muttly13: Vitek, SirPrimalform, and NotFrench correct?
They are the three that have not claimed.
I am also a bit worried about xyem, pazzer & LittleRabbit as well.
Xyem has claimed sheep, but has refused to confirm he is town.
Of course he wouldn't claim mafia, but still....
Perhaps this is what he was stressed about his post restriction for....
Pazzer is all "I'm a 1 shot doc, but I wasted it, so leave me alone!"
Actually, in that perspective, his wobbly day makes a bit more sense.
LittleRabbit, it's the 2 day rest that jumps out at me.
I've seen several roles that have a 1 night rest.
2 nights seems a bit excessive.
It seems designed to make sure that you never get to use it more than twice.
But then we do have Joe in the driving seat, so....
OK, writing it down helped me think things through a bit more.