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Posting to avoid prod....brb after I read the last page of replies.
IronStar: It does? Can people who said that i'm scum please explain me why would I nightkill someone who agreed w/ noxsos and me? It doesn't make any sense!
It could be precisely this. Because nobody would link the kill to you.

N0x0ss: n0x0ss.. please.
Oh, the irony.

You are not confirmed town regardless how much you try to bash it into our heads. It makes you look more scummy instead.
Try to scum-hunt instead and all will be fine.

GameRager: Posting to avoid prod....brb after I read the last page of replies.
You need to take some stance finally and vote someone. More and more I get the feeling that you are just trying to get on with everybody instead of catching scum.

Also I didn't respond to your last wall of text because I hoped others will get involved. When 2 players exchange walls-of-text, with other ignoring it, it leads nowhere.
Vitek: You need to take some stance finally and vote someone. More and more I get the feeling that you are just trying to get on with everybody instead of catching scum.
Also I didn't respond to your last wall of text because I hoped others will get involved. When 2 players exchange walls-of-text, with other ignoring it, it leads nowhere.
I have some suspicions and will post them in a bit and possibly cast a vote then as well. I want to finish reading the rest of the posts first, though.

As for getting on with everybody.....nah. I just have tons of irl bullshite to deal with which has kept me busy as of late, and I wanted to gather my thoughts before posting a longer post and/or vote for anyone.
Wait, lemme get this want to encourage discussion from others by ignoring my last reply and not writing one of your own(which would possibly get others to notice our conversation and weigh in?)? I don't get it. People have ignored it for the most part anyways, so why not reply to it and we'll see what comes of that?

(Also [again] I will reply more to the other replies and most likely cast a vote within the next few hours.....stay tuned everyone.)
IronStar: It does? Can people who said that i'm scum please explain me why would I nightkill someone who agreed w/ noxsos and me? It doesn't make any sense!
Vitek: It could be precisely this. Because nobody would link the kill to you.
But...why? If you think nmillar is town, and I'm scum is there a point in killing someone who wanted to lynch townie? That would be like stabbing myself in the back.
Well after reading Post 398 I can say a few things: I am suspicious of ViolatorX as he says that N0x0ss is one of the likely suspects to want Planeshaper dead then lists N0x0ss as "leaning town" towards the end.

Also he F.o.S towards Vitek for flimsy sounding reasons like "scumpoints" given to Planeshaper/etc by Vitek in one or more of Vitek's posts, and because he thought Vitek's reasoning so far has been odd/off/etc.

Add to this him basically trying to lure Aylien into telling us any power role he may possess(Possibly in order to confirm it for a future nightkill by him and his other scum buddies?), and I have to FoS ViolatorX

Add to this that i'm increasingly thinking one or both NMillar/N0x0ss are scum(Due to the linked post and a general vibe i'm getting from reading most of the rest.), and my reads are below:

Leaning Town

Leaning Scum

Suspected scum

Unsure/Neutral/Haven't read enough to decide

(Be aware i've only read to post 400...I will read more and post more later.)
Nox just to me seems far to infactuated with one person in Nmillar to be scum. Unless he's the worst concealed lyncher in gog mafia (- Rodzaju in game 9)

It almost seems all to desperate that he wants him dead to put such a risk upon himself if he were to be mafia to be otherwise.

Though there was a scum lyncher in game 4 so anything could be possible.

Why am I encouraging Aylien to reveal, as saying he has info and hiding it is lose, lose. Unless hes been really clever and is in fact a vanilla townie putting himself in the firing line it offers no favors.
Why don't you just ask him directly? "Do we have to kill you or are you harmless?"
You couldn't be fishing harder even if you used dynamite.
Vote Violator X
As soon as Aylien implied he had something, whether or not he was serious, he put a bull's-eye on his back; if he's not dead after Night 2, he'll be dead after Night 3, unless we get some insane luck from a Doctor/Guardian. So he's doing us no favors by waiting.

As for n0x0ss's vendetta against nmillar, I'm really not sure what to make of that. Aggressiveness on the scale we're seeing from him is, in my mind, typically reserved for three situations:

1. A Cop/Seer has found a Mafioso.
2. An Evil Cop/Sorcerer (thinks he) has found a townie with a role.
3. The aforementioned Lyncher.

I can't pick up enough from n0x0ss's posts to pin down which of those he might be, and that makes me paranoid; I'm usually pretty good at reading people. The aggressiveness is bizarre, to be certain. He may be scummy, and is playacting as being super-aggressive to make us think "He must be town, otherwise why would he be drawing so much attention to himself?"

It's not enough for a vote yet, but I'm keeping my eye on him.
Vitek: Why don't you just ask him directly? "Do we have to kill you or are you harmless?"
You couldn't be fishing harder even if you used dynamite.
Vote Violator X
I was hesitant at first, but your latest post(And Violator's, which you quoted.) swayed me.

Vote ViolatorX
Vitek: Why don't you just ask him directly? "Do we have to kill you or are you harmless?"
You couldn't be fishing harder even if you used dynamite.
Vote Violator X
In contrast more of the opposite, a town player would share such info if hes already come out of the closet waving his hands around what use would it be otherwise. What else do we have to go on at this point?

Cant say Im overly shocked that my fos target at this point is voting for me, I am also not surprised at gamerager bandwagoning after hearing the slightest words of encouragement to do so, as I believe in the two games ive seen post 415 is the first time hes formulated his own opinion.

Regardless Gazoinks hasnt done anything to make me think hes town apart from agreeing with what I said about Aylien. An easy way to divert questioning.

Im confident in my thoughts that at least 2 of the 4 I suspect are mafia. Im going to do this in the meantime whilst I wait for Matti.

Vote Gazoinks

Off topic:Im not around much till Thursday so my next post of substance will either be then or on the Sunday.
ViolatorX: Cant say Im overly shocked that my fos target at this point is voting for me, I am also not surprised at gamerager bandwagoning after hearing the slightest words of encouragement to do so, as I believe in the two games ive seen post 415 is the first time hes formulated his own opinion.
To be honest I was going to vote for either NMillar or N0x0ss before you made(and I read) post 398(And perhaps another post or two, but I forget the numbers....basically all the ones where you keep asking Aylien to reveal his role/info.).

At that time you became my top suspect, but I wasn't fully sure, so I decided i'd wait until one of my picks had a good number of votes behind them before voting. Then you made post 416......this post made you look even more suspicious in my eyes. That post plus Vitek's vote made me decide voting for you would be the best option to lynch a scum(currently), so I took it.
IronStar: But...why? If you think nmillar is town, and I'm scum is there a point in killing someone who wanted to lynch townie? That would be like stabbing myself in the back.
Stabbing yourself why? He wanted to lynch nmillar beacuse his DICE told him to. DO you consider as person who is strongly on your side and could help you lynch someoen? Do you think he would really lynch person on such terrible basis?

GameRager: Wait, lemme get this want to encourage discussion from others by ignoring my last reply and not writing one of your own(which would possibly get others to notice our conversation and weigh in?)? I don't get it. People have ignored it for the most part anyways, so why not reply to it and we'll see what comes of that?

(Also [again] I will reply more to the other replies and most likely cast a vote within the next few hours.....stay tuned everyone.)
Ehm... yes? Well, in fact I was lazy to respond at first. Then I decided I'll wait and see if someone will participate. I don't considered our discussion as something that could help us to catch scum too much so I laid it aside. As you said, people ignored it and I hoped they will try to reply to you.
I really hoped someone will join and comment instead of me but I was foolish to think it. :-(

This is the same as in Game 10. When person aims post at someone else, no one else will get involved which is just plainly wrong and this way we won't ever achieve anything.
See recent longer posts. We were discussing something and only person to ever adress it was the other one of us. Aylien made longer post. N0x0ss target of that post reacted and me. Violator made longer post. Reactions? Me and Gamerager. Other just ignore most of stuff going on.
I get that not every person will make long posts and create their own cases against other players. In previous games there were such players too but they at least voiced their opinion about cases and voted according to it. This allowed those games to work contrary to last two games. I was such player too, I only make longer posts because I am forced to when I want to keep the game alive. :-)
I wrote this better first time but I accidentaly deleted it when I qouted another post. :-/

ViolatorX: In contrast more of the opposite, a town player would share such info if hes already come out of the closet waving his hands around what use would it be otherwise. What else do we have to go on at this point?
Why are you not lynched yet?

Only person to decide whether to reveal his info is aylien and if he decided he won't reveal you should just keep your mind shut and ignore it. Give whatever reason you want but this is blatant fishing. And the reasons you stated for your fishing are bad at least.

ViolatorX: Cant say Im overly shocked that my fos target at this point is voting for me, I am also not surprised at gamerager bandwagoning after hearing the slightest words of encouragement to do so, as I believe in the two games ive seen post 415 is the first time hes formulated his own opinion.

Regardless Gazoinks hasnt done anything to make me think hes town apart from agreeing with what I said about Aylien. An easy way to divert questioning.

Im confident in my thoughts that at least 2 of the 4 I suspect are mafia. Im going to do this in the meantime whilst I wait for Matti.

Vote Gazoinks
Nice way to play down both votes. "See? Vitek is OMGUSing me and Gamerager is just blindly following. Thier votes mean nothing. Anyway I am going to vote person who voiced their agreement with me about fishing and ignore those two."
And here we go again:
Consider yourself prodded, gentlemen.
Post edited June 13, 2012 by bazilisek
It's pretty sad that I am the only one who is not prodded. :-(
Sorry guys, I have exams during this period ^^
Just posting to clarify that i'm still alive and ready more then ever to catch the mafias.

Mafias beware !