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It's alive!

A few weeks ago, I discovered (like many of you, I'm sure) a game on my shelf I didn't even know I had: Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games. When I realized GOG offered no manual, and after having to hunt down manuals for other old games in the past, I wanted a single place where I could find manuals or gameplay information: in short, a GOGMix was in order. I've been working on it since, and have just finished (for now; more on that below).

Being an almost exclusive player of older games, when I titled the Mix I didn't realize that most games released these days have no manual (*.pdf or otherwise). Because of this, I tried to mention if each game includes a tutorial, help screen, or if it teaches the player the controls through gameplay. I also tried to include links to relevant Wikis, FAQs, Let's Plays, or Walkthroughs (or, failing any of those, the developer's forum). Some games are so new, that not much can be found yet, but information will be added in future versions of the mix.

This mix is organic. That is, it will continue to grow and change as links die out, better ones (with more useful information) appear, manuals surface, and games are added to GOG. If you feel this mix is useful, please give it a "Like" so that it has a better chance of appearing on relevant game profile pages (this way, purchasers of games without manuals have something to turn to right away).

If you have any comments, criticisms, or suggestions, please feel free to give shout out below, or send me a PM. I believe I've gone through every game on GOG and I believe the mix is complete at this time, but I may have missed something, or you may know of a link that's more helpful than one I've included.

Thanks for looking, and I hope this will be useful to people. Cheers!
Post edited October 16, 2013 by SpiderFighter
Surprised to see alot of new games without a manual.
I might be able with old manuals, if i know which ones of those are missing.
Post edited October 16, 2013 by lugum
lugum: Surprised to see alot of new games without a manual.
Me too! I really was overwhelmed with how many there were, but I guess it makes sense these days. I'm old school, so I always looked at the manual (and box art) as part of the overall experience.

But then, I miss album art and liner notes, too. :P
Post edited October 16, 2013 by SpiderFighter
Added Aarklash Legacy.
Great idea - thanks for doing it.

I've just completed Ultima I, and although it has a manual, both the reference card and maps are missing. The reference card is essential as the manual doesn't contain any information about the control keys.

Both can be found at [url=][/url]
This is a great idea. Thanks for putting it together!
KainLocke46: This is a great idea. Thanks for putting it together!
groundhog42: Great idea - thanks for doing it.

I've just completed Ultima I, and although it has a manual, both the reference card and maps are missing. The reference card is essential as the manual doesn't contain any information about the control keys.

Both can be found at [url=][/url]
Thanks to both of you for the kind words! It means a lot to know others think it's not a complete waste of time. lol

I've just updated with Dark Matter and Ultima 1 (and gave you credit, Groundhog42 - thanks for the info!). I haven't played U1 in probably 20 years and, given how bizarre I remember it being and that I probably wouldn't play it again, I never would have caught that.
SpiderFighter: Thanks for looking, and I hope this will be useful to people. Cheers!
Good work, voted.

FTL has an in game Tutorial.
SpiderFighter: Thanks for looking, and I hope this will be useful to people. Cheers!
Gydion: Good work, voted.

FTL has an in game Tutorial.
Thanks, I'll fix that. I started off doing the list alphabetically, and it didn't occur to me until later that the newer games would have tutorials. :P

I need to go back over the first third of the list again.

EDIT: Fixed, with credit given. Thanks again.
Post edited October 17, 2013 by SpiderFighter
UPDATE: Removed Democracy 3, as it has just received a brand-spankin'-new manual (thanks to JudasIscariot, for letting me know)!

EDIT: Also added Battle Realms, as Judas has informed me that the manual is only for the expansion pack. Thanks again!
Post edited October 19, 2013 by SpiderFighter
Added Ethan: Meteor Hunter.
Added The Swapper.
Check replacementdocs as well

Edit: Should have posted link to download page instead of PC page, sorry
Post edited October 22, 2013 by Stuff
Can the documents from Replacementdocs be trusted? I seem to remember that there was something fishy about either the site or some of the documents they hosted.
Sargon: Can the documents from Replacementdocs be trusted? I seem to remember that there was something fishy about either the site or some of the documents they hosted.
I have never had problems with the site over the years. I believe the site was hyjacked once but the exploit was removed soon after AFAIK. I have always considered them to be a legitimate source for manuals as they remove manuals when requested by the IP holders.

Others may have more recent info concerning the site but my experience with them has always been positive.
Sargon: Can the documents from Replacementdocs be trusted? I seem to remember that there was something fishy about either the site or some of the documents they hosted.
Stuff: I have never had problems with the site over the years. I believe the site was hyjacked once but the exploit was removed soon after AFAIK. I have always considered them to be a legitimate source for manuals as they remove manuals when requested by the IP holders.

Others may have more recent info concerning the site but my experience with them has always been positive.
Thanks; actually a lot of the docs listed on the mix are from Replacement Docs. :)

And my experience with the site is the same as Stuff's; I've never had a problem with anything I've downloaded from there.