Posted February 03, 2011
1. [url= ]Questions about the website [/url]
2. Questions about purchasing/downloading/installing games
3. [url= ]Questions about your user profile [/url]
4. Questions about the forums and community
Feb, 3, 2011
It's now time for the all-new (well, mostly new) and all-different GOG Forums - FAQ©®™. I will try to keep this one as up to date as possible, so if you have any suggestions on questions/answers to add to it, please feel free to post them in this thread. For this initial posting, I will simply include the old FAQ contents, plus a couple of additions/changes I already know about.
Due to the changes GOG made to the forums in September 2010, post sizes are now limited, which prevents me from posting the entire FAQ in a single post. In order to get around this limit, this initial post will act as a table of contents and I will link to seperate posts within this thread for each "chapter" of the FAQ. It might take me a while to get each "chapter" formatted and posted, but feel free to post here in the meantime (that will actually help me get around the "post merging" problem).
I am looking for a couple of specific pieces of info to add to the FAQ. The first is detailed information on alternate payment methods that people have successfully used with GOG, like virtual credit cards. The second is links to threads or GOGMixes that list GOG games that are known to work with Macs (through Wine, Boxer, etc.).
1. [url= ]Questions about the website [/url]
2. Questions about purchasing/downloading/installing games
3. [url= ]Questions about your user profile [/url]
4. Questions about the forums and community
Feb, 3, 2011
It's now time for the all-new (well, mostly new) and all-different GOG Forums - FAQ©®™. I will try to keep this one as up to date as possible, so if you have any suggestions on questions/answers to add to it, please feel free to post them in this thread. For this initial posting, I will simply include the old FAQ contents, plus a couple of additions/changes I already know about.
Due to the changes GOG made to the forums in September 2010, post sizes are now limited, which prevents me from posting the entire FAQ in a single post. In order to get around this limit, this initial post will act as a table of contents and I will link to seperate posts within this thread for each "chapter" of the FAQ. It might take me a while to get each "chapter" formatted and posted, but feel free to post here in the meantime (that will actually help me get around the "post merging" problem).
I am looking for a couple of specific pieces of info to add to the FAQ. The first is detailed information on alternate payment methods that people have successfully used with GOG, like virtual credit cards. The second is links to threads or GOGMixes that list GOG games that are known to work with Macs (through Wine, Boxer, etc.).
Post edited February 03, 2011 by cogadh