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Zchinque: Krypsyn is the only player who has not posted since the deadline was set, and has been prodded.
Yes, yes, it seems I have been quite remiss.
Thing in my life of late have been quite remiss.
For my absence, I do apologize profusely and greatly,
and I hope to post more now that I have lately.

I would agree that JMich does not fill me with any warm thoughts,
Voting for him wouldn't tie my insides up into to many knots.

My confidence in CSPVG's claim is also waning.
Is it the truth, or is he merely feigning?

I would like to hear more from JMich, though, before I make up mind,
because without something solid from him I feel as if I am flying blind.

As for the role-claim... yeah sure, at this point why not?
Let's throw them all out there and stir them up int eh proverbial pot!
I can understand the groups suspicions about my vacillating back and forth between naive and normal cop. Although, I also feel them to be slightly disingenuous, as I feel I've explained why I flopped between the two.

I think it would be good if we had a mass claim today. May I suggest that we do said claim in the same manner as game #16, i.e that the person that claims then select the next person to claim. Could I suggest the first person to claim( as I already claimed)?
CSPVG: I think it would be good if we had a mass claim today. May I suggest that we do said claim in the same manner as game #16, i.e that the person that claims then select the next person to claim. Could I suggest the first person to claim( as I already claimed)?
I agree with both the proposed method, and with you being the first to suggest next to claim. Game has stalled (again), so let's get it moving.
CSPVG: I think it would be good if we had a mass claim today. May I suggest that we do said claim in the same manner as game #16, i.e that the person that claims then select the next person to claim. Could I suggest the first person to claim( as I already claimed)?
We concur
CSPVG: I can understand the groups suspicions about my vacillating back and forth between naive and normal cop. Although, I also feel them to be slightly disingenuous, as I feel I've explained why I flopped between the two.
You expalined it but with horrible logic.
"Hey guys, I am naive cop and I only get town results"
"Hey guys, I recieved town result, I am real cop and confirmed town."
"Yeah, I said I am real cop because I recieved naive cop result."

Only reason why I am not voting you (except the fact I was missing) is because it was incredibly dumb. Too much to make it as scum.

Krypsyn: I would like to hear more from JMich, though, before I make up mind,
because without something solid from him I feel as if I am flying blind.
I would like it too but I think it is unlikely with how he played this game so far.
Try to read his posts (it's short read) to find some substantial content.
As example, his votes so far:
1. He amde no RVS vote, only when he was missing from votecount by accident he voted Damantion to see if he is capable of vote and unvoted 4 posts later when Zchinque corrected the votecount.
2. later he hammered SPF.

That's it.

try to go through his posts and find me who he suspected in this game? i had no luck so far.

JMich: So, a quick run of the lynches so far.

SirPrimalform was on 2 of the wagons (Zchinque and GhostQlyph)
amok was on 2 of the wagons (Zchinque and GhostQlyph)
Krypsyn was on all 3 of the wagons
QuadrAlien was on 2 of the Wagons (Zchinque and SirPrimalform)
The others were on one wagon only.
So? What's your conclusion?
Have you found what you expected to find?
Have it cleared or incriminated someone?

Who are your scum suspects?

I support popcorn claim method (it's the only right way to do it, IMO), but I certainly don't support CSPVG picking first target. I want either JMich (most scummy) or Twilight ("I have oh so important role") to go first.
Vitek: 2. later he hammered SPF.
So you didn't even look at the votes I posted above. I did an L-1 on SPF, not a hammer. Hammer was CSPVG.
As for the votes, it's true, I haven't voted that much. Does not voting make me scum? You tell me.

As for suspects, the wagons don't show that many things, do they? First wagon is "Who wants to vote for the mod", second wagon is "Who wants to vote for the obvious/stupid scum" and third wagon was the only one that could some insight may be gleaned from. But how much insight can you get from one wagon after all? Feel free to enlighten me.
The only interesting thing is that out of the survivors, TwilightBard wasn't on any of the 3 wagons. Does that make him scummier or townier?

I have no problem going first, though be aware that I'm not sure if I'll be able to post in the next 10 hours or so. If I do find some time, I will post.
JMich: So you didn't even look at the votes I posted above. I did an L-1 on SPF, not a hammer. Hammer was CSPVG.
As for the votes, it's true, I haven't voted that much. Does not voting make me scum? You tell me.
OK, I missed CSPVG's vote there and thought yours was last before lynch but it makes no difference.
You certainly "haven't voted that much". Basically one vote (as the first one was useless), accompanied by "Ah, fuck it" is less than not enough.
But it's not only lack of votes, it's lack of suspects. You named none but SPF throughout the game and it was only because he was really obvious. On day 1, your only activity is to muse whether it is good to lynch mod or not and even about that you never took clear stance.

JMich: As for suspects, the wagons don't show that many things, do they? First wagon is "Who wants to vote for the mod", second wagon is "Who wants to vote for the obvious/stupid scum" and third wagon was the only one that could some insight may be gleaned from. But how much insight can you get from one wagon after all? Feel free to enlighten me.
The only interesting thing is that out of the survivors, TwilightBard wasn't on any of the 3 wagons. Does that make him scummier or townier?
No, you enlighten me. You were the one doing wagon analysis, not me, so you should draw some conclusions out of it. Instead you are saying now that there is nothing to learn out of it?
Why have you done it then?

Who are your scum suspects?
Vitek: Who are your scum suspects?
Ok, finally home, so let's see what we have.

Main reason I haven't posted scum suspects is because at the moment I have 6. Yes, I include myself in the possible suspects due to the seance of day 2. I know my affiliation in the beginning of Day 1, but I can no longer be sure about it.
So, why do I suspect the rest of you guys?

Going by the order in the first post of this thread.

Vitek. He admitted to pushing for a lynch on SPF (post 380) despite SPF being quite a seasoned mafia player. Would an old mafia hand act so scummy as scum? And if not, why continue to push for a lynch. I do admit I was under the impression that lynching a jester ends the game, though this doesn't seem to be the case. As for my "Ah, fuck it" vote, it was after our cop (or one of our cop) got himself killed by double posting. So yes, I did vote hoping the game would end if we lynched a jester. He clinged on CSPVG's post 443 to push for GhostQlyph's lynch, claiming that an untargettable shouldn't return a result to a naive cop. And I will go for something resembling an OMGUS, but on his scumreads on twilight of day 2, he had no read on me. On post 530, after having his previous scum reads deflect him, he turns on the next in line. Were we not at MYLO, I wouldn't post anything and let Vitek push for my lynch, thus handing him rope to hang himself. But a mislynch now will mean game over.

Amok. He roleplays a paranoid schizophrenic, who claims the voices in his heads are telling him things. Yes, the game is set in an asylum, so a paranoid schizophrenic patient does seem like a normal enough person. On the other hand, a paranoid schizophrenic is one of the most cliched killers you can find.

TwilightBard. I did find it a bit weird that I don't recall him voting all that match (pot calling the kettle black etc). What I did find interesting though is the fact that on Day 1 he voted for both and [url=]GhostQlyph, and on day 2 he voted for GhostQlyph yet he wasn't part of any of the 2 lynches. Could it be that he was pointing out lynch targets? There is also a bit more info on TB, will post after the reads.

Krypsyn. Main reason I distrust him is the way he posts. It does yell post restriction, but something still doesn't fit. He does get bonus townie points for proving that it is a mod enforced restriction though, but that doesn't really clear him.

Finally, CSPVG. As I said in post 465, it does seems as if someone is pulling our legs. CSPVG initiated the wagon (if you ignore amok's vote on post 402, but CSPVG pushed it off the cliff and all the way to the hammer with post 443. The same post Vitek used to push for (yet another) lynch in multiple posts from post 451 to post 484.

Now, let's get on with the claiming.

I am Nostradamus, Town Soothsayer. Each night I can target a person and see if they have any extra powers.
On the first night I tried to read GhostQlyph, but I couldn't get a reading. I assumed that meant GhostQlyph was vanilla, but it is possible that it was due to her being untargetable.
On the second night I did a reading on TwilightBard. I got the result that he can double vote. I was quite surprised as to why such a thing wasn't noticed, but it seems that on each and every vote TB did, he first unvoted. Exceptions are votes in the start of a day.

So, let's pass the popcorn to Vitek.
I am going to wait with comments about claim until it's complete (although I would like to know your flavour and how you picked your targets), but you again provided no suspects because to name every single player is useless.

Also, you did not explain why you can't be sure of your affiliation.

I am Harold Shipman aka Dr. Death, Town Doctor.
I was told that goal of medicine is to ease suffering of people and I was always doing that. I was never murdering people, I was helping them (by killing them). I do not enjoy killing, but I did what I had to and I still am doctor.

So I am doc or at least my role PM says so. I on the hand hand have suspicion that I am nothing and my role is fake because when I sent my night actions, I didn't get any feedback from Zchinque. No confirmation, no flavour, nothing. Even when I got message about rerun of SPF show on night 1, there was no mention of my action and it even confused me as I thought it is tied to my role somehow.
I targeted TwilightBard on night 1. It was Lifhtrasil's choice before he replaced and I trusted he knows more about game than I did at that moment.
I chose him again on N2, because I had no clue who to pick and after extensive re-read I decided that at least one of Krypsyn and him are almost certainly town and I felt bit better about him than Krypsyn. I was already convinced that JMich is mafia, I expected mafia to keep SPF and CSPVG (plus I wasn't even sure about CSPVG) and amok was suspected by many people, so I expected him to stay alive.

I would like Twilight to go next and my personal advice to him is to not pick amok as if he really has info about other player he should go after we all claim to possibly disprove someone's claim.
Well, I wasn't thinking of amok at the moment either.

I'm Anna-Vaney Cantodea - Suicidal Townie. And I (Twilight that is), am also an idiot for missing things in my own PM. Basically, I've been in and out of loony bins with no avail, I keep hearing singing from a dead bird, and it's tiresome. I take two less votes to lynch (But the minimum is always 2). Which is why I went from actively aggressive to pretty calm after 2 modkills, since yesterday I could have easily been lynched by the entire mafia, and could have been easily lynched before anyone knew what was going on.

JMich: On the second night I did a reading on TwilightBard. I got the result that he can double vote. I was quite surprised as to why such a thing wasn't noticed, but it seems that on each and every vote TB did, he first unvoted. Exceptions are votes in the start of a day.
Well, there's a good reason for this actually. I only have the ability to double vote for today and today only.

As far as why I'm willing to claim...well, I guess that's out (I flipped this over in my head a few times before I type this out.) I apparently woke up with a confidence boost, I feel a lot better about myself and the possibilities, so I take the ordinary amount of votes to be lynched. This is an odd one, and I'm not sure how to explain it.

And, I did some research on my person. Apparently Anna-Vaney Cantodea is a musician, with an album that mentions the Ensemble of Shadows. My PM also mentions that the Shadows are with me still, and that went right over my head until I put all of the information together just now.

I'm actually interested in Krypsyn's claim at this point in time.
Okay, so I am up now then?
It really was only a matter of when.
I debate: should I tell the whole truth or a white lie?
I shall tell the whole truth, but the words may make some cry.
I am "The Joker – 1-shot Day Vig"
Now that you know, do you care a fig?
I hope you knowing is more useful than keeping my role under wraps,
but now there is certainly a time limit involved with me giving anyone slaps.
Come dawn tomorrow, I very well may have ceased to be.
Those evil sons-of-bitches will probably be coming for me.

About my original and punitive post restrictions,
I must say, they were made by my own convictions.
The mod asked me to choose a restriction and a punishment,
so I did, and it filled me with a great deal of amusement.
Believe it or not, even though it seems far-fetched,
but it is all the truth, with nary a stretch.

Thus, is comes to amok now, unless I have forgotten someone?
Let's hope he turns out to be someone quite fun!
Now I must edit by way of post;
I hope it meets with approval of the host.

That second to last couplet should be changed to make a proper rhyme,
but if it is too late to change it, I shall unhappily do my time:

"Believe it or not, even though it seems far-fetched,
but it is all have to say, with nary a truth stretched."
Vitek: I am going to wait with comments about claim until it's complete (although I would like to know your flavour and how you picked your targets), but you again provided no suspects because to name every single player is useless.
After I choose a player, I can look up to the sky and make their birth table, then go on from there to make predictions about them. My predictions return their possible power roles, though (not PM, personal interpretation) since Nostradamus was known to make mistakes with the birth tables, and not all his predictions came true, I am unsure of how accurate my results are.
For the first night, I did resort to random picking of a player. For the second night, frustrated as I was, I decided to go with SPF's hidden message and "GETTB".

Vitek: Also, you did not explain why you can't be sure of your affiliation.
The seance of Day 2 says that the number of scum had increased. Would the turncoat know he switched affiliation or not? And if he wouldn't, can I be sure that it's not me that switched? Can you be sure you haven't switched yourself?

More interesting stuff
Vitek: I am Harold Shipman aka Dr. Death, Town Doctor.
I was told that goal of medicine is to ease suffering of people and I was always doing that. I was never murdering people, I was helping them (by killing them). I do not enjoy killing, but I did what I had to and I still am doctor.
One more serial killer in the mix it seems. But let's accept that you are truly saving people and no longer killing them, since TB seems to be alive (and better).

Vitek: I chose him again on N2, because I had no clue who to pick and after extensive re-read I decided that at least one of Krypsyn and him are almost certainly town and I felt bit better about him than Krypsyn.
Woot? Let me quote your post of September the 15th.
Vitek: I'll post quick scum list before day ends because why not.

My number one is TwilightBard right now because I can't shake the feeling that he is playing exactly like in game 15. Careful play and trying to not stub any toes.
He is followed by Krypsyn, There is something not right with him, but I would need more thorough re-read.
This was posted after the hammer on GhostQlyph. Night actions were to be submitted by September the 18th. When exactly did you do the extensive re-read? Before or after submitting your night action?

Too many inconsistencies, too pushing during a MYLO, and a slight OMGUS do make me want to vote for you. But exactly due to MYLO, I'll wait for the final claims (and your comments) before voting.
I am Itsu – Town Nurse :)

As far as I understand my role from the wiki, I am a backup to Vitek’s doctor. However, I do have some other tricks hidden away in my secret medicine cabinet (of which I am not at liberty to divulge too much), until if/when that need arises. I can give one of you a shoot of one of a drug each night, giving the recipient an extra power for the next day. One of you is experiencing the effect of one of my shots today, unfortunately the first recipient of my drugs spontaneously self-combusted before he could fully enjoy its effects. What a waste of good drugs . I do like my needles and syringes.

They tell me I am a paranoid schizophrenic, but as a former nurse I know this is not right. But as a former employee of this place, I also know that you lot are committed here for a reason and I cannot trust a single soul in here. You are all scum of the earth, and raving mad lunatics, but for now I need you and must make use of you to be able stay alive and survive the coming days. It will soon be clear that I am completely sane, and can go back to administer drugs to the patients again. The voices whispers this to me, they are my friends, and I trust them…. as opposed to you lot….
By the way, in case you do not know your classics, [url=]Nurse Itsu[/url] was one of the nurses in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest. I'm just glad I am not Nurse Ratchet or The Night Nurse....