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GhostQlyph: I think "We should do it because we can!" was only put out by Joe and Damnation. Of those two, Joe comes off as scummy (but not certain-scum) and Damnation is proven townie.

Damnation also had an argument that we would learn the MOST from a mod-lynch (which I did not agree with, though I never explicitly said so) and I don't think I remember you saying otherwise, so I'm not sure where that's coming from. Post number?

We agreed the moderator couldn't have been scum OR TOWN (that last part is important!), and thus was still some kind of a threat. The size of the threat doesn't matter so long as you actually get a threat to town off the table, any disagreement with this is being fooled by hindsight at best and pure scum at worst. (For the record, I'm fairly convinced you're town.)

And I addressed the nightkilling mod thing in my huge post about moderator possibilities. It wasn't unrealistic to think Zchinque may have been planning to use the mod nightkills to direct gameflow in a non-overpowering way, by targeting non-essential targets and only using NKs when they make a big difference. That clearly isn't what was going on, but by having the mod as a player at all you throw fair-play out the window.

Either way, yes, it did end badly in hindsight, but GIVEN THE INFORMATION WE HAD, it wasn't the worst possible choice to make, or even close.
You're right. I mean, we lynched a mod, got no extra information that everyone expected, had no real usable lynchwagon to examine, no case, no claim, no defense, no claim reactions.

It could have been a NOLYNCH! With no real usable lynchwagon to examine, no case, no claim, no defense...I'm starting to feel like I just repeated myself.

And hey, it wouldn't be the first time I mentioned it.
Nope, I think this is the third time I mentioned that stuff about not having anything to examine.

Ok, I'll stop being antagonistic now. But honestly, I brought this up twice before, watched it get brushed off and ignored, I'm a bit cranky about this topic.

And yes, you did address those possibilities. And the more I look at that, it looks like a really great way to get people onto a wagon that they might not have had any real interest on. Of course the mod would have the list of all of who was who, could target the people he wanted, why not get him first?

The more I look at that...the scummier it actually ends up looking to me though.

Zchinque: 2: QuadrAlien brings up an interesting point. If the mod is a player also (which I believe is almost certainly the case), what roles would he have? QuadrAlien's idea of a neutral role is most likely. I disagree with the non-threatening part though. If he wants to micromanage the game flow, he can use a murderous 3PR to get us scrambling, or to lull us into a false sense of security. He can further use his advantages of knowing the game setup to avoid killing very useful targets. He may very well be the only dangerous role in the game -- or worse yet, may be the only dangerous NON-TOWN role! It's safe to say he's not in any faction, but he's certainly not safe to leave laying around regardless.
This reads quite interesting to me, and it sorta looks like it's designed more to draw people to be more interested in lynching the mod. It also makes you really nervous when you're in the middle of Day 1, not quite sure where to go, not sure if your target could be Mafia or not. It also doesn't hold any water when you look at it outside of that. A mod having a NK power? That strikes me as a bit unbalanced, even if the mod tried to play things fairly. Maybe it's possible, but to suggest it outright like that really does strike me as a bit odd. I have to admit it CERTAINLY looks like a Mafia attempt at keeping people focused on the mod and not them.

At this point, I'm not sure I have to look much further for at least one Mafia.

Vote GhostQlyph
I'm not sure I follow you in how the lynching of the mod ended badly. Technically no one died that I can see or am I missing something. I know what the story says but I'm more inclined to think what SirPrimalform stated, we're being trolled by the mod. And also it could have been much worse, we could be down by two townies instead of just one.

I realize this is all common knowledge, but I want to make sure we don't lose sight of what's important here.

The more I've pondered the fact Damnation was shot twice the more I think it is irrelevant. I might think differently if he were stabbed 57 times or something horrible like that (psycho killer stuff). But shot twice just seems like a simple flavor thing. It is possible however he was targeted by two different people since the shots were in the head and neck.

I don't know I still think it's just flavor.
flubbucket: I'm not sure I follow you in how the lynching of the mod ended badly. Technically no one died that I can see or am I missing something. I know what the story says but I'm more inclined to think what SirPrimalform stated, we're being trolled by the mod. And also it could have been much worse, we could be down by two townies instead of just one.

I realize this is all common knowledge, but I want to make sure we don't lose sight of what's important here.

The more I've pondered the fact Damnation was shot twice the more I think it is irrelevant. I might think differently if he were stabbed 57 times or something horrible like that (psycho killer stuff). But shot twice just seems like a simple flavor thing. It is possible however he was targeted by two different people since the shots were in the head and neck.

I don't know I still think it's just flavor.
(First, the quote attributed to Z was supposed to be post 155, not 115 as I typoed.)

I'm not sure how to explain this without feeling like I'm talking down. But usual setup with a lynch. We have our wagon, the cases that people use to justify their vote and reason for being on the wagon, defenses and reactions from the lynchee to those cases, and then a claim. From the claim we have reactions to it, and more justification of votes. There's good information there, even in a Day 1 lynch (provided it's not a race to the deadline) when you look at it from a more detached perspective, like being in Day 2. The problem with this is, we had no claim, no real cases, no defense, no reaction, and no claim reaction. It makes it a lot harder to look at. It's also the exact information you end up with from a nolynch. Day 1 nolynch is bad, mmmmkay?

Yeah, there were reasons, but let's be honest, none of them were really good. A few of them boiled down to 'Because we can', and honestly that's what most of them felt like to me, except for Ghosts, which looks odd in that view. For the most part though, we're not in any better position information wise then we were in Day 1, which is the same from the nolynch perspective. We gave the Mafia a free kill, and got nothing in return.

Two shots sounds more like double-tap, two shots to make sure the target has been killed. That does give us a bit of information in the long run, since it runs the implied of a more, orderly kill. At the very least it implies more functional or rational thought.
TwilightBard my post was originally a reply at GhostQlyph.
flubbucket: TwilightBard my post was originally a reply at GhostQlyph.
Oh....oops....I was looking for a good debate to offset some of the depressing shit from Lost Odyssey (Finally getting around to finishing this damn RPG)
flubbucket: TwilightBard my post was originally a reply at GhostQlyph.
TwilightBard: Oh....oops....I was looking for a good debate to offset some of the depressing shit from Lost Odyssey (Finally getting around to finishing this damn RPG)
So I guess now you're free to go buy Diablo 3.....
I kind of agree with TwilightBard... (good thing he did not get shot)....

I think we jumped the gun with lynching the mod, it can have been done any time, and I now kind of regret I joined in on it. The more I think and feel about it, the voices whispers to me many underlying reasons to feel bad about it and that there may have been something else behind that lynch. The voices are vague about what they may be, though, it is just a feeling so far.

The voices whispers that it would have been very unlikely that the mod would have been scum, either town or neutral, and just for this reason he should have been kept alive. If he was town, we lynched a wrong person, and if he was neutral, he might have been able to produce information we know can not get...

Anyway, I have watched a rather boring and uneventful TV show. All those channels and nothing good is on.
GhostQlyph: I find it curious that both Vitek AND JMich dodged the question of hidden powers. Vitek couldn't have MISSED it, so I'm calling scum. JMich's lack of response puts him on a tentative scumlist. Krypsyn's vague comments lead me to believe post restriction+hidden powers, does anyone else disagree?
I assume you mean this question?

GhostQlyph: First thing's first, I'll say it outright: I apparently watched a TV show that told me some game related information this morning. (Not saying what, because it's not very helpful to anyone at all right now, and may become useful in the days ahead.) Who else found out about a hidden, uncontrollable power?
There's a very simple reason why I didn't mention anything about it. The information I received is currently irrelevant. It told me nothing interesting happened to one of us, that I'd rather not name yet. It is one of the players who confirmed to have watched something.
I do love the fact that the one asking this question is an "Evil TV Overlord" though, and the information was passed through a "TV show". So, food for thought. Did we all get information concering the same player, or different ones? Why is that important? Simple, if we all get information on one player, then it's probably someone using his powers to broadcast one feed to all of us. If it's information on different players, then it is possible it's a "hidden, uncontrollable power". And while I would love to ask you all if any of you got information on yourselves, I still don't know if you would tell the truth or not.

Let me also ask you this, what makes you think I was dodging the question? Why specifically me? Why not ask amok or flubbucket (since they have already posted this day), JoeSapphire or QuadrAlien who still haven't posted? Then there's also CSPVG but he does have computer trouble, so I can understand why you wouldn't question him right now.
Okay I'll bite. I did get a post (PM) from Zchinque. It had some silly flavor stuff (seems I watched TV) and then it told me that no one visited one of the players last night.

At first I thought he had sent me a PM meant for someone else by mistake. I replied back and have since heard nothing in response.

How odd...
I wanted to state for the record, my PM had nothing to do with the TV Overlord. No power just odd information.
JMich: Let me also ask you this, what makes you think I was dodging the question? Why specifically me? Why not ask amok or flubbucket (since they have already posted this day), JoeSapphire or QuadrAlien who still haven't posted? Then there's also CSPVG but he does have computer trouble, so I can understand why you wouldn't question him right now.
I managed to ninja you :)

Anyway, I am not sure what the TV shows mean. I am also not sure if we are watching the same shows, as SirPrimalform said his was interesting, (I guess it is what he was referring to in this post) while nothing happened in mine. From this there are two possible conclusions:

1 - SirPrimalform found that it was interesting to see this happen - even if nothing interesting happened during the TV show
2 - SirPrimalform had an interesting experience during the TV show.

If it is the former, then we may be possibly be watching the same show, if it is the later, then I think we are watching a different show each.

I am making the assumption here that we all have been watching a TV show and something may or may not happen during it. And, bottom line, I am not sure what to do about the information from the show... yet... I think there are only two ways of getting clarifications on this issue:

1 - We are all open and tell exactly what the shows are about.
2 - We wait until next night and see if it happens again, and if there is a pattern.

That is all I can say about the shows so far.
I'm going to pose a question so players can answer with some degree of safety.

Was the show you watched your favorite show or a classic show and was it a rerun or a new episode?

Answer as much as you feel comfortable with.
GhostQlyph: I think "We should do it because we can!" was only put out by Joe and Damnation. Of those two, Joe comes off as scummy (but not certain-scum) and Damnation is proven townie.
I did hold opinions of a similar nature, I said that the fact we can do it means there's probably a reason we can do it and if there's a reason we can do it then we should probably do it.
I'm such a bean head. Posted question without my information. I watched my favorite rerun.
flubbucket: I'm such a bean head. Posted question without my information. I watched my favorite rerun.
"favourite television shows"