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We know you're busy people, but would you like to contribute to an even better GOG? How about taking 5 minutes of your time to make the GOG experience an outstanding one?

Our main goal when designing was to create the best user experience in digital distribution ever. Many say we're doing it right, but we want to get even better, that's why we're launching a survey that will help us lead GOG in the way you'd like it to go. Taking part in it isn't required of course, but if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is (or at least even better than it is right now) and maybe win a free game, devote few minutes of your time to answer couple questions we've prepared. From all users who will take part in the survey, we'll randomly choose 20 who will receive a free GOG game of their choice. Grab a pencil... er, a keyboards in your hands and answer the below questions for a better future for all of us :)

The survey ends on Thursday, October 27 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
Keep up the good work
But I got confused on the client question because I thought it was talking about the downloader you have already.

We should call the 1-3 year old 'new old games' NOGs.
It would need a new price or two say $20-30 or more if it has expansions/dlc included also.
Ok done! I hope gog will stay with classic games (no day 1 releases...). Please focus on good old games gog ;)
One thing I would request that was not an option on the survey regarding a potential GOG client - Aside from automatic patching of games, it would also be nice to have an achievements system and/or a "game clock" of sorts similar to Steam's. I know it probably sounds silly to most other GOG users, but there are several GOG games for which I also own a Steam version as well. And in those cases, assuming both games run fine on my computer, I will always use the Steam version to actually play the game because I feel like I'm getting "credit" for playing - after I'm done the time spent in the game shows up in my community page along with being able to compare stats and such with others who have played the game.

Again, I know it sounds like needless fluff, but it's a good feeling knowing the time I put into playing got recorded somehow, if that makes sense.
Post edited October 12, 2011 by ThreeSon
EndlessWaves: What functionality would it have?

I think we can take it as a given that it's not going to claw it's way into games like steam and very few, if any, games on GoG are likely to get patches so what would it offer apart from a game downloads (which are already in a single place on the website anyway)?
The Witcher 2 still gets patched, for instance. If they get around to releasing fairly new games I'd sure as hell buy them here. I'd see them doing a system similar to Impulse which only needs to be run for patches (but better, since Impulse's model was to actually require Impulse for patches).
Does "direct e-banking transfer" mean stuff like mTransfer in mBank?
Arteveld: Question:
Does "direct e-banking transfer" mean stuff like mTransfer in mBank?
TheEnigmaticT: Yup.
Great! Thanks.:)
Am I the only one not seeing a survey of any kind?
Having answered the survey I feel the questions didn't exactly manage to identify me as a buyer. I have bought almost all games (like many I guess) during the weekend promos. And I did answer that price was important.

The reason for my "cheapskate" behavior is however not really about the willingness to pay but rather that I have limited time to play. I have bought 40+ games over the last 18 months though only installed 5 (and 2 of those have only been started once).

So I buy stuff during promos that seem interesting (a lot more than I ever expect or intend to play) just in case I should have time and interest sometime in the future. Heck I throw in a few games just as a contribution to GOG.

I really like promos. I don't have to care if i never play the games I buy (the low prices makes having them available "just in case" worth the investment). And frankly when I do want to play something I just want to install, not start searching around on some site. If I where to buy only the games I know I'd play, I'd buy a lot lot less than I do now.

I'd suggest the next survey start with a "should we just keep doing what we are doing now?" where only those answering "no" have to do the rest ;-)
Can't stand auto-patching (see the far cry forum for why) and I wouldn't mind seeing gog host old unpatched versions (like the witcher 2 pre 2.0 sort of thing) along side the most recently patched version (yes I'm looking at you again far cry)

I didn't see an option to load up credit on GOG as one of the payment options? Being Australian it would be nice to load up when the $A is high, because even charigng in $A would presumably be at the current rate (Unlike Book Depository for example where the book prices seem to be in some lala land unchanging with the currency).
I'm for new games, but I think there's a point in what bazilisek said.

You really should think how to do it, because we don't want another supermarket. Good New Games sounds good. And for ppl who would like it, there should be a possibility to join accounts (one gameshelf for games from GOG, and second for games from GNG)
I wonder what most answered for the "integrated client" was?
I like it the Steam autoupdating system but I see no real use for it on GOG.

And YES i DEFINITELY want to see the (consolidated) results of the survey!
Post edited October 12, 2011 by dyscode
TomNook: Am I the only one not seeing a survey of any kind?
It doesn't show up in the forum; only the news page:
Survey done.
TomNook: Am I the only one not seeing a survey of any kind?
Allow Javascript and use the link on the gog frontpage