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Ha, now when someone takes offence at my language, I can just link them to this and tell them I'm just trying to stay healthy. So just STFU about my use of healthy language... :p
Post edited May 13, 2014 by OldFatGuy
Fuck yeah!
Fenixp: Fuck yeah!
Funny that "Bloody" is considered a swear word there.... that one does nothing for me, but fuck.... YEAH!
I always knew that, and that's why I'm so healthy, beatches!
Love one of the comments and response too.

How you are raised is the biggest influence rather than I.Q. A lot of people who swear constantly are chronically tired, have mental problems, suffer from narcissism an/or have unrealistic social skills.
But they won't be arrogant and smug.
OldFatGuy: Love one of the comments and response too.


How you are raised is the biggest influence rather than I.Q. A lot of people who swear constantly are chronically tired, have mental problems, suffer from narcissism an/or have unrealistic social skills.
OldFatGuy: Reply:

But they won't be arrogant and smug.
OldFatGuy: Classic.
Love it!

ya twat bastard! ;) :)

(I hate youtube and the suggested videos...)
Post edited May 13, 2014 by GastonArg
OldFatGuy: Funny that "Bloody" is considered a swear word there.... that one does nothing for me, but fuck.... YEAH!
Once a month, for about 5 days, "bloody" is definitely a swear word in this house.
So, 7 and 8 on that list. I can tell what they are... but which one's which?
I didn't know fine, sane, punt, brand, cane, cram, and done were swear words...
A few words on this subject from the inimitable Francis Begbie...

"Tha' lassie got glassed and no cunt leaves 'ere until we found out what cunt did it!"
Post edited May 14, 2014 by jamyskis
Dr_Worm: So, 7 and 8 on that list. I can tell what they are... but which one's which?
Well, maybe the old rule of "ladies first" applies here, so the "lady part" is 7 and the "gentleman part" is 8??? LOL

But of course if it's alphabetical it would be other way around.....

Then again I'm not at all clear on why a male chicken is a swear word. Or the name Richard (#10), for that matter. :p

But what do I know, my mommy used to tell me I should say "crap" instead of the other one when it slipped out, but crap is right there, on the list.

And how come some of the swear words have to have **** while three are completely spelled out??? What's up with that?
Post edited May 14, 2014 by OldFatGuy


1. F***

2. S***

3. Bloody

4. P***

5. B****

6. Crap

7. C***

8. C***

9. Damn

10. D***

Source: Slate
I didn't expect C*** to come before C***.

(Oh, dr worm already cmmented on that. What a c)
Post edited May 14, 2014 by Telika
Telika: I didn't expect C*** to come before C***.
Yeah, that was a shocker. I'm sure everyone was caught by surprise by that one... Personally, I've seen C*** used way more often than C*** so I don't know where they got their info from.
Also :
And Vladimir Putin reportedly signed a new law this week which bans swearing in Russian plays, films and books.
Seriously ?