Andy_Panthro: That seems like a good idea.
For Aliasalpha and Magnus: Which timezones are you in?
Canada and Australia are big places.
If Magnus is on the east coast, then he could be part of the UK/Czech group, if west coast then he can be part of the Hong Kong/Australia group.
Valrog, you would get to pick which group suits you best, since you're kind of in the middle (but perhaps slightly closer to UK/Czech).
Yes, it's only 4 hours difference, so I normally play MP on UK servers. It should be fine for me.
I got the Wave invite now, thanks.
So, what's the situation on this D&D thing? So we've kinda branched out into two games now based on time zone.
.... AND?
Don't worry about the time zone. Just get a game started and those who can't join due to the TZ will create another one.