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Now if we can get the 50% or 50% + 1 nolynch (don't know wich), we can move on.
It'll be ages for a majority to agree on voting against a single person.
Argh, I don't know what to do now. I don't really have solid suspicions against anybody, but I don't know if a nolynch is a sound move either. :/
While voting nolynch would be the best strategic move,
I do have right now strong suspicions against somebody...
I don't know If I should say whom I believe might be a scum, but I'm afraid I'm killed before the next round I couldn't state my opinion.

Right now I don't know if i must postpone it and hope to survive, or just say who I believe is a scum.

I still believe the most strategic move would be to sacrifice a townie instead of probably 2..
My opinion on cardflip is just that, an opinion. What I'm playing in this game is irrelevant to that opinion.
N0x0ss: While voting nolynch would be the best strategic move,
I do have right now strong suspicions against somebody...
I don't know If I should say whom I believe might be a scum, but I'm afraid I'm killed before the next round I couldn't state my opinion.

Right now I don't know if i must postpone it and hope to survive, or just say who I believe is a scum.

I still believe the most strategic move would be to sacrifice a townie instead of probably 2..
*Sigh* You know, what? Barring any new happening of some sort, vote nolynch. I'm still not entirely convinced it's a good move, but I want to keep this game moving and don't see much else to do.
Votecount the Second

nolynch: 6 votes (L-1). Voted by Planeshaper (#32), N0x0ss (#50), gameon (#100), GameRager (#103), boct1584 (#104) and Gazoinks (#121).
ViolatorX: 1 vote (L-6). Voted by nmillar (#6).
Planeshaper: 1 vote (L-6). Voted by IronStar (#57).
gameon: 1 vote (L-6). Voted by ViolatorX (#90).

Not voting: matti1996, aylien and Vitek. With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

I would like to remind all non-players that there is a spoiler-free observer thread set up for the game. PM me for the link.
Post edited May 24, 2012 by bazilisek
Time to remove the RVS vote. Unvote ViolatorX.
Welp, looks like we'll be going for nolynch unless anyone else has a case to make?
Time to reveal what's on my mind.

Now bare with me a little.

I'm not an experienced player like some of you on the thread... but let's pretend I am.

1) I'd probably avoid getting into long arguments or have long comments just to control my comments and avoid incoherence, contradictions... I might even chose to lynch another scum to be on the safe side if ever it were revealed later that he was indeed a scum or just to spice thing up a bit.

2)I wouldn't really care if townies argued between themselves as long as that don't talk about me and start pointing fingers at me.
If it's the case, i'd try to remain cool and provide good arguments.

3)I'd probably prefer to encourage people to lynch a poor townie, instead of nolynch. (Even though they might prefer nolynch if they're just impatient to kill.)
So if the tendency is nolynch, I'll eventually adhere to nolynch if it's getting long.

Now if you're a townie, you'd probably read very carefully what has been said on the forum since the beginning, trying to figure out just who is the killer.

I also believe that townies would be more inclined to vote nolynch than others, so basically I already have 2 townies figured out : Gazoinks, and gameon

---Now I might shock everybody if I state that I've provoked an intentional debate... to study the reaction of somebody I strongly suspect.

Now if you combine these details : I invite you, at the time of this message being posted, to look at nmillar's attitude since the beginning of the game.

-Are his "lynches" really justified ?

nmillar, PLEASE DO EXPLAIN TO ME : "I don't know where the accusations against N0x0ss or Vitek have come from; I guess I'll have to have a quick re-read to figure these out." WOULDN'T YOU BOTHER READING EVERYTHING IF YOU WERE SEARCHING FOR THE TRUE SCUMM ?

Are you really torn between two people who really didn't post that much on the forum or are you just taking us for fools ?

"Am I the only one that thinks this sounds like scum complaining that the game favours town?"
You don't truly believe that, do you :) ?

"Well, my arch rival isn't present in this game, so I'll have to turn to a lesser rivalry instead.

Vote ViolatorX. :D"

Your first vote isn't even justified and you seem to vote just to make it look like you're participating.

Furthermore, you're an experienced player, i've seen your name in the previous mafia.

(I just feel like phoenix wright !)

I unvote my nolynch, and vote for nmillar.
actually unvote nolynch, vote nmillar.

Sorry for the underline instead of bold :s ...
Finally, something substantial to respond to! :)

N0x0ss: nmillar, PLEASE DO EXPLAIN TO ME : "I don't know where the accusations against N0x0ss or Vitek have come from; I guess I'll have to have a quick re-read to figure these out." WOULDN'T YOU BOTHER READING EVERYTHING IF YOU WERE SEARCHING FOR THE TRUE SCUMM ?
I have read everything; my point was that the cases against N0x0ss and Vitek were both weak; the arguments against them didn't really make any sense. As Gazoinks pointed out earlier on, the only thing people seemed to pick up on was that they were on the opposite sides of the lynch somebody / no lynch argument.

N0x0ss: Are you really torn between two people who really didn't post that much on the forum or are you just taking us for fools ?

"Am I the only one that thinks this sounds like scum complaining that the game favours town?"
You don't truly believe that, do you :) ?
A mafia member that is completely new to the game could have made a rookie mistake such as this, but as it is pretty clear that boct1584 has previous experience, then no, this is fairly unlikely. Welcome to the wild speculation of day 1.

N0x0ss: "Well, my arch rival isn't present in this game, so I'll have to turn to a lesser rivalry instead.

Vote ViolatorX. :D"

Your first vote isn't even justified and you seem to vote just to make it look like you're participating.
As you can see from my previous unvote post, this was an RVS (Random Vote Stage) vote - this has become a tradition in GOG mafia games. Me and ViolatorX have a bit of history in previous mafia games, so it's fairly common that we cast a "joke vote" on each other.

N0x0ss: Furthermore, you're an experienced player, i've seen your name in the previous mafia.
Not sure of the relevance, but yes, I've only missed one game.
I love you, N0x0ss.

I also hate the 5 voting nolynch.

I'll read your case later to see what does it contain.
Vitek: I also hate the 5 voting nolynch.
Actually, that's an interesting point. Any mafia who haven't voted up until now could easily have added their votes to quickly move the game to night phase so that they can make their night kill without the risk of any of their members facing the lynch.

Why hasn't this happened? They've either already voted no-lynch or haven't been keeping an eye on the thread.
Vitek: I love you, N0x0ss.

I also hate the 5 voting nolynch.

I'll read your case later to see what does it contain.
It's better than randomly speculating for months just to complete Day 1, allowing the game to stagnate. :\
As expected, you're fast on your feet, you are an experienced player, and know how to twist the truth enough to form good arguments.

No solid case against against Vitek and I ? It's a gold mine of things to criticize at this point in the game :
You could argument that Vitek seems to want to control the path the game is taking, trying to give a good image of himself from the start for future plans.
You could also argument that I've been trying to measure how much i can influence the players, who Is more or less gullable or even spread confusion among people, or just guarantee that the killers will make it past day 1.

Truth is, VItek, experienced player, is correct in a way, we have to catch a killer and win a day, and I believe you're one of the scums
You never really tried to accuse anyone with valid or simili-valid arguments, to get him to talk... you don't seem that you care about knowing the truth.. as if you already knew ...

I find it highly suspicious you're really inactive, for an experienced player.
If I take it both Vitek and you are experienced... I'd say if you were a townie, you'd really participate to get people to talk and find out the truth before the 1st day passes by...

Your votes seems more like fillers, your argument cleverly short and to the point, and you geniously made yourself transparent, no... invisible while everybody was fighting or participating.

Sorry, but you can't fool me :-)

Really passive for a townie, and criticize others on technicalities and silly arguments like "jumpin' the wagon, being unstable in his thinking"... too easy an argument, and who can blame you ? You don't really have to think... since you know who your comrades are :p.

Hope I've convinced enough people to put nmillar behind bars... or lynch him as they do in the town.