Posted October 15, 2011
muttly13: Where is your righteous fury!?!?! Where is your sense of mob justice?!?!?! The queen lays in a pool of her own blood and you jesters banter like academics!! You disgust me. Should you choose to lynch me I will swing into Valhalla as my heart is pure!
TB (I am done typing long names, takes a lot out of you in a rant) at first placed his mild two cents into an argument between others. In my estimation for no other reason than to establish himself as "town friendly". Then deflected my accusation with passing "hes crazy" brush off instead of insulted fury! And continues to play coy as though he can "mature" his way through.
Are these reasons absolute? Of course not, but they are no worse than any other imaginary comments others may come up with. I will bet my town bakery that hes scum to the core! Let the rope tell us!
FINALLY! Something I could type out a defense against. As far as the mild two cents in others do realize that it was me and Xyem going back and forth before Baz jumped in right? I chose to stay out of it at that point because I had said my peace about nolynching and such. Why did I explain? To establish that I'm town? No, not really, I just figured I'd explain what I can, sometimes it's hard to remember what needs to be explained until the play has been made. I'll keep running my explanations, at least until they aren't helpful, or I just plum forget. TB (I am done typing long names, takes a lot out of you in a rant) at first placed his mild two cents into an argument between others. In my estimation for no other reason than to establish himself as "town friendly". Then deflected my accusation with passing "hes crazy" brush off instead of insulted fury! And continues to play coy as though he can "mature" his way through.
Are these reasons absolute? Of course not, but they are no worse than any other imaginary comments others may come up with. I will bet my town bakery that hes scum to the core! Let the rope tell us!
Why would I defend against random votes with insult and anger? It's a part of the game, hell, Orryyrro has a vote on me for the reason that I'm a Bard. Truthfully? I was more confused then anything else, can't really be insulted when you don't know what's going on. There was nothing to defend myself with, hell, Rabbit's reason to vote at least gave me something to defend myself with...Orryyrro's is probably RVS and if not, oh well, I don't apologize for being a bard :P
Am I being coy? I don't know, this is just my style, explaining where my thoughts are at and trying to make best use of what we have available. Yes it's also long winded thank you very much. But that's generally how I've been up until this point.
Oh yeah, while I'm here, and remember
unvote Pazzer as that has no meaning anymore.