ViolatorX: To Confirm
There wasnt a night 0 in this next game
Next game I do WILL have a night 0 though, something ive been pondering how to implement
This just requires me to go off on a totally unrelated tangential...
In one game, which i only read, I didn't have the privilege of playing in it, there was a full night 0 (in other words, the mafia were allowed to kill). One player was a motivator (he can target a player, if that player has a night action he gets another use of it that night), and, seeing as there had been no day and as such no reads to be had, he decided to target another who was known for being somewhat rash and not always making the best decisions. The idea was that if this player was mafia, and performing the nightkill, he would hopefully act rash enough to perform the second kill - which immediately would out him as mafia to the motivator.
Day 1 breaks, Town Cop
and the very same Motivator turn up dead, both killed by a highly motivated and over-eager Vigilante.
jefequeso: That indeed does come across as very suspicious. What happened night one was that Rico (Joe) died, and my character went home to get buzzed up on drugs then commit suicide. In my drug-induced state, I thought Rico talked to me and told me not to kill myself, but to live on to find those who are responsible for his death. I also have a posting regulation. My win condition hasn't changed, and as far as I know my Lover's role hasn't changed either.
Which is very odd...after all, what's the point of designating two people as lovers if you aren't going to actually follow through on the lover role? But at this point it seems like X is pulling a lot of odd stunts. My only real defense is that, were I really a Mafia member, claiming lover when nobody has any suspicions of me would probably be one of the stupidest things I could do. It would thrust me into the limelight for roleclaiming, could be disproved by the other lover, and would be disproved the day afterwards when I didn't die. It seems as though claiming lover period was a bad move, but I was hoping to keep everyone from wasting their time trying to figure out who the other lover was, and concentrate on hunting mafia. I see now that that was probably the wrong decision to make, but...

TwilightBard: I...don't buy it. If it's true, I'm gonna be surprised, but as you said at the start, what's the point of having a lover role if it's not followed through? Something about it doesn't fit right, and this could fall so many ways. But I don't think the mod would start changing roles in the middle of the game.
Vote Jefequeso under Lynch all Liars, because I don't believe the explanation one bit
Oh my, this is one really terrible vote.
Orryyrro: Well, I think he should be lynched on principle, he did undermine the spirit of the game, whether intentional or not it shouldn't be allowed to slip by. I do think he's scum though, and well no with the inconsistency with the paraphrase/quote he's looking even more scummy.
Goddammit, people on this site really need to get off their high horse, and stop claiming people should be lynched "on principle" all the time. The intention of the game is to
lynch scum, not lynch whoever breaks some unwritten rule.
Anyways, on to more relevant stuff.
I'm pretty much caught up at long last. Took way longer than it should have, and for little benefit.
I really don't like how nmillar has played this, assuming he is town. Why on earth would you out Damnation as vanilla?
But yeah, pretty much need to hear from Orry before making any firm conclusions about it.