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As our catalogue gets bigger and better every week, it’s easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. To help encourage you to explore the dustier reaches of’s catalogue, we’re going to be offering a fantastic deal on a forgotten gem from our catalog on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Whether we’re encouraging you to explore incredible new worlds or inviting you to see how a titanic series got its start, we think every game we’re going to be offering on our GOG Gem Promos will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

Grab yourself [url=]Darkstar One for only $3.99 for the next 24 hours. It’s a space action adventure game with vivid graphics, an enthralling storyline, and freedom of exploration. You take control of the titular Darkstar One, a ship with a huge mystery hidden inside of it. You will surely decide the fate of the galaxy, but will you be the hero or the bane of it? You play as Keyton Jarvis, who discovers new clues surrounding a secret your murdered father was hiding. Upgrade your spaceship to your needs: either go fast and agile; or buff up the armor, get yourself some heavy guns, and just slowly fight your way through. Either way, the innovative upgrade system allows you to play the game the way you want.

Wait no longer, buckle up, tank yer fuel and grab Darkstar One 60% off for only $3.99!
Yes, yees, YEES!

Oh wait... I already have it. O_o
Is it a gem?
grviper: Is it a gem?
Yes, especially due to the lack of recent similar games
it's worth buying?
l0rdtr3k: it's worth buying?
Yes, especially due to the lack of recent similar games
$10, dang. I got this one from the Patricians and Merchants pack on Steam for 2.50 a year or more back, and it was bundled with 2 other games(Patrician 3, The great Arts race). Granted that was on a sale but I doubt the whole pack was more than $10 and that was for years at least. Seems they uncoupled the pack and are selling it seperately now though. (for a similar price)

Drawback of oldies gaining popularity again I guess, prices going back up. Can't say I've ever played it, I just wanted Patrician 3 at the time xD
Post edited January 18, 2012 by Pheace
SimonG: Yes, especially due to the lack of recent similar games
the X 3 series?

methinks everyone would be better off to just wait till tomorrow and pick up Syndicate instead. that's what i'll do.
This game was a lot of fun, particularily for this price point. If your on the fence now is a perfect time to try it.

In the game you can pick and choose side missions as you see fit, customizing your ship to your style of play is great and the graphics for this type of game are really good. That said, voice acting could be better and the side missions can feel repetitive if you do too many of the same type.

Again, for the price, if you like or have any interest in space combat sims I would recommend that you give this one a try.
Wow, there's a lot of negative user reviews for this one.

I think I'll just stick with Space Rangers 2.
Pheace: $10, dang. I got this one from the Patricians and Merchants pack on Steam for 2.50 a year or more back, and it was bundled with 2 other games(Patrician 2, The great Arts race). Granted that was on a sale but I doubt the whole pack was more than $10 and that was for years at least. Seems they uncoupled the pack and are selling it seperately now though. (for a similar price)

Drawback of oldies gaining popularity again I guess, prices going back up. Can't say I've ever played it, I just wanted Patrician 2 at the time xD
In that case you should've been disappointed since the Patricians & Merchants Box doesn't contain Patrician 2. It does contain Patrician 3 though.

10$ list price for Dark Star One is pretty steep if you look at the prices that other services have asked for that game when it was on sale. However, the game _is_ pretty decent, and buying it somewhere else does nothing to support GOG's "DRM-free only" stance. :)
Psyringe: In that case you should've been disappointed since the Patricians & Merchants Box doesn't contain Patrician 2. It does contain Patrician 3 though.
Doh, meant 3 yeah... lol
It's neither particularly good nor particularly old, but if you're into mediocre space games, well...
Does this require a joystick? Or enough with kb/m?
kalmis666: Does this require a joystick? Or enough with kb/m?
I play it with the mouse and keyboards ;)