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I am bothered that you didn't care about your lynch and about claiming to save town PR. Why didn't you claim without asking?
And I disagree, it's perfect time to fake-claim PR. If you would claim vanilla you would get most likely lynched. This wy you knew we won't probably allow ourselves to lynch you and you can feed us with fake result on someone next day and we will lynch him which will cost us game.

@IronStar: Of course power roles should claim when they get near lynch. It can save us PR (there is always chance they will survive) and most importantly it can allow us to find right target instead of mislynching.

I am still not convinced. It sounds convenient that your role checks with name while mafia and doctor have no link between role and name.
nmillar: Edited to avoid direct quoting: "Every night you may pick someone's tree to climb and watch the comings and goings to and from their home."
You are a watcher AND tracker? This game has been advertised as a simple set up.
I don't know what to say other than YOU LIE YOU LIE YOU LIE.
ViolatorX: Sorry long working weekend for me

@nmillar why did you pick alyien and not someone like noxoss who would have been a more obvious choice?
Player number 6 - right in the middle of the pack. You should never pick someone you've targeted on the previous day, because if you're wrong that forces you to change your attitude towards that player, which makes you seem like scum to townies and gives you away as a power role to scum.

JoeSapphire: You are a watcher AND tracker? This game has been advertised as a simple set up.
I don't know what to say other than YOU LIE YOU LIE YOU LIE.
It says "Watcher" in my role PM, but also talks about "comings and goings". Whether that applies to the person I'm watching, his visitors or both is not clear. My night result was that nobody was seen coming or going.
nmillar: It says "Watcher" in my role PM, but also talks about "comings and goings". Whether that applies to the person I'm watching, his visitors or both is not clear. My night result was that nobody was seen coming or going.
You're backtracking from your initial mistake. I don't believe our moderator would be so ambiguous with your role description.
Don't you think there is something to address? I am speaking to all those silent people post claim. N0x0ss, GameRager, boct!
are we playing that when we reach deadline she with majority votes is lynched? Or was that just special circumstances earlier on?
JoeSapphire: are we playing that when we reach deadline she with majority votes is lynched? Or was that just special circumstances earlier on?
I'm sticking to that plan, yes.
bazilisek: I'm sticking to that plan, yes.

I'ld like to have something to write. I'm very excited that MrMillar has lied. Very exciting time of game. Exciting time to be alive!
I was very concerned about the amount of bandwagoning that went against nmillar as soon as the deadline loomed.

I find nmillars reasoning for picking alyien to be very flimsy BUT

I suspected Gazoinks to be mafia and Joes actions have further cemented my thoughts that he could be the mafia.

Gamerager seems to have done another all to convient bandwagon hop as well and that doesnt bode well.

Unsure at this point I cant work out the connection between nox and NM if there is even one. When its been dubbed a simple game by the mod seems rather mystifying.
ViolatorX: I was very concerned about the amount of bandwagoning that went against nmillar as soon as the deadline loomed.

I find nmillars reasoning for picking alyien to be very flimsy BUT

I suspected Gazoinks to be mafia and Joes actions have further cemented my thoughts that he could be the mafia.

Gamerager seems to have done another all to convient bandwagon hop as well and that doesnt bode well.

Unsure at this point I cant work out the connection between nox and NM if there is even one. When its been dubbed a simple game by the mod seems rather mystifying.
And Millar's role claim?

I'm going to write out an impression of the role description as he has related to us.

"Hello NMillar. You are to be playing the role of He Who Climbs Trees (Town Watcher)

You like to climb trees and watch people's comings and goings

Powers: Each night you can choose one player. You will sit outside there house and watch the comings and goings

Win condition: You win when you figure out what your role actually does"

This is the impression I actually get from his claim

"Hello NMillar, You have been assigned the role of Mafia Scumbag (Mafia Bag of Scum)

You are a big mafia man. Try and kill the people and when it comes time to falseclaim don't make a big mess of it.

Powers: Go murder them guys go!

Win condition: Kill them all! "
JoeSapphire: You will sit outside their house
Let us just adend that linguistic faux pas there.

Maybe I didn't clarify my argument very well but you can see how the "Powers" section of the role PM would be something non-figurative and unambiguous like;
"POWERS: Each night you may choose a player. You will learn which players your target targetted that night if any."

Yeah? He's lying. Yous see that yeah?
JoeSapphire: Yeah? He's lying. Yous see that yeah?
Well, I think I agree with you but I am unsure we can allow to lynch possible PR. That's why I wanted to see opinion of others.
I see the tide has turned against nmillar, and his "claim" doesn't seem to add up. So I'll join you guys.

Unvote N0x0ss, Vote nmillar
boct1584: I see the tide has turned against nmillar, and his "claim" doesn't seem to add up. So I'll join you guys.

Unvote N0x0ss, Vote nmillar
About time!
I would probably vote nmillar too before deadline but this is such a blatant scum-hammer that I can't even describe it.