke, not an RPG joke? That's a weird question. In the context of roles in a game of mafia, the only link to lots of make up that I could think of was prostitute. If I missed an obvious one please do tell me.
How long did it take you to come up with the prostitute joke? Alternatively, when was the time you looked at the roleblocker page, and said "Hm, they are also known as prostitutes. Good to know".
Even though I have looked at the roleblocker page before, I hadn't even noticed the prostitute term in it, until after the make-up joke had exploded here. So I was curious as to why you'd take that much notice of said term.
JMich: How long did it take you to come up with the prostitute joke? Alternatively, when was the time you looked at the roleblocker page, and said "Hm, they are also known as prostitutes. Good to know".
Even though I have looked at the roleblocker page before, I hadn't even noticed the prostitute term in it, until after the make-up joke had exploded here. So I was curious as to why you'd take that much notice of said term.
Seconds, I have no idea when my brain absorbed this piece of information but it popped out when Vitek said 'lots of make up'. I did double check the wiki page before posting, to make sure I wasn't misremembering. I was surprised when no one got it actually, apparently I was the only person who knew/remembered that they were sometimes called prostitutes.
Are roleblockers common? Did SirPrimalform have valid reasons to go looking for one (even jokingly)?
DarkoD13: Are roleblockers common? Did SirPrimalform have valid reasons to go looking for one (even jokingly)?
I had a roleblocking drug in the last game. So I assume so?
DarkoD13: Are roleblockers common? Did SirPrimalform have valid reasons to go looking for one (even jokingly)?
It's a fairly common role, I'd consider it one of the basic 'normal' roles particularly for scum, like doctors and cops are for town. That's not to say role blockers are always anti-town.
SirPrimalform: apparently I was the only person who knew/remembered that they were sometimes called prostitutes.
actually, I did get the joke.
At first I read Vitek's post and thought "whaaaat???"
and then I read your post and thought "whaaaaaat???"
and started writing something to the effect of
and then I went back and read it, worked out what it all meant, but still felt it was worth an explaination so I questioned.

I also blame myself.

As to my TOP SCUM list, I was going to give more explaination but time, the ever stationed motivator, did not allow me the pleasure.
The TOP SCUM list is not who I think are behaving scummy, but rather who I would be most happy to be the scums. Basically I want to be able to say at the end of the game
"Look everybody!! I was right! Aren't I great??"
and for everybody to say
"yes Joe, we must reluctantly admit that you are the best and we love you"

AS to FUD - yes. probably under the carpet is where the discussion belongs. The Only Major Discussion Involving Two Players must not be allowed to retain that title for very long. Which it will do if that's all anybody talks about.
I'm taking a guess and saying, for the moment, that whoever-it-was-involved-in-that-discussion-I-remember-that-it-was-Darko-but-I-forgot-the-other-one-sorry-it's- probably-that-your-picture-is-not-so-striking are townsmembers.

AS to Treat-Everybody-Like-They're-Mafia.
It should really be Treat-Everybody-Like-It's-Possible-That-They-Are-Mafia.

otherwise you would just lynch the first person anybody suggests...
you know..
because they're ALL mafia so why not.

But that's me being pedant.
And my point is that, I've not set my decision in stone, and I will not overlook any damning evidence that links the two in question with Crimes Mafiatic based solely on my guess now.

Although I have been known to designate people as 'untouchable' (for my own, private gameplan) I haven't done THUS FAR into this game. And it's getting a little late in the day to fire up the labelmaker. If you catch my drift.

Robbeasy: .......................<snip>..............................

Flubb - post 84. In direct answer to that, no i don't think we should at all, but let me come back at you with 'you think Vitek should be making posts like that in the first place?'

Well I have no problem with posting; its' better than not posting. However, the questions for me are 1) is he serious 2) if so then is it wise to sort of "out" yourself so early in the game as a potential NK target 3) or is it a ploy to make himself look townie??

SirPrimalform: ........................... they were sometimes called prostitutes.
While I may pay for sex, wifey doesn't consider herself a prostitute.
Hello everyone. This post is going to be rather short, as I am presently busy. Hopefully, I'll get around to posting something with a little more content to it later on.

Vitek's possible soft-claim:Sometimes I have a tendency to forget that other people have the capability to make remarks that may( to my infinite shock and horror) be humorous. I didn't really grasped that it was a joke until, that is, Joe said so. I don't really know if there's anymore to get out of this.

DarkoD13:I'm not using the reply button, for which I apologies, but I really do think that you're being slightly silly about this. My original post mentioning you was not meant as an attack, but merely as a declaration of my suspicions concerning you. You must admit that an absence of four real-life days is no small matter in a mafia game.

Do you have any suspects other than myself, at this moment in time?

-- -- -- -- --

Speaking of long absences, kkreo and gkaiser have both not posted for a number of days.
CSPVG: hysterical
CSPVG: silly
Name calling certainly won't make me change my mind about you.

CSPVG: You must admit that an absence of four real-life days is no small matter in a mafia game.
I have no standard of what a Mafia game should/shouldn't look like. I assume that, by your logic, kkreo and gkaiser are currently the most likely suspects to be scum? Along with me, of course?

CSPVG: Do you have any suspects other than myself, at this moment in time?
Refer to my earlier posts. I could add a couple of players I find "interesting" since they seem to stick to either "funny" or neutrally analytical posts, but I'll wait for 1 or 2 more posts by them.
Meh, I wrote post yesterday but it seems I forgot to post it.
Oh, how reliable I am.

Robbeasy: Vitek - his post 32 is more than a little odd. after SPF laments the killing off of the Doc and say he 'hopes we have something to make up for that', Vitek responds with 'Dont worry i have a lot of make-up'.
Now I'm sorry, but theres no way on earth you can't see how that would give people pause - is it a softclaim? are you trying to attract attention? The fact, as joe said, that it was just a play on words, a joke - seriously???!! You didnt stop to consider how other players might interpret that statement?? I love the defensive / offensive dig at CSPVG in post 83 as well...pray tell what else you expected after posting what you did? Us all to shut up about it?? Not, in any way conceivable, a pro-town post...

SPF - Can't really see where you get Mafia Roleblocker from though!! Viteks assertion that he has something to make up for Town losing Doc, and you think of Mafia Roleblocker? Prostitute role? It's a bit of a tenuous link at best. You then backtrack immensely in post 113, when you think you might get some heat for the softclaim accusation.
So, going with the above, my current top suspects are Vitek and SPF.
This interests me. Please walk me through scum actions here. I as scum, according to you, softclaimed role blocker then I dismissed it as joke and when CSPVG brought it to attention, I disliked it.
Why exactly I did this as scum? I hinted to be role blocker by silly comment and then pretended it is joke for what purpose? If I wanted to hint it, why I disliked when CSPVG brought it up?

What about SirPrimalform? Why my buddy brought attention to my "role-claim" and even called me mafia roleblocker and then iny our words "backtracked" and called it joke. What mafia ploy was it and what was its goal. Try speculate if you wish, I want to be amused.
Also, you are that I should have paused before posting and think what others will think. But nit doesn't exactly seem as if town went rampant after my comment. According to several people, they would never think about it as role claim if SPF hasn't said his witty remark, while you make it sound like I started avalanche with it
Please tell me,in general what do you expect from town player who thinks theat someone softclaimed? To bring attention toward it, to satrt discussion about it, to keep it to himself, to ignore it, to tell his mother?

What I expeceted from it? Fun, not debate about claim.

Robbeasy: DarkoD13 - a little zealous in his pursuit of CSPVG just for getting a day wrong in posting times, but I think i like the direct style you have so far. This has a condition though - see next sentence....

CSPVG - also a little over-reactive in my mind to Darko's attack. Town points for Flubbucket here - i agree with him that your spat appears a little contrived with DarkoD13
You like Darko's style of posting but you feel it's contrived? So you like how fake he is?

Robbeasy: So, going with the above, my current top suspects are Vitek and SPF. Everyone else I also think is Mafia, as its first day and nothing could and should convince me otherwise, but those two are putting themselves front and centre in my mind...
This might sound like good thing in theory but in fact it's bullshit. You are basically saying we are all your suspects and no one should berate you for jumping at anyone because after all you won't be clearing anyone as everyone is scum.
JoeSapphire: yeah!
Yeah what?

DarkoD13: Refer to my earlier posts. I could add a couple of players I find "interesting" since they seem to stick to either "funny" or neutrally analytical posts, but I'll wait for 1 or 2 more posts by them.
Interesting is word used by mafia to not accuse people directly but to single them out.