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boct1584: I tend to doubt you'd admitting outright that you're a Mafioso, so I'm going to interpret your sentence as "I have an investigatory role, and I spotted someone doing something last night." Am I on the mark here?
What? I outright claimed scum who wants to find power role to kill it and you somehow got the idea I am investigative role? How?
I wanted to see if someone will at least notice and will bother to comment on it. It got one more reaction than I expected but it still sad how no one cares.
Vitek: I wanted to see if someone will at least notice and will bother to comment on it. It got one more reaction than I expected but it still sad how no one cares.
The weekends are always pretty quiet in mafia games, so if you wanted a host of reactions, you might have been better off posting this on a week day!

There are two plausible scenarios to your post:

1. You're bored and are attempting to provoke discussion as you stated.

2. You're mafia and you're hoping that everyone believes you're bored and attempting to provoke discussion ...

I think it's fairly likely that you're town aligned, so tend to believe the first scenario. However, if you are mafia, then I applaud such a brave move!

boct1584: I tend to doubt you'd admitting outright that you're a Mafioso, so I'm going to interpret your sentence as "I have an investigatory role, and I spotted someone doing something last night." Am I on the mark here?
Role fishing!

Mafia: boct1584, IronStar

Leaning mafia: aylien, Gazoinks

Unsure: GameRager, matti1996, N0X0ss, ViolatorX

Leaning town: Vitek
Really don't know what to think anymore.

At this point not gonna vote Vitek, even if he outright posted his mafioso role, just because I wanna focus on other people for this round.

Wat I found Ironic, is Boct that's practically defending nmillar against me...
And yet nmillar suspects him of being mafioso more then I.

If nmillar was mafioso, wouldn't he also gang up on me to eliminate me (who's been bothering him for a while)

still not voting against anybody this round, still keeping my eyes on nmillar, AND on boct1584, because I find it hard to believe BOTH of them + I to be townies...
boct1584: I tend to doubt you'd admitting outright that you're a Mafioso, so I'm going to interpret your sentence as "I have an investigatory role, and I spotted someone doing something last night." Am I on the mark here?
Vitek: What? I outright claimed scum who wants to find power role to kill it and you somehow got the idea I am investigative role? How?
I wanted to see if someone will at least notice and will bother to comment on it. It got one more reaction than I expected but it still sad how no one cares.
I acknowledge that you're claiming scum. But I think you're bluffing, trying to see who starts the bandwagon against you. I've learned from my games elsewhere that you should seldom take things at face value.
nmillar: The weekends are always pretty quiet in mafia games, so if you wanted a host of reactions, you might have been better off posting this on a week day!
Because during weeks it's swarming with acticity here. :-/

Why are you unsure about Violator?

boct1584: I acknowledge that you're claiming scum. But I think you're bluffing, trying to see who starts the bandwagon against you. I've learned from my games elsewhere that you should seldom take things at face value.
You acknowledged it and then you took out your fishing rod and tried to find if I have any role which was indicated in no way in my post. If you think it is bluff you shouldn't expect I am PR based on it.
Vitek: Why are you unsure about Violator?
He's been fairly quiet throughout the game until Post 398.

Two things stand out in that post; he seems to want aylien to reveal whatever role he's hiding and states that he believes two of the people who've attracted the most attention so far (myself and N0x0ss) as leaning town. And, linking to my first point, says that aylien will be leaning town if he reveals his information.

Actually, it's another example of role fishing, so I'm putting ViolatorX alongside boct1584 and IronStar in my mafia list.

Mafia: boct1584, IronStar, ViolatorX

Have any of them voted for each other so far in this game?
nmillar: Mafia: boct1584, IronStar, ViolatorX

Have any of them voted for each other so far in this game?
My quick search says no.
Outside RVS Violator voted only gameon and recently for Gazoinks. Boct voted only nolynch and gameon. IronStar voted Gazoinks and then you.
I admit I might have missed something as particulary boct's posts are easy to get mixed with N0x0ss.
matti1996: Unfortunately, I also have quite busy time at school and because of that I don't have time to read and post. As much as I would like to contribute to this game I am just too busy.
This games dead because people arnet playing

unvote gazoinks, vote matti1996
nmillar: Mafia: boct1584, IronStar, ViolatorX

Have any of them voted for each other so far in this game?
Vitek: My quick search says no.
Outside RVS Violator voted only gameon and recently for Gazoinks. Boct voted only nolynch and gameon. IronStar voted Gazoinks and then you.
I admit I might have missed something as particulary boct's posts are easy to get mixed with N0x0ss.
Because of the color of my new avatar :S ? Yeah I have the same problem...
A handy solution for keeping peoples' posts straight that I've used in this game is to search the pages for their user title, if they have one. For example, if you were looking for my posts, you'd search the thread for "Need No Sympathy", then check each result. It works better than searching by username, because that gets you quoted posts too.
matti1996: Unfortunately, I also have quite busy time at school and because of that I don't have time to read and post. As much as I would like to contribute to this game I am just too busy.
ViolatorX: This games dead because people arnet playing

unvote gazoinks, vote matti1996
Voting against matti1996 on the second day just because he isn't posting frequently enough... is it really the wisest vote with 2 townies out ?

Shouldn't you be looking for mafiosos rather then inactive players ??
N0x0ss: Shouldn't you be looking for mafiosos rather then inactive players ??
This I agree with. Why would someone not want to look for mafiosos?

Unvote IronStar. Vote ViolatorX.
Mattis also high on my scum list and i was previously going to vote for him till he posted which i had mentioned in a previous post
Yes, it's the color of avatar. If you are mafia together convince the third member to take similar one and you can be pink mafia. :-)

@boct; That's really vlever solution. Thanks. It wouldn't be too useful in this situation as I was looking for three players at once.

ViolatorX: Mattis also high on my scum list and i was previously going to vote for him till he posted which i had mentioned in a previous post
According to your post you suspect him only if IronStar is scum. You never voted IroStar, though, and yet you are voting matti. That doesn't make sense.

Also. In post no. 398 you mentioned that nmillar's play here is like in Game 9 where he was scum but you don't think he is scum here. What leads you to believe he is town?
In fact I said it on post 398 that Im in a firm belief that he is scum.

So how does that fact + the fact he has even stated he cant play scummy?

With half the players not bothering to post anything worthwhile , unless baz replaces some of them the games not going to get off the ground.

@Vitek - How does it not make sense, I suspect someone to be scum(Ironstar), I also have a belief someone defending him to be scum(matti)

I asked for the player I was abstaining to vote for (Matti) till he posted something of substance in to which he has failed to do. What is difficult to understand in my voting of him?

To clarify even more, I am voting for someone I think is scum AND who is not even playing the game to which I justify to be a pretty good reason.

Nmillar I think is town in this game due to the way he handled the Noxoss repeated voting for him. Although hes more sensible than his usual careless hammering style like he was in game 9, I have nothing in my notes to build a case against him being mafia either.