Crosmando: I wouldn't be against it, but it would be very overwhelming from a psychological point of view, suddenly having access to all games. When I buy a game/s here, I immediately like to back it up, check to see if any technical issues exist with it, and also check to see of any fan patches, widescreen mods, etc, exist. Being able to purchase a few titles at a time, get them installed and ready to go.
BurningCa007: Well you know, I see where you are coming from, I, for a guy who has over (not that I want to show off) 150 Steam games I struggle to see what I could play and often end up spending less time on games. In this respect overwhelming yourself could be a good thing sometimes, like an American breakfast you just take what you want and the rest you leave. As for the backup thing I'm assuming you backup the games you buy because your internet is slow and you wouldn't have the time to re download them if anything (excuse me if I'm wrong). The truth is I think you should one day try to see what it's like having more then the normal amount of games and upgrade your internet to see that backing up is useless in this scenario when the games can be downloaded again at any time and then you will see where I'm coming from with this idea... Again this is just a suggestion so no guarantees this will come into effect and it would be near to impossible for this to happen overnight if anything...
Finally sorry for any non-intended puns Crosmando, I often like to just type and then not proofread (terrible I know), but anyway I'm just trying to voice a suggestion for those of us who this would be suitable for, I mean this system could act in many ways the same as OnLive...
Well, I don't really use steam (apart from Valve games), but I know exactly what you mean.
I think it's mostly in my head but I like to have to have the reassuring feeling of having "completed" my collection of games, which of course is rather silly as I'm always having to buy the latest titles on GOG, get them installed, see if they need tweaking or whatnot, I feel more at ease this way, and I know it's silly.
As for the downloading thing, no it's not a problem, I have a download cap per month of 400GB, and average download speed is about 1.5MBs. I just like backing up my GOG's on a secondary hard-drive like above, for some kind of peace of mind, even if I can just download them again anytime I want on this site. Believe me it's nothing comparing to my other compulsive habits...
Anyway, back on topic I get what you mean about the breakfast comment, I do find that I naturally play the games that are taking my fancy at the time, and ignoring the others for a rainy day.