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Just got home from work. Let's go, GoG!

(And don't embarrass us, Michael Patton!)
Post edited August 04, 2011 by HomerSimpson
to keep you updated:

Our starting eleven:
17 GK Andy Stevens - nmillar
2 DL Artek Goliński - Rondelek
3 DC Henning Mangelsdorff - Schnitzelnagler
4 DC Michael Patton - HomerSimpson
5 DR Mathias Arminia - Ubivis
6 DMC Jan Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz -
7 DMC Maurice Payne - Robbeasy
8 AML Ondřej Tobolák - Vitek
9 AMC Henrik Solberg - Zchinque
10 AMR Sławomir Wiesiołowski -
39 FC Juha Kankkunen - KneeTheCap

0:00': The game starts!
0:00': The sky is clear, there are no clouds in sight.
0:00': The wind is calm.
0:00': Arka Ostrołęka takes the kick-off.
0:17': Gustaw Nieszkowski makes a dribble and moves forward
0:17': Gustaw Nieszkowski moves forward with the ball
0:30': Gustaw Nieszkowski shoots...

0:30': but Gustaw Nieszkowski puts it wide. Goal kick.

1:36': Ondřej Tobolák moves forward with the ball
1:46': Ondřej Tobolák passes in the central attack to Juha Kankkunen
1:48': Juha Kankkunen is trying to control the ball...
1:48': Juha Kankkunen tries to go past Grzegorz Grechuta
1:48': Juha Kankkunen makes a dribble and moves forward
1:48': Juha Kankkunen moves forward with the ball
1:49': Juha Kankkunen tries to go past Anatol Sokół
1:49': Juha Kankkunen makes a dribble and moves forward
1:49': Juha Kankkunen moves forward with the ball
1:50': Juha Kankkunen shoots...
1:50': but Juha Kankkunen puts it wide. Goal kick.
1:56': Maksymilian Kłonowski takes the goal kick
2:02': Maksymilian Kłonowski kicks the ball up field...
2:16': Alfred Grudzień shoots from 22 meters...
2:18': but Alfred Grudzień puts it wide. Goal kick.

2:42': Juha Kankkunen moves forward with the ball
2:45': Juha Kankkunen passes in the left attack to Ondřej Tobolák
2:46': Ondřej Tobolák is trying to control the ball...
2:47': Ondřej Tobolák moves forward with the ball
2:48': Ondřej Tobolák tries to go past Sławomir Grodowski
2:48': Ondřej Tobolák isn't able to pass by Sławomir Grodowski and loses the ball
2:50': Sławomir Grodowski kicks the ball up field...
3:08': Henning Mangelsdorff advances with a pass from the defensive area to Ondřej Tobolák in the left defensive midfield
3:23': Ondřej Tobolák moves forward with the ball

3:37': Ondřej Tobolák is forced to take a step back with the ball
3:37': Ondřej Tobolák moves forward with the ball
3:39': Ondřej Tobolák is forced to take a step back with the ball
3:40': Bernard Maciejuk is holding up the ball
3:41': Ondřej Tobolák is forced to take a step back with the ball
3:43': Ondřej Tobolák makes a high cross to the area

5:08': Juha Kankkunen moves forward with the ball
5:14': Juha Kankkunen passes from the opponents' area to Ondřej Tobolák in the left attack
5:17': The ball leaves the field. It's a throw to Arka Ostrołęka.

5:57: Herman Grabarz tries to play at first touch...
5:58': Juha Kankkunen is trying to control the ball...
5:58': Juha Kankkunen shoots...
5:59': GOOOOOAL to GoG FC!! What a goal... the keeper had no chance!

6:34': Arka Ostrołęka takes the kick-off.
7:15': Juha Kankkunen shoots from 23 meters...
7:17': but Juha Kankkunen puts it wide. Goal kick.

7:44': Jan Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz moves forward with the ball
7:59': Jan Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz is forced to take a step back with the ball
7:59': Jan Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz passes in the central attack to Henrik Solberg
8:00: Sławomir Grodowski tries to play at first touch...
8:00': Sławomir Grodowski recovers the ball.
8:04': Maksymilian Kłonowski recovers the ball.
8:11': Maksymilian Kłonowski kicks the ball up field...
8:25': Artek Goliński kicks the ball up field...

9:45': Klemens Świętochowski moves forward with the ball
9:52': Klemens Świętochowski is forced to take a step back with the ball
9:53': Klemens Świętochowski makes a low cross to the area
9:54': The ball hits Sławomir Wiesiołowski
9:54': Sławomir Wiesiołowski recovers the ball.
9:59': Klemens Świętochowski isn't able to pass by Mathias Arminia and loses the ball
10:01': Mathias Arminia kicks the ball up field...
10:16': Juha Kankkunen tries to go past Grzegorz Grechuta
10:16': Juha Kankkunen isn't able to pass by Grzegorz Grechuta and loses the ball

10:38': Bernard Maciejuk moves forward with the ball
10:50': Bernard Maciejuk is forced to take a step back with the ball
10:51': Bernard Maciejuk moves forward with the ball
10:52': Jan Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz is holding up the ball
10:52': Bernard Maciejuk makes a high cross to the area
11:00': Sławomir Wiesiołowski recovers the ball.
11:00': Sławomir Wiesiołowski moves forward with the ball
11:25': Klemens Świętochowski moves forward with the ball
11:27': Klemens Świętochowski tries to go past Sławomir Wiesiołowski
11:27': Klemens Świętochowski isn't able to pass by Sławomir Wiesiołowski and loses the ball

11:51': Henrik Solberg kicks the ball up field...
12:06': Grzegorz Grechuta advances with a long pass from the right defence to Gustaw Nieszkowski in the central defensive midfield
12:14': Juha Kankkunen moves forward with the ball
12:16': Juha Kankkunen shoots from 18 meters...
12:18': but Juha Kankkunen puts it wide. Goal kick.
12:24': Maksymilian Kłonowski takes the goal kick
12:29': Maksymilian Kłonowski kicks the ball up field...

12:42': Artek Goliński kicks the ball up field...
12:58: But Ondřej Tobolák was offside!
12:58': It's a free kick to Arka Ostrołęka
13:13': Sławomir Wiesiołowski recovers the ball.
13:14': Sławomir Wiesiołowski moves forward with the ball
13:23': Sławomir Wiesiołowski tries to go past Grzegorz Grechuta
13:23': Sławomir Wiesiołowski isn't able to pass by Grzegorz Grechuta and loses the ball

14:06': Sławomir Wiesiołowski is trying to control the ball...
14:07': Sławomir Wiesiołowski moves forward with the ball
14:20': Sławomir Wiesiołowski is forced to take a step back with the ball
14:27': Sławomir Wiesiołowski makes a low cross to the area

15:01': Gustaw Nieszkowski passes in the central attack to Herman Grabarz
15:03': Herman Grabarz is trying to control the ball...
15:03': Herman Grabarz moves forward with the ball
15:06': Herman Grabarz tries to go past Mathias Arminia
15:06': Herman Grabarz isn't able to pass by Mathias Arminia and loses the ball
15:19': Mathias Arminia to take the free kick
15:19': Mathias Arminia kicks the ball up field...

15:35': Tadeusz Stroiński advances with a long pass from the central defence to Gustaw Nieszkowski in the central defensive midfield
15:48': Alfred Grudzień moves forward with the ball
15:56': Alfred Grudzień tries to go past Mathias Arminia
15:56': Alfred Grudzień makes a dribble and moves forward
15:56': Alfred Grudzień moves forward with the ball
15:58': Alfred Grudzień is forced to take a step back with the ball
15:58': Alfred Grudzień moves forward with the ball
15:59': Alfred Grudzień tries to go past Michael Patton
15:59': Alfred Grudzień makes a dribble and moves forward
15:59': Alfred Grudzień moves forward with the ball
16:06': Alfred Grudzień is forced to take a step back with the ball
16:08': Alfred Grudzień moves forward with the ball
16:08': Mathias Arminia is holding up the ball
16:08': Alfred Grudzień moves forward with the ball
16:09': Alfred Grudzień passes from the right attack back to Tadeusz Stroiński in the right offensive midfield
16:14': Tadeusz Stroiński moves forward with the ball
16:24': Tadeusz Stroiński makes a low cross to the area

16:32': Henrik Solberg recovers the ball.
16:32': Henrik Solberg advances with a pass from the central defensive midfield to Juha Kankkunen in the central midfield
16:41': Juha Kankkunen moves forward with the ball
16:50': Juha Kankkunen is forced to take a step back with the ball
16:56': Juha Kankkunen moves forward with the ball
16:58': Juha Kankkunen tries to go past Klemens Świętochowski
16:58': Juha Kankkunen makes a dribble and moves forward
16:58': Juha Kankkunen moves forward with the ball
17:00': It has been 15 minutes now since Arka Ostrołęka last shot at the goal.
17:00': Juha Kankkunen moves forward with the ball
17:02': Juha Kankkunen tries to go past Grzegorz Grechuta
17:02': Juha Kankkunen isn't able to pass by Grzegorz Grechuta and loses the ball

17:35': Jan Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz steps up to take the penalty...
17:35': Jan Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz shoots...
17:36': GOOOOOAL to GoG FC!! Almost saved by keeper but it was a nice shot.
18:11': Arka Ostrołęka takes the kick-off.

18:53': Alfred Grudzień passes from the central attack to Klemens Świętochowski in the right attack
18:54': Mathias Arminia is trying to control the ball...
18:54': Mathias Arminia recovers the ball.

Post edited August 04, 2011 by Ubivis
Ubivis: Our starting eleven:
17 GK Andy Stevens
2 DL Artek Goliński
3 DC Henning Mangelsdorff
4 DC Michael Patton
5 DR Mathias Arminia
6 DMC Jan Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz
7 DMC Maurice Payne
8 AML Ondřej Tobolák
9 AMC Henrik Solberg
10 AMR Sławomir Wiesiołowski
39 FC Juha Kankkunen
You think that list tells anyone anything? :p
Oooh, missed on the PK. Hope that doesn't come back to haunt.
Zchinque: You think that list tells anyone anything? :p
add the names of the users here, and I will update the post ;)
Zchinque: You think that list tells anyone anything? :p
Ubivis: add the names of the users here, and I will update the post ;)
I'm lazy... :/
I added the names I know so far :)
Ubivis: I added the names I know so far :)
Patton would be Homer, Solberg would be me. The other two are bots, I'm pretty sure.
Mr. Arminia is defending like a maniac there :)
KneeTheCap: Mr. Arminia is defending like a maniac there :)
I know, I'm good :)
Ohh, what a raid.

My 2 points in technique really paid off there ^^
Post edited August 04, 2011 by Zchinque
Short Passes 2
Game Vision 1
Technique 1

and I stop updating what happened at the game... the log is just too long for this board :)
I think i've touched the ball about 3 times first half - Maurice Payne
after half-time = 2:0 for GoG FC :)
Is there anywhere that keeps running match stats or shows the current fitness of the players during the game?