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We know you're busy people, but would you like to contribute to an even better GOG? How about taking 5 minutes of your time to make the GOG experience an outstanding one?

Our main goal when designing was to create the best user experience in digital distribution ever. Many say we're doing it right, but we want to get even better, that's why we're launching a survey that will help us lead GOG in the way you'd like it to go. Taking part in it isn't required of course, but if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is (or at least even better than it is right now) and maybe win a free game, devote few minutes of your time to answer couple questions we've prepared. From all users who will take part in the survey, we'll randomly choose 20 who will receive a free GOG game of their choice. Grab a pencil... er, a keyboards in your hands and answer the below questions for a better future for all of us :)

The survey ends on Thursday, October 27 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
lowyhong: This is going to embarrass me, but where is the survey?

You have to go through the news page (remember to have javascript enabled and cross-site stuff enabled).
Whew thanks
In my opinion, whatever will make the site more money so they can keep offering the Good Old Games is fine. If they want to offer new releases, great. If not, no biggie. As long as they can keep operating.
Commen about survey. My take on new DRM-free games is:

I'd like the idea and I'd like to have oppornity to buy them. But I'd prefer it on sister site and not on GOG itself. GOG with new games will be less clean and focused with them.
Vestin: To all of you suggesting a sister site - how exactly are they supposed to do that ? From scratch ? That's a lot of effort put into a risky endeavor.
If they simply slightly overhaul the interface while you're on the "new" side (since most of you suggest it should all be tied to a single account in the end), it would be like a shopkeeper putting on a wig to acknowledge that you're suddenly buying things from a different section. Silly.
Why not simply agree on a new price-point and some enhancements to catalog filtering ? In the end, all the "sister-site" suggestions are trying to achieve is GOG selling us new games while pretending not to be GOG...
To me, the issue is that while I would like to see some newer games and indie games here, I am afraid that it might shift GOG's focus away from offering old games. Providing older classics that cannot be bought anywhere else is their niche market, one where they face little competition. If they start selling more recent and/or indie games, it might cause the stream of old games to slow to a trickle. This is because their team is so small that they might not be able to handle old and new game releases simultaneously. They would also have to deal with the challenges of directly competing with other digital distribution sites.

If they could set up an additional team of new employees purely tasked with releasing newer games I would fully support the idea of expanding to other types of games. This is what I would understand by starting a "sister site." They could use the same storefront or a new one, I don't care. That's just cosmetics as you've pointed out. The important thing to me would be to keep the work on old and new releases mostly separate because I think otherwise the old games would probably suffer. You could see this happening with all the excitement surrounding the release of the Witcher 2 on GOG which would sometimes eclipse the site's main business.
I said that I'd buy newer games from you; I'd like to expand on that a little, though.

1. You only release two games a week as it is, so I hope that if you start releasing new games, you won't do it at the expense of releasing old ones. Maybe do the new releases on a different day or something.

2. You asked me how much I'd pay, and I put a number; but obviously, just like you have two different price points now, it would really depend on the game.

3. Like Vestin, I think the "sister site" thing is kind of silly. Give people a way of filtering out the new games if they want to, though.
Whitewraith: Done. I personally would love newer games.
Yeah, absolutely, me too!

One of the reasons I bought The Witcher 2 through GOG was to support that idea that I'll buy full priced games if there's no activation.
How to make gog grow more...

I put
give us system shock 2

hope it helps.
I've been here a little over 3 months, and have already purchased 98 games, most of which were on sale.

After reading through the 12 pages of comments so far, not many people are commenting on the question about possibly providing us the option to store our credit card information securely, so we wouldn't have to type it each time.

I certainly hope that if this idea is implemented, that it's completely optional, and that the default is "No, don't store the CC."

Further, I hope that:
- Any user moving their previous option from "Yes, I'd like to store that" to "No" would be informed that their CC was erased from the Database immedately.
- The CC server and the Web Server would be separate, and fire-walled. The CC Server could never disclose more than the final 4 digits of any CC # to the Web Server.
- GoG avoids the "Let them opt-out later if they don't like a change we've made" trap.
silveri: I've been here a little over 3 months, and have already purchased 98 games, most of which were on sale.

After reading through the 12 pages of comments so far, not many people are commenting on the question about possibly providing us the option to store our credit card information securely, so we wouldn't have to type it each time.

I certainly hope that if this idea is implemented, that it's completely optional, and that the default is "No, don't store the CC."

Further, I hope that:
- Any user moving their previous option from "Yes, I'd like to store that" to "No" would be informed that their CC was erased from the Database immedately.
- The CC server and the Web Server would be separate, and fire-walled. The CC Server could never disclose more than the final 4 digits of any CC # to the Web Server.
- GoG avoids the "Let them opt-out later if they don't like a change we've made" trap.
i have no creditcard and use paypal but i opted to keep it stored thinking it is handy for the people who have.
avatar We know you're busy people, but would you like to contribute to an even better GOG? How about taking 5 minutes of your time to make the GOG experience an outstanding one?

Our main goal when designing was to create the best user experience in digital distribution ever. Many say we're doing it right, but we want to get even better, that's why we're launching a survey that will help us lead GOG in the way you'd like it to go. Taking part in it isn't required of course, but if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is (or at least even better than it is right now) and maybe win a free game, devote few minutes of your time to answer couple questions we've prepared. From all users who will take part in the survey, we'll randomly choose 20 who will receive a free GOG game of their choice. Grab a pencil... er, a keyboards in your hands and answer the below questions for a better future for all of us :)

The survey ends on Thursday, October 27 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
Where is the link to the survey?

Never mind, for some reason it didn't load the first time I clicked on the blog.
Post edited October 12, 2011 by samoan
samoan: Where is the link to the survey?
You can see it from the front page, but here's a direct link:
samoan: Where is the link to the survey?

But I had to tell "NoScript" in FireFox to temporarly allow two sites:
GOG, keep rockin' like you been rockin'!

I'd love to see new games, but as others have said *not* at the expense of the GoGs.
I used the "...I just like filling surveys." option because none of others suited me. I get most news about GOG from forum.
The only thing I really had to suggest was not to lock us out of our games for a week as a joke. I'm still a little bitter about that, but it hasn't stopped me from buying great games at great prices.