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Hai guyse wheres systam shock
I certainly agree that the last few weeks have offered very little of interest, but that is kind of usual with GOG. Some good periods followed by some not so good periods. And when you start feeling really bored with their releases, they suddenly do something great and you'll be all excited again.
Why is it people are never happy we have a stack of Good old games here and there has been a number of old games released lately. Ok one or two may not be old old but i think 5 years and abbove is old in terms of the fact most publishers have stopped supporting those games within 5 years.

And if a hacked version of a game works on a modern pc and s given by the original guys who made it then i am fine with that as well. Wouldnt you want a game that works rather than not having the game playable at all.
eyeliner: (this is my first post, actually, so: Hi!)
serpantino: Welcome. :-)
Thank you. :)
aluinie: Why is it people are never happy we have a stack of Good old games here and there has been a number of old games released lately. Ok one or two may not be old old but i think 5 years and abbove is old in terms of the fact most publishers have stopped supporting those games within 5 years.

And if a hacked version of a game works on a modern pc and s given by the original guys who made it then i am fine with that as well. Wouldnt you want a game that works rather than not having the game playable at all.
On the Internet, there always someone who HAS to be against the tide.
TealKobold: Now i don't know what the Deal is with GOG...
But as far as the name is (Good old games)...
I feel as if they are slowly diverting from that path...
Witcher 2 aint freaking old game.
Neither would i say Arma (gold) is...
Yeah, the Witcher 2 is a definite exception; I let that one slide, as well as some new-ish GOOD ones, but Empire Earth 3 and Sensible Soccer? :P (I'm sure my opinion on this is getting old to some people, but I just don't care too much about DRM right now.)
You should calm down.
TealKobold: Now i don't know what the Deal is with GOG...
But as far as the name is (Good old games)...
I feel as if they are slowly diverting from that path...
Witcher 2 aint freaking old game.
Neither would i say Arma (gold) is...

Whats the Deal with GoG?

Also... lately all the cool games (in my opinion) i have gotten of late seems to be "Hacked" versions of the original... like POD (Gold) ...

Can someone please tell me wtf happened to the old games?
And can someone tell me why GOG only has shitty cracked games which hardly works?

Maybe i have just been unlucky with my purchases and gotten the games that GOG could not "fix" - But then why would they even try?

Why aren't GOG just "selling" the original CD? or at least let people have the option to download an ISO of the original CD so they can burn it and enjoy the GOG... instead of those 2nd class cracked games??

Do i sound annoyed? well maybe i am a bit... now i won't demand money back , because i know that won't happen anyways... what i do demand is at least be given a freaking explanation to their actions...

Also don't tell me to calm down, if i do, i'll fall asleep... all i want is some answers to GOGs activities...
Arguing about their delivery method is pretty baseless. The "cracked" versions that GOG sells function no worse (and in most cases better) than the original CD versions, and if you really want to be able to burn the games to disk, just learn how to make an autorun.inf file and burn that and the GOG installer to a disk. It's effectively no different than burning an ISO.

If you were complaining about the recent releases on the site, I'd have to agree. There hasn't been a game that has interested me since Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath and I already own the original Xbox version. I'd love to see a better selection of new old games (still waiting on Armed & Dangerous, for instance), but that's up to GOG to negotiate with the publishers. If the companies don't want to sign on with GOG to re-release their games, that's something we all have to deal with.
I think we all want some kind of game from the past as well as a chance to get some slightly newer games that for what ever reason we couldn't get at a price we feel is fair.

This all boils down to the publishers agreeing to let GOG do their magic and again the publishers to get onboard in the first place. We are lucky that we have the games that we do and at the price they are at.

So while you and a few others may feel like the GOG site could be more. Do be greatful that there any titles at all for you to actually choose.

RangerSolo: I think we all want some kind of game from the past as well as a chance to get some slightly newer games that for what ever reason we couldn't get at a price we feel is fair.

This all boils down to the publishers agreeing to let GOG do their magic and again the publishers to get onboard in the first place. We are lucky that we have the games that we do and at the price they are at.

So while you and a few others may feel like the GOG site could be more. Do be greatful that there any titles at all for you to actually choose.

I read this post in Harrison Ford's voice, and it was badass.
Well seing as so many wants me to calm down, i'm just gonna go ignore what people have told so far and go sleep for...

And tomorrow i'll come back and complain about why GoG chose to use green buttons and not pink buttons with rainbows and pretty flowers...
TealKobold: Well seing as so many wants me to calm down, i'm just gonna go ignore what people have told so far and go sleep for...

And tomorrow i'll come back and complain about why GoG chose to use green buttons and not pink buttons with rainbows and pretty flowers...
OK. So instead of constructive criticism you just want to complain just to be complaining? Even when the ones who have at least gave you some opinions or their thoughts you'll just turn a blind eye to it all?

I'm not jumping on you but at least you can clearly see the point being made. Or did I miss a tongue and cheek moment?
RangerSolo: I think we all want some kind of game from the past as well as a chance to get some slightly newer games that for what ever reason we couldn't get at a price we feel is fair.

This all boils down to the publishers agreeing to let GOG do their magic and again the publishers to get onboard in the first place. We are lucky that we have the games that we do and at the price they are at.

So while you and a few others may feel like the GOG site could be more. Do be greatful that there any titles at all for you to actually choose.

Fuzzyfireball: I read this post in Harrison Ford's voice, and it was badass.
Fuzzy, you just scored major points on that one. :p
Post edited November 10, 2011 by RangerSolo
TealKobold: Well seing as so many wants me to calm down, i'm just gonna go ignore what people have told so far and go sleep for...

And tomorrow i'll come back and complain about why GoG chose to use green buttons and not pink buttons with rainbows and pretty flowers...
RangerSolo: OK. So instead of constructive criticism you just want to complain just to be complaining? Even when the ones who have at least gave you some opinions or their thoughts you'll just turn a blind eye to it all?

I'm not jumping on you but at least you can clearly see the point being made. Or did I miss a tongue and cheek moment?
Fuzzyfireball: I read this post in Harrison Ford's voice, and it was badass.
RangerSolo: Fuzzy, you just scored major points on that one. :p
I was being sarcastic, sorry if it seemed i did not...

I'm greatfull for the replies.
It it answered at least most of the questions...

I don't really got anything else to say to this matter, i got what i wanted -- Answers ..
And now i'll complain about the green buttons:

<Insert caps written complaint about the green buttons here>

<Insert complaint about self here>