GhostQlyph: You misinterpreted. Hugely.
He didn't vote me because of my false post restriction, he tried to manipulate my false post restriction to his own ends. Very different.
I'm not surprised I misinterpreted, but that's the opinion and view I came out of rereading things with. Sure I may be wrong, but honestly, what else can I do? Everytime we've tried to get a perspective from you you've clammed up and wouldn't help us.
CSPVG: TwilightBard: Have you heard back from Zchinque concerning the EnsembleofShadows PM? And, why do you think EnsembleofShadows contacts you specifically?
Your guess is as good as mine. I haven't heard from Z, but I assumed that he simply wasn't around. And I have no clue, it's starting to bug me a bit about this game.
Vitek: My number one is TwilightBard right now because I can't shake the feeling that he is playing
exactly like in game 15. Careful play and trying to not stub any toes.
Nope, I'm playing a bit more cautiously, especially after the 2 modkills and the 'lynching' of SPF. My other issue has come down to trying to figure out how to approach Ghost, but that's not much of an issue anymore it seems.