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We know you're busy people, but would you like to contribute to an even better GOG? How about taking 5 minutes of your time to make the GOG experience an outstanding one?

Our main goal when designing was to create the best user experience in digital distribution ever. Many say we're doing it right, but we want to get even better, that's why we're launching a survey that will help us lead GOG in the way you'd like it to go. Taking part in it isn't required of course, but if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is (or at least even better than it is right now) and maybe win a free game, devote few minutes of your time to answer couple questions we've prepared. From all users who will take part in the survey, we'll randomly choose 20 who will receive a free GOG game of their choice. Grab a pencil... er, a keyboards in your hands and answer the below questions for a better future for all of us :)

The survey ends on Thursday, October 27 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
I definitely want modern games on GOG, provided that GOG doesn't use DRM and whatnot in the process.
The how many games question... I went and counted and I seem to have bought more than 100 games here in the last three years. How on earth did that happen? I went down the list and for 90% there's no chance I'm going to play them again.
Good survey.
I think newer games would be a good addition. It would bring even more people to this website. But how many publishers would like this? I don't know.. they sometimes invest more money in their DRM-stuff than in the game itself. It's ridiculous.
Some intriguing questions on there. But then intriguing questions have been asked before (like Amiga emulation) and nothing really came of it, so I won't get my hopes up just yet.
Scribe81: I was fine and dandy doing the survey, but. . .where's today's sale?
spindown: They only have them on the first and third Wednesday of each month.
How funny that I haven't noticed that yet. Oh well. Impulse purchase for the week will have to go to another digital distribution site.
Lhademmor: Wow, the maximum games owned you could input was 30+?
I counted and figured out I own 93.
TheEnigmaticT: If you own more than 30 games, I'd say we have our hooks well and truly into you. ;)
Couldn't you just pull that information from the database? Or you want to check how honest we are?... :) Same with the country question. ;)

Btw, if in the form I declare my gog id is TheEnigmaticT (just an example) would you believe it? :P
Due to the lack of DRM, if a game I want is available here and in another site, for the same price - or even if it's slightly more expensive on GOG - I purchase it here.
(And, if it's much more expensive here, I will most likely just wait for a promo :)

I hate DRM on principle. Plus, I'm always planing for the worst; if GOG were to close down next week, I would be certain I could still play all games I purchased here, without the need of bypassing any protection or DRM. If Steam were to close down next week, I would depend on either Valve doing the right thing and removing DRM from all sold games (something that looks unlikely, since they don't own the rights to all the games on Steam), or on Steam cracks.

Edit: BTW, the main reason I usually wait for promos to purchase games: the backlog. I stopped counting when I did hit 30, but I have way more than that - and didn't play even half of them. I'm slowly working through the list, picking the games I actually want to play (as some I purchased just to get a better promo, and some I have already played pirate copies but wanted to actually purchase them).
Post edited October 12, 2011 by FabioCapela
Lhademmor: Wow, the maximum games owned you could input was 30+?
I counted and figured out I own 93.
TheEnigmaticT: If you own more than 30 games, I'd say we have our hooks well and truly into you. ;)
uhm, that sounds kind of sexual...
Enjoyed the survey.
I really don't understand the need to separate the newer games from the good old ones but I'm sure there would be a sort for that on the catalogue pages. Besides, the newer games would have to be at the new price point and that would make it easy to find/avoid.

I think GOG should go after any PC game from any time period that the publisher or developer is willing to sell without drm. DRM-free is my absolutely number one priority. For me anything else, including price, is negotiable. Don't allow the "Old" in Good Old Games blind you to the possibilites :-)
This is getting me all excited!
TheEnigmaticT: If you own more than 30 games, I'd say we have our hooks well and truly into you. ;)
*laughs* Y'think?

Quick, run another multi-game special so I can go from 98 to 100+ games. :-)

Updated, Oct 14: Ask and I shall receive. 20 Atari games on special, 18 of them bought (2 already owned). Talk about breaking the 100 barrier with style!
Post edited October 14, 2011 by silveri
Please no Clients or it will be Steam/Impulse/D2D etc. and I will be done with

Clients we have to have to Download is a form of DRM IMO.

I own 37 games and if I feel you add DRM such as a required Client I wont buy another one I will not support it.
Post edited October 12, 2011 by FlyByU
FlyByU: Please no Clients or it will be Steam/Impulse/D2D etc. and I will be done with

Clients we have to have to Download is a form of DRM IMO.

I own 37 games and if I feel you add DRM such as a required Client I wont buy another one I will not support it.
I'm sure it would be optional just like the current downloader.
FlyByU: Please no Clients or it will be Steam/Impulse/D2D etc. and I will be done with

Clients we have to have to Download is a form of DRM IMO.

I own 37 games and if I feel you add DRM such as a required Client I wont buy another one I will not support it.
Not to sound harsh, but did you read the following question from the survey?

" I would use optional client that lets me" [emphasis and quotations added]

Given the wording of the question, you don't have to worry about forcing people to use a downloader just to download their purchased games.
Post edited October 12, 2011 by Expack
Lhademmor: Wow, the maximum games owned you could input was 30+?
I counted and figured out I own 93.
TheEnigmaticT: If you own more than 30 games, I'd say we have our hooks well and truly into you. ;)
I just counted my games. I have 54 games and I have some games in my mind that I will bought right away if they come in shop.

- Eye of the Beholder 1-3
- Elvira