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As our catalogue gets bigger and better every week, it’s easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. To help encourage you to explore the dustier reaches of’s catalogue, we’re going to be offering a fantastic deal on a forgotten gem from our catalog on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Whether we’re encouraging you to explore incredible new worlds or inviting you to see how a titanic series got its start, we think every game we’re going to be offering on our GOG Gem Promos will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.
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<span class="bold">For the next 24 hours, [url=]Guilty Gear X2 #Reload is just $2.39 on

Guilty Gear, a series of 2D-fighting games, is well known for it colorful high-res graphics, hard rock/heavy metal soundtrack, unique gameplay and insane combos. Guilty Gear X2 #Reload further balances the play and adds even more to the cast of characters unmatched by any other PC fighter you know. 20 combatants are all primed with an arsenal of insane jaw-dropping moves and combos. Nine (!) game modes include 1v1 (obviously), Training, Survival, Mission, and even a Story mode with an engaging storyline for a rocking single player experience.

If you’re into classic arcade fighting get Guilty Gear X2 #Reload now!.
If you’re into beautiful 2D sprite-based graphics grab Guilty Gear X2 #Reload 60% off.
If you’re into brutal duels with heavy-metal setting buy Guilty Gear X2 #Reload on for only $2.39!

This offer ends Thursday 2 Feb at 6:59 EST so do not wait.
Superb beat-em-up, a rare genre on the PC. Would urge anyone to give it a go at this price.
I'm not THAT much into fighting games anymore, but I used to play them a lot and I really like this one's style. And for 2 bucks? Heh... Grabbed.
I hadn't even notice that game before. GOG's catalogue is indeed getting bigger.
A couple of questions for the knowledgeable .
Is it like a street fighter type of game or more like a side scrolling beat 'em up?
And is it enjoyable without a gamepad?
I'm definitely curious, and almost willing to bite. Can anyone tell me how newbie friendly the game is? For comparison, the only fighting game I've ever managed to understand was Soul Calibur 2.
AndyBuzz: Is it like a street fighter type of game or more like a side scrolling beat 'em up?
It's more like Street Fighter as far as I know.
Post edited February 01, 2012 by PenutBrittle
A good deal, but not my kind of game. Roll on next next Wednesday? ^_^

Edit: Thanks to WrathOfTheAngels, I get to try this. I suck at fighting games, but they're fun when I don't get curb stomped repeatedly. Hope the AIs in this aren't too hard.
Post edited February 01, 2012 by maycett
Everyone should buy this amazing game, even if just for the soundtrack.

Just a shame that the third party network patch doesn't work with the english version.
well this sure looks nice, but does it have online multipayer?
i don't really have who to play it with at home.
Is this at least on par with King of Fighters?
morciu: well this sure looks nice, but does it have online multipayer?
i don't really have who to play it with at home.
It does have online if you manage to find the japanese version. There might be a patch for english versions out now, though, as it was a very long time since I last looked.
The netcode is even better than BlazBlue's.
What is the girl on the third shot doing?
grviper: What is the girl on the third shot doing?
It's Japanese, I don't think you want to know.

(Maybe it's a spell to summon tentacles!)
grviper: What is the girl on the third shot doing?
Fenixp: It's Japanese, I don't think you want to know.

(Maybe it's a spell to summon tentacles!)
*looks closer*
What's that pink thing on the floor behind her? And why is she blushing?
morciu: well this sure looks nice, but does it have online multipayer?
i don't really have who to play it with at home.
Xzaril: It does have online if you manage to find the japanese version. There might be a patch for english versions out now, though, as it was a very long time since I last looked.
The netcode is even better than BlazBlue's.
so there's no use for the gog version?
Fenixp: It's Japanese, I don't think you want to know.

(Maybe it's a spell to summon tentacles!)
grviper: *looks closer*
What's that pink thing on the floor behind her? And why is she blushing?
Hmmm.... How I should I put it?
You're talking about Bridget and Bridget is NOT a girl -- he's a boy!