Meh, I wrote post yesterday but it seems I forgot to post it.
Oh, how reliable I am.
Robbeasy: Vitek - his post 32 is more than a little odd. after SPF laments the killing off of the Doc and say he 'hopes we have something to make up for that', Vitek responds with 'Dont worry i have a lot of make-up'.
Now I'm sorry, but theres no way on earth you can't see how that would give people pause - is it a softclaim? are you trying to attract attention? The fact, as joe said, that it was just a play on words, a joke - seriously???!! You didnt stop to consider how other players might interpret that statement?? I love the defensive / offensive dig at CSPVG in post 83 as well...pray tell what else you expected after posting what you did? Us all to shut up about it?? Not, in any way conceivable, a pro-town post...
SPF - Can't really see where you get Mafia Roleblocker from though!! Viteks assertion that he has something to make up for Town losing Doc, and you think of Mafia Roleblocker? Prostitute role? It's a bit of a tenuous link at best. You then backtrack immensely in post 113, when you think you might get some heat for the softclaim accusation.
So, going with the above, my current top suspects are Vitek and SPF.
This interests me. Please walk me through scum actions here. I as scum, according to you, softclaimed role blocker then I dismissed it as joke and when CSPVG brought it to attention, I disliked it.
Why exactly I did this as scum? I hinted to be role blocker by silly comment and then pretended it is joke for what purpose? If I wanted to hint it, why I disliked when CSPVG brought it up?
What about SirPrimalform? Why my buddy brought attention to my "role-claim" and even called me
mafia roleblocker and then iny our words "backtracked" and called it joke. What mafia ploy was it and what was its goal. Try speculate if you wish, I want to be amused.
Also, you are that I should have paused before posting and think what others will think. But nit doesn't exactly seem as if town went rampant after my comment. According to several people, they would never think about it as role claim if SPF hasn't said his witty remark, while you make it sound like
I started avalanche with it
Please tell me,in general what do you expect from town player who thinks theat someone softclaimed? To bring attention toward it, to satrt discussion about it, to keep it to himself, to ignore it, to tell his mother?
What I expeceted from it? Fun, not debate about claim.
Robbeasy: DarkoD13 - a little zealous in his pursuit of CSPVG just for getting a day wrong in posting times, but I think i like the direct style you have so far. This has a condition though - see next sentence....
CSPVG - also a little over-reactive in my mind to Darko's attack. Town points for Flubbucket here - i agree with him that your spat appears a little contrived with DarkoD13
You like Darko's style of posting but you feel it's contrived? So you like how fake he is?
Robbeasy: So, going with the above, my current top suspects are Vitek and SPF. Everyone else I also think is Mafia, as its first day and nothing could and should convince me otherwise, but those two are putting themselves front and centre in my mind...
This might sound like good thing in theory but in fact it's bullshit. You are basically saying we are all your suspects and no one should berate you for jumping at anyone because after all you won't be clearing anyone as everyone is scum.