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Anyone home?

The deadline is in four and a half days.
Post edited July 05, 2012 by bazilisek
I'm home !
Sorry Vitek, gonna have to get back to you for the answer ^^
I don't have it on the tip of my tongue, it's really several little details and facts but I forgot most of them :P.
bazilisek: Anyone home?

The deadline is in four and a half days.
I'm back....sorry about that.
If it's going to be that way I suppose we don't have as much leisure time as I hoped.
Maybe it is time for panic. In the spirit of panic I'm going to join a wagon.
Wagon on Mr N Millar. Because Vitek ain't getting lynched today. Because I'm going to believe X's claim because I'm a sucker like that.
Unvote Vitek,

vote NMillar
^You just earned some scum points over here.
IronStar: ^You just earned some scum points over here.
what're going to do about it?
Hmm, NMillar IS on my suspects list......I could drop my vote for ViolatorX and get back to him in the upcoming days.......this also seems like the best chance we have to get a proper lyunch going(And not have one picked for us by the OP at the end of a deadline.).

Ok then.....Unvote ViolatorX, Vote Nmillar

I hope i'm right and Nmillar is scum, otherwise town is going to be in a worse position than ever. If he isn't then i'm going back to voting for ViolatorX until he/she is lynched.(Unless I see/read/notice something that causes me to suspect someone else.)

(I think i'll pass on N0x0ss's "generous' offer to let us lynch him if NMIllar is lynched and shown to be town, if that turns out to be the case. I think he may be a lyncher, actually. And[correct me if i'm wrong, but...]if he is a lyncher then wouldn't lynching him end the game and give him the win?).
Wow, that's some quick-fire band-wagoning there. I hope tomorrow's surviving townies are paying attention to the people that have voted in quick succession.
IronStar: ^You just earned some scum points over here.
Finally we agreed on something.
nmillar: Wow, that's some quick-fire band-wagoning there. I hope tomorrow's surviving townies are paying attention to the people that have voted in quick succession.
Where's all the fight in you gone?

Vitek: Finally we agreed on something.
Et tu Vite? Is the Ju-Ju sapping your will to go on?

With this style of play at 3 days to deadline panicky bandwagoning seems like the only option. Anybody disagree?
nmillar: Wow, that's some quick-fire band-wagoning there. I hope tomorrow's surviving townies are paying attention to the people that have voted in quick succession.
I'll be the first victim of your downfall !
JoeSapphire: Where's all the fight in you gone?
I'm not sure what else you want me to say? I've stated my suspects and reasons plenty of times, and they haven't changed.

N0x0ss: "You have been chosen for the role of He Who Listens to Trees"
Ooh, I missed this before due to the formatting error in your post. GameRager and ViolatorX may actually be on to something with the Lyncher suggestion since I am He Who Climbs Trees - nothing in my role PM confirms me as the Lynchee though.
JoeSapphire: Where's all the fight in you gone?
nmillar: I'm not sure what else you want me to say? I've stated my suspects and reasons plenty of times, and they haven't changed.

N0x0ss: "You have been chosen for the role of He Who Listens to Trees"
nmillar: Ooh, I missed this before due to the formatting error in your post. GameRager and ViolatorX may actually be on to something with the Lyncher suggestion since I am He Who Climbs Trees - nothing in my role PM confirms me as the Lynchee though.
I've listened to your climbing :P
IronStar: ^You just earned some scum points over here.
JoeSapphire: what're going to do about it?
We shall see...Let say I'm 90% sure you're mafia. I had my reasons to think Gszoinks is(was), and as you inherited his role, and got some extra scum get the idea ;)

IronStar: ^You just earned some scum points over here.
Vitek: Finally we agreed on something.
There we go :D