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flubbucket: This sounds like the patter of a three card monte hustler. I'm not falling for that old game.
JoeSapphire: Is the only reason you're against it because other people want to do it?
I'm against it because I do not know enough about it, and I do think it will break the game somehow...
Some hours have passed since the security locks surprisingly opened. The doors that lead outside the living quarters are still securely locked. You're not going anywhere, and least not anytime soon. and whoever it was that attacked GLaDOS and let you out of your rooms certainly wouldn't do so out of the kindness of their heart.

You all convene in one of the common rooms. Confusion is running high, and tempers are flaring. What are you going to do? The staff outside won't enter nor let you out until everything is back in order. It seems you are on your own for now.

During a lull in discussion someone suggests a seance, as a way to get some guidance. What the hell, you think, anything to get a break from this constant bickering.

The lights are turned down, candles are lit, and you all sit in a circle. Someone starts humming softly. Some sort of children's tune. A quick look shuts them up, though.

"Oh great spirits, allknowing one, please lend us your guidance and give us your answers."

"Do we have townies with a post restriction forcing them to lie?

Nothing happens. A deafening silence rings in your ears.

Then a piercing shriek chills you to the bone. A gust of wind blows out most of the candles. A dark, ghastly voice fills the room.

Post edited August 28, 2013 by Zchinque

GhostQlyph - 2 - Lifthrasil, CSPVG
Zchinque - 2 - SirPrimalform, JoeSapphire
amok - 2 - GhostQlyph, Krypsyn
SirPrimalform - 2 - amok, TwilightBard
flubbucket - 1 - Damnation
JoeSapphire - 1 - flubbucket

Not voting - 2 - QuadrAlien, JMich

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

I will shamelessly admit to giggling.
Sorry never finished that list like I promised. Off-forum stuffs! I'll finish it in a sec, but first I want to poke at this.

CSPVG: However, for the time being, my vote will be staying on GhostQlyph. I'm still not happy with your Oh, I was just being wacky for RVS thing. This is mainly because I believe we were out of RVS by the time we started discussing lynching the mod, which as I remember it was pretty early on, yet you still persisted with your charade. Add to that your very blatant claim, and I think you look quite suspect.
RVS often fails to have a clear end point, and I've not had as much time at my liberty as I'd like to determine such. I'd say (from my perspective) RVS ended around post 83, when flubbucket started putting some meat into his posts and a number of others suddenly shifted gears into Serious Mode. Yes, I did continue until post 136 with my shenanigans, but at that point people were pinning all sorts of wonderful theories on me and I found it hilarious. I wanted to keep pushing it.

Then I got somewhat ill and my tastes for the whole thing sorta soured. I had all these wonderful arguments I wanted to expand upon, I had a pretty desperate need to explain why I voted Amok, and I wanted to agree with Lifthrasil about LAL, and I just couldn't pull the right amount of material out. So yeah, maybe it seems scummy but I'm not going to care too much. We're past it now and Amok with his attempt to yoink on someone's post restrictions to further some agenda of his (seriously, go back and read those posts) is as scummy as it comes.

Are Krypsyn and I the only ones who noticed Amok was acting transparently scummy?

Moving on! Yes, I've soft-claimed, but hell, I encourage you to see it however the hell you like. Because I brought it up for one purpose and one purpose only, and if you're going to argue that MAYBE THERE ISN'T AN ACTUAL TOWN FACTION then we should probably lynch you now and have done with it -- every actual Townie here knows better. I brought it up specifically to explain that JMich's idea doesn't change how town should act, which is absolutely true. If you'd like to argue it, please, go ahead, make yourself an obvious target. And if I'm wrong, I'll own up to it. Put another way, the town claim was used specifically to illustrate a point, and that point would stand even if I wasn't town.


Here's the rest of that list I was making.

2: QuadrAlien brings up an interesting point. If the mod is a player also (which I believe is almost certainly the case), what roles would he have? QuadrAlien's idea of a neutral role is most likely. I disagree with the non-threatening part though. If he wants to micromanage the game flow, he can use a murderous 3PR to get us scrambling, or to lull us into a false sense of security. He can further use his advantages of knowing the game setup to avoid killing very useful targets. He may very well be the only dangerous role in the game -- or worse yet, may be the only dangerous NON-TOWN role! It's safe to say he's not in any faction, but he's certainly not safe to leave laying around regardless.

3: JoeSapphire's breakdown of the possibilities with Zchinque is partially right: IF HE CAN BE LYNCHED, THERE IS NO REASON NOT TO.
The other half is dangerously naive.
a: He could be lynch immune -- this is equivalent to nolynch. This is correct.
b: Nothing happens? Are you kidding? NO. We will lose the lynch if he can't be lynched -- period. That doesn't mean it isn't worth doing, but it means that it's hella risky.
c: We're missing some other stuff: like the lynch being randomly redirected!
d: Or lynching the hammer.
e: Fill in your own horrible horrorstory outcome here.

I don't think those later ones are particularly likely, but they still COULD happen. Zchinque's setup seems to be "be a paranoid schizophrenic", and trust me -- "if we lynchvote an unlynchable target, that day is nolynch" seems positively REASONABLE by comparison with some of the other terrible things around.

Again: I support voting Zchinque still, but it's something that is best done at arms length, when no other target seems remotely reasonable. (This is why I was quick to vote amok.)

4: SirPrimalform's suggestion of night actions is bad for similar reasons -- JoeSapphire mentioned one reason why: Sanity. YOU CANNOT TRUST YOURSELF. Your nightactions are unreliable. YOU MAY IN FACT BE THE DEMONS. (I don't think you will become a zombie.) But similarly -- night action failure, night action BACKFIRING (let's not try nightkilling Zchinque, vigilantes!), night action redirecting, and on, and on...

It is EQUALLY bad as lynching though -- perhaps less so, because town still has one target they can agree needs to "take one for the town", perhaps moreso because town can have its lynches misdirected by scumplayers. Rounds out to about equal.

5: I don't know whether to take flubbucket's over-the-top scumhunting as scummy or town. It seems like he's just lashing out at everyone, then clinging to what sticks like the second coming. That's basic aggressive scumplay, if I'm not mistaken. However, it's also very good Day 1 townplay. I got my eye on him, I suggest others keep watching him too.


Regarding the latest flavor:

"Forcing them to lie."

Anyone care to set up a quick quiz of true/false and see who dodges? I doubt it'd be that easy but goddamn if we can't TRY. The quick n dirty metric isn't a bad deal when we have 4 vote wagons of equal size, two single-vote wagons and two no-vote players.
GhostQlyph: Regarding the latest flavor:

"Forcing them to lie."

Anyone care to set up a quick quiz of true/false and see who dodges? I doubt it'd be that easy but goddamn if we can't TRY. The quick n dirty metric isn't a bad deal when we have 4 vote wagons of equal size, two single-vote wagons and two no-vote players.
That's simple, the problem comes with people being smartasses.

All of the players in this game are human: True/False.

My answer: True
GhostQlyph: Regarding the latest flavor:

"Forcing them to lie."

Anyone care to set up a quick quiz of true/false and see who dodges? I doubt it'd be that easy but goddamn if we can't TRY. The quick n dirty metric isn't a bad deal when we have 4 vote wagons of equal size, two single-vote wagons and two no-vote players.
TwilightBard: That's simple, the problem comes with people being smartasses.

All of the players in this game are human: True/False.

My answer: True
My answer: True.

Smartassery is tempting, but this is the best method we have to start a proper lynch wagon before Fearless Leader decides we've been taking too long and starts the countdown.

By the way, curious if you have any scumreads as of yet, Twilight?
I am not sure I like ghosts (or whatever that was) telling me people are liars. Maybe a game or something will take my mind off the evil spirits... Ooh, Turing Test time?! Fun game! Okay, maybe not exactly the Turing Test, but close enough that I'll play along.

I choose "Yes", I am human. Was that the right answer? Do I get a cookie, or perhaps cake? I like cake. Please don't tell me you were lying about the cake... :(
Oh, bother, don't you hate it when you forget what you were supposed to do halfway through doing it? I certainly don't like it at all. It seems I got so caught up with day-dreaming about computers trying to act sapient, I forgot what exactly the question had been. I think it is fitting that we are talking about Turing though, since we truly do have our own little "Enigma" to deal with here. I like enigmas sometimes; they are occasionally fun to puzzle out. I could do without the evil spirits messing around in my enigmas though...

Oh, right, the actual answer to the real question:

All of the players in this game are human: True/False.

To the best of my knowledge, the answer would be "True". I don't believe that anyone playing this game is not human.
Krypsyn: Oh, bother, don't you hate it when you forget what you were supposed to do halfway through doing it? I certainly don't like it at all. It seems I got so caught up with day-dreaming about computers trying to act sapient, I forgot what exactly the question had been. I think it is fitting that we are talking about Turing though, since we truly do have our own little "Enigma" to deal with here. I like enigmas sometimes; they are occasionally fun to puzzle out. I could do without the evil spirits messing around in my enigmas though...

Oh, right, the actual answer to the real question:

All of the players in this game are human: True/False.

To the best of my knowledge, the answer would be "True". I don't believe that anyone playing this game is not human.
I'm not just yet going to take my vote off of Amok (I want to see what Amok says, I have a feeling this isn't going to be as easy as it looks) but I think we found 1 of potentially MULTIPLE lie-required posters.
GhostQlyph: I'm not just yet going to take my vote off of Amok (I want to see what Amok says, I have a feeling this isn't going to be as easy as it looks) but I think we found 1 of potentially MULTIPLE lie-required posters.
Well, how about this.

I want everyone to post this, I want to see this EXACT.

All of the players in this game are human: True/False.

Just that sentence...and ONE word answer please.

And, my read in a minute, I was writing a post that just went poof on me. Stupid me rereading things from that window <.<
All of the players in this game are human: True/False
Krypsyn: Oh, bother, don't you hate it when you forget what you were supposed to do halfway through doing it? I certainly don't like it at all. It seems I got so caught up with day-dreaming about computers trying to act sapient, I forgot what exactly the question had been. I think it is fitting that we are talking about Turing though, since we truly do have our own little "Enigma" to deal with here. I like enigmas sometimes; they are occasionally fun to puzzle out. I could do without the evil spirits messing around in my enigmas though...

Oh, right, the actual answer to the real question:

All of the players in this game are human: True/False.

To the best of my knowledge, the answer would be "True". I don't believe that anyone playing this game is not human.
GhostQlyph: I'm not just yet going to take my vote off of Amok (I want to see what Amok says, I have a feeling this isn't going to be as easy as it looks) but I think we found 1 of potentially MULTIPLE lie-required posters.
All of the players in this game are human: True/False? True

If the mod is a player, and one player is forced to lie - what if the mod is the one who are forced to lie? echoing opening statement "1. Don't trust me."?
Post edited August 29, 2013 by amok
All of the players in this game are human: True/False.


(cue questioning of username and/or avatar) :P
GhostQlyph: I'm not just yet going to take my vote off of Amok (I want to see what Amok says, I have a feeling this isn't going to be as easy as it looks) but I think we found 1 of potentially MULTIPLE lie-required posters.
I suppose I like verbiage too much for my own good. Very well, although I dislike being so terse, I will make my reply in a more direct manner to allay your suspicions.

All of the players in this game are human: True/False.

How boring. I don't like this game any more. You guys are NO FUN!