Posted October 03, 2010

I've tried starting the download in the browser, copying the download link to the download manager and resuming but it's not happening.
Any ideas on what I'm missing?
I've got 3 games that I just bought that I cannot download.
Go to this page
to install it on Firefox like an addon.
Once installed, restart the browser.
Go to GOG, log in. Click on the game you want to download, left-click on download using browser.
A dialog should appear, asking you whether to "save file" or "DownThemAll!"
Choose DownThemAll! Another dialog appears, click on the folder to the right on the line where it says save files in. Choose the folder and then say start.
If you get an error 403, it means the server was to busy at the moment the programm was searching for the file. So click again on Download using browser. This time a new option should appear, "dTa OneClick!" Use this one this time. If it still doesnt work, repeat. Once it finds the file, it shouldn't be a problem anymore. It won't break up, and if you break it up, you'll probably be able to resume.