Damnation: Bard, not saying we should attempt lynching Zchinque, but this is complete horseshit, and you know it. IF the mod is lynchable, he's the single person right now we would learn the most from by lynching, as it would give us a larger insight into how the game is constructed. Need evidence? Check ANY other game where the mod has been a player. It's not that he needs to be mafia or town, or anything else, it's that his lynch will provide the most information.
Well, first off, I've never read another game where the mod has been a player. And, to be honest, with rules that seem to be based towards insanity, he might not be a player, just messing with our heads. What I'm concerned with right now is that lynching the mod, even if it does give us some minor piece of information, removes our ability to read into the lynch. We have a wagon, but no case (Because we can isn't a case), a defense, reactions, a claim, there's a lot of information that we potentially lose at this point. And a vote record does help the town.
As far as my scum reads. I'm curious of Damnation and SPF, due to the lynch the mod call, but I'm not really sure. I think I'm gonna reread tomorrow and see what pieces stick together. Too tired right now, not gonna change my vote right now with my mind sorta, half asleep. Will add more in the morrow.