SirPrimalform: Since the start of day 2. Anyone remember me saying something strange happened to me this morning?
So you retained your original role now?
I still hope it was only hidden part of your role (your character name would suggest it) and not something that can happen again to someone else.
SirPrimalform: The problem about claiming town jester is that it sounds very much like the falseclaim of a neutral game ending jester. There is no advantage to the town in general in lynching a jester. It satisfies my win condition, but it makes no difference to you guys. Not only that, but I do count towards the town numbers (in terms of outnumbering the mafia). "I don't die the first time I'm lynched" could still have been a lie even if you believed I was a town aligned jester, thus lynching me would still be a bad idea. I really can't think of a time when claiming jester is a good idea for a jester.
Meh, I am looking at it only from town perspective where it could save us lot of time. :-)
Krypsyn: I like grease a lot. It is slippery and it makes things squeak less. I don't like squeaking things, because they tend to distract me while I am trying to think. Thinking is hard enough these days...
Well, okay, as for the claims by GhostQlyph and CSPVG, I don't think they have to be mutually exclusive by any means. I put myself in the position of a moderator that has a naive cop ask to target an untargettable player. I think I might have just returned 'GhostQlyph is Town' to CSPVG as well. It just seems to be more in line with the way a naive cop is supposed to be broken and not deliver and real information.
Eh, I don't like this and I don't want to believe it at all.
No, I really think they are exclusive.
TwilightBard: @Vitek: What I mean is the post you made when you first came in here, about Z's lynch in Day 1. It just really struck me as odd. But it's the only thing I've really got, and I've got odd from a lot of people in this game.
Bah, that's boring and bit too unspecific for you.