But you've already established the sheep is not a sheep...
xyem: I.. don't even know how to respond to that contradiction. You said my response is fair enough, indicating that you understand it.. but if you understand it, it quite clearly answers your question...
Nnnno that's not necessarily true.
Q: Can you explain why you said "breaking the restriction doesn't matter", when clearly it does?
A: "I was trying to avoid being an obvious target to the mafia. [...] I couldn't just say "I stopped bleating because it will stop the nightkill unless I'm target" because, you know, I would have been the target."
But why did you lie and say that breaking it doesn't matter? In the post I'm referring to (#745), I asked you directly about the 'baa' thing, and you said:
xyem: Breaking the restriction itself doesn't matter at this stage but I can't do anything more than that.
Ok you couldn't say exactly what the restriction meant, I understand that. But the fact that you outright said "It doesn't matter" doesn't sit well... You went out of your way to make everyone think you're vanilla-flavoured, but in doing so you lied...
Did you get any flavour for this ability use?