FooAtari: I really hope that someone at GoG is watching this thread.
I don't really blame some of you guys for taking that route to obtain your purchased, but the mere mention of torrenting could be bad for business.
So could not allowing people to acquire the goods they have purchased. However, one of these things may help keep a paying customer while the other surely loses one. Neither of them stop people who want to get the games for free from discovering torrents.
Sanctioning me for trying to help would be a sure-fire way of stopping *me* from being a paying customer too, and I already know about torrents! When piracy (or a competitor) offers a better experience, alienating your customers is moronic, wouldn't you agree? :)
EDIT: By the way, as it might not have been clear from my previous posts, I wouldn't stop paying GoG for their games and simply torrent them instead if I became dissatisfied with their service. While I don't follow the law to the letter (being a Linux-only user, I download games to make sure they work before purchase (inverted in support of GoG where I buy games irrespective of whether they work or even if I am interested in playing them!), I always strive to be reasonable and fair (neutral good, if you will :))