Zurvan7: Nope no matter what I do, when I log out or log off or when the downloader has to stop (even if it's not unexpected) my download will reset. It even gives a warning message (see wtf) :p Don't know why :s Oh well gog galaxy is in alpha stage so it shouldn't take much time.
EDIT: strange but it seems that the downloader will return when you log in again, it just doesn't show anything expect the download speed lol :s (see WTF2)
PaterAlf: That's indeed strange. Whatever I try I can't get the warning messeage you get. The only time I get something similar is when I remove downloads in progress manually (and I always thought that the warning is quite senseless in that case).
How can the downloader act in a complete other way for you than for me?
That's non DRM client for you, wish gog would introduce DRM so we all would experience the same thing ;)
Seriously though, it is weird indeed. I have recently downloaded the client on my laptop though since I download most games on desktop. Maybe they updated the client? Also my download resume glitches out, it only shows download speed :s Oh well lets hope gog galaxy drops real soon.