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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it’s easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. Of course Fallout, Baldur’s Gate, and some other of our most popular titles will always get a lot of attention, but GOG has many more classics to bring you. To help encourage you to explore the dustier reaches of GOG’s catalog, we’re going to be offering a promo on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Think of it as a curated promo on some of GOG’s favorite titles that you may not have played. Whether we’re encouraging you to explore incredible new worlds or inviting you to see how a titanic series got its start, we think every game we’re going to be offering on our GOG Gem Promos will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

For our inaugural GOG Gem Promo, we’d like to introduce you to a serious friend of ours. His name is Sam. Released by Croatian developers CroTeam in 2002 when games were becoming ever more “realistic” (by which most developers seemed to mean “brown”), Serious Sam: The First Encounter was a throwback to the button-mashing, alien-killing days of shooters gone bye. Saturated with color and packed with so many bizarre enemies (headless monsters with bombs for hands, anyone?) that your screen would fill with literally hundreds of them, Serious Sam’s combination of gameplay and wacky world-building made it a huge success. The First Encounter has been available on GOG since August of 2010. While it’s not the HD version you can find elsewhere, the gameplay is untouched, and for $2.39 you owe it to yourself to skip that post-lunch latte and get serious.

This promo will run from 12:00 noon GMT today all the way to 11.59 GMT tomorrow. Grab your copy of Serious Sam: The First Encounter while it’s hot, and stay tuned for our next promo in two weeks!

(Hint: It won’t be Serious Sam: The Second Encounter)
The observant of you will notice that this is pretty much a "Flash Promo" like we ran in February. We'll be doing these on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Hope you guys like it!
Post edited March 23, 2011 by TheEnigmaticT
Nice one... looking forward in two weeks, maybe a game I like to buy :)
TheEnigmaticT: The observant of you will notice that this is pretty much a "Flash Promo" like we ran in February. We'll be doing these on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Hope you guys like it!
Sounds like a good idea to me.
Glad to see the flash promos are back.
TheEnigmaticT: The observant of you will notice that this is pretty much a "Flash Promo" like we ran in February. We'll be doing these on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Hope you guys like it!
Would have been better if it was a weekly event like before, but hey, they're still discounts, can't complain about that!
Post edited March 23, 2011 by GoJays2025
That's great news about the "new" flash... sorry, GEM promos.
If I did not own Serious Sam, I definitely would have bought it now... :)
Post edited March 23, 2011 by Nordwolf
TheEnigmaticT: The observant of you will notice that this is pretty much a "Flash Promo" like we ran in February. We'll be doing these on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Hope you guys like it!
it would be better though if you did them every wednesday to be honest but I suppose thanks for this at least

Also: I already got both of the Serious Sam games during the christmas promo for 3 bucks each but everyone should get this game if they haven't yet :)

Edit: there is a spelling mistake in the newspost

"incredibel new worlds "

Double edit: That was fixed quickly, but don't think I didn't see that GOG team :p
Post edited March 23, 2011 by Roman5
Roman5: Edit: there is a spelling mistake in the newspost

"incredibel new worlds "

Double edit: That was fixed quickly, but don't think I didn't see that GOG team :p
I actually spotted it before you posted it, thus accounting for the uncanny speed with which the edit was made. Thanks, though, for the sharp eye.
I already bought the HD versions of both for 2 or 3 bucks last year from Steam, but maybe I'll still get this one for nostalgia's sake.. I haven't decided yet.
The flash promo thing (perhaps we should call it midweek madness?) I really like.
Hey now, I think indeed no one should complain it's not a weekly event; before February, we didn't even have anything like it!
Good idea to have lesser-known games featured in such promos, it reminds me of the Hidden Gem of the Week games.
I do miss the big sales where there would be whole catalogs for 50% off individual games. I guess those were a little too discounted considering the relatively small size of the GOG archives.

I'd buy this in a flash if I hadn't gotten the First and Second encounters and both HD remakes for a total of $4 on Steam over the Christmas sale. For anyone that doesn't have this, though...great fun.

Looking forward to the next promo. Good to know the schedule :)
Cool a real Serious Promo. Sadly got the 2 already but a great deal for anyone yet to pick them up
Does this version has a multiplayer mode?
Just got it. Thanks! :)