GhostQlyph: I find it curious that both Vitek AND JMich dodged the question of hidden powers. Vitek couldn't have MISSED it, so I'm calling scum. JMich's lack of response puts him on a tentative scumlist. Krypsyn's vague comments lead me to believe post restriction+hidden powers, does anyone else disagree?
Why couldn't I missed IT?
You would BE surprised what I CAN miss.
Do not tell me WHAT I did read and what I DIDN'T.
I am not INTERESTED in this again.
I actually READ it but I PAID no attention to it as I misunderstood IT and thought YOU are talking about REAL life. THAT you watched some show which GAVE you informations ABOUT the game.
Even if I got it first TIME, I wouldn't tell you or anyone JACK squat. I don't share INFORMATIONS lighty unless I have good reason to do it. It can range from outing SCUM, CLEARING players to boredom, but it is certainly doesn't contain someone sharing his night flavour.
I don't know what did you expect. Me begging to share MORE info or saying that it HAPPENED to me as well, but if you did, then you apparently don't know ME.
GhostQlyph: JMich and Vitek are the only ones who didn't find the line of questioning (i.e., "SUDDEN HIDDEN POWERS, GAMECHANGING") interesting enough to chime in. Vitek couldn't have missed it. This combines with his scummy dodge of my questioning of his speech. He said outright in his response, "MY COMMENT ABOUT IT OUTSIDE THIS THREAD" -- check my post, I didn't even TALK about that goddamn comment. I talked about Vitek's REFERENCE TO IT which was WRITTEN FOR THIS GAME.
I DID NOT DODGE anything. YOU only ASKED IF I "Care to elaborate?". Well, OK, I never directly answered if I DO CARE to elaborate, I admit that (:-p), but I explained what I meant by IT.
GhostQlyph: And lastly, his complete 180 on my personal confirmed scumplayer amok -- Vitek is CERTAIN to be scum.
Complete 180? May I ask where? I think I missed this one.
Also that's some strong STATEMENT.
GhostQlyph: Vitek and Amok are equally scummy to me now, and Vitek is just walking in the door. I consider him a better target right now.
Better target? What does it MEAN? That I'll be easier to mislynch?
GhostQlyph: That's quite funny, Lifthrasil's tiny posts gave me a vaguely town feel. I just have to wonder why Vitek decided to take over the role when he's doing WORSE than his predecessor?
Well, I thought it was because Zchinque needed replacement and I signed UP as one and I wanted to help, but now you GOT me wondering the same thing.
Why did such poor player as me join the GAME at all?
Krypsyn: I have to admit, I am leaning this way as well. The way he included his outside comments, which were formed with pretty much the same information a town would get, was fine; I like that sort of transparency. But, he then decides to go against his previous reasoning, implying he might have more information, or a bias, from something. However, it could just be Vitek being Vitek. He does tend to let everyone know where he stands at any given moment, which I actually think is fairly pro-town play in general.
Do you realise I never said amok is NOT scum? In fact he is certainly more leaning scum than most OF players.
It's not even that I changed my opinion from outside the thread. MY opinion from before joining was based on his first POST and my (at the time) current impression from it. The things where I doubted myself are from completely different posts which I read before I madde that post FEW days ago. During reading they looked really scummy, but when I typed them down, I realised it sounds as GR in recent game. He was town and fairly new to game there which is similar to amok here, so yeah, I realised it isn't clear scum tell when similar TOWN player did this before. You know, I don't just tunnel with my reads, if I find some of my thoughts may be incorrect Ia m willing to reconsider things.
So call it complete 180 if you want, but don't wonder when I call you Hippie in response. :-)
Krypsyn: So, yeah, I am left a little off balance currently. I want to see how folks respond to the new Day a little more before putting my vote down on someone. It is a bit out of character for me, I admit, but I feel a little like the proverbial rug has been pulled out from under me. I mean, I like rugs fine, but I don't like it when they move under me while I am trying to get my bearings. Nope, not at all. :)
It does sound out of character for you and it is also quite scummy. You want to wait which wagon gains motions before you hop on any?
You opened yourself opportunity to hop on me if things go my way, but at the same moment you stayed uncommited for now.
GhostQlyph: I was conflicted on taking the hammer. On one hand, it was exactly as you said. On the other -- I was in the thread, and it was the low-hanging fruit, and avoiding it would have been SILLY considering I wanted him gone. I actually think that in the long run, NOT grabbing the hammervote would have made me seem more suspect.
Now this is scummy post. Low-hanging FRUIT? What is this? SEARCH for the player who CAN be lynched most easily?
We are not looking FOR low-hanging FRUIT? we are hunting scums.
Riddle me THIS, who is more concerned about not LOOKING too suspect? SCUM or TOWN?
WHO does decides HIS/her actions on trying to look MORE inconspicious?
QuadrAlien: Might I point out something about the mod lynch? Zchinque's role was marked as Town, despite us coming to the conclusion that Third-party was more likely. Could this imply that there are no third-party roles in the game? I'm not sure how helpful this is, and it doesn't really take into account the theory about the two bullets at this stage, but it's at least something to consider.
I don't think I follow. How does it mean there are no neutrals? There most likely are not, but how does mod flipping town proves it?
CSPVG: Gah, I had forgotten that votes don't carry over from one day to the next.
Moving along: I'm not entirely happy with the fact that we're freely sharing PM information, but since everyone else has answered, I should do likewise. I watched a rerun of my favourite television show, in which nothing of interest occured.
Seeing that JoeSapphire was Lisa Williams( Google informs me see is a noted Britsh tv psychic), that the show most of us tuned into was Joe's( i.e that this tv-show business was Joe's night action)?
Also: Does no one think that it would be helpful to rephrase the All players in this game are human: true/false question to be more specific( as I suggest in post 230)?