Antimateria: what is gog-wiki and am I there?
This is how your page appears to viewers of the wiki: [url=][/url]
For comparison, here's mine: [url=][/url]
If you go to the forum links sticky, there's a link to the thread about the Barefoot Essentials that I mentioned. It's just a lightweight add-on for your browser that allows you to sync your games collection and wishlist with that page on the wiki (though you do have to edit your personal page on the wiki with a couple of lines of code to get it to show - it's all explained on there). It also changes peoples' names on these forums to be links to their respective page on the wiki.
Edit Here's the code, if you're interested.
<gog-avatar user="(Your GOG name)" />
A gentleman who joined <gog-days user="(Your GOG name)" /> days ago
== Wishlist (<gog-wishlist-count user="(Your GOG name)" /> games) ==
<gog-wishlist user="(Your GOG name)" />
== Shelf (<gog-shelf-count user="(Your GOG name)" /> games) ==
<gog-shelf user="(Your GOG name)" />