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We know you're busy people, but would you like to contribute to an even better GOG? How about taking 5 minutes of your time to make the GOG experience an outstanding one?

Our main goal when designing was to create the best user experience in digital distribution ever. Many say we're doing it right, but we want to get even better, that's why we're launching a survey that will help us lead GOG in the way you'd like it to go. Taking part in it isn't required of course, but if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is (or at least even better than it is right now) and maybe win a free game, devote few minutes of your time to answer couple questions we've prepared. From all users who will take part in the survey, we'll randomly choose 20 who will receive a free GOG game of their choice. Grab a pencil... er, a keyboards in your hands and answer the below questions for a better future for all of us :)

The survey ends on Thursday, October 27 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
kodeen: "Would you prefer to purchase games in your local currency as opposed to charging always in $USD? "

My local currency is $USD. I don't know how to answer this.
TheEnigmaticT: I told TheFrenchMonk that we needed an "I'm American!" option there, but he didn't agree. I'd leave it with "No."
Aye that's what I did. I don't know if the survey software allows this (looks like Google doc survey? in which case it should) but I suppose you can correlate the responses to that question with geography and remove Americans. More work for you. :)

I liked the "I don't know who you are I just like answering surveys" response. Almost checked it off. :P I thought the EnigmaticT must have smiled sneaking that one in ...
Post edited October 12, 2011 by crazy_dave
kodeen: "Would you prefer to purchase games in your local currency as opposed to charging always in $USD? "

My local currency is $USD. I don't know how to answer this.
TheEnigmaticT: I told TheFrenchMonk that we needed an "I'm American!" option there, but he didn't agree. I'd leave it with "No."
Yeah, I went with 'no' since it seems that would be more beneficial to my overseas brethren.
Good survey.

I said "yes" for newer games, but several people have made the point that waiting for all DLC to be released before selling them on GOG would be preferable, and I have to agree.

Also, I am more likely to wait a year or so for a game's price to drop to $29 or $19, then buy it, as opposed to picking it up the day it drops.
Yes, more indie games is a great idea.

Link6746: I'd buy newer games from GoG if they were made in the classical style of their genre.

Especially indie titles, as those tend to "get" the classical experience better than big name publishers.
Post edited October 12, 2011 by darkroastbeans
snap-d: Am I the only one slightly worried about some of the questions in the survey?
I really don't want GOG evolving into some Steam replica, and I also believe GOG should just be what it says - Good OLD games.
Lets face it, we are all retro gamers otherwise we wouldn't be on here.
Phaidox: I could not more firmly disagree with you on this one. As far as I'm concerned, is digital distribution done right. No hassles, no third party bloatware running in the background (looking at you, Steam) - it'd be wonderful if brand new releases (indie and non-indie) became available for purchase here. I'd welcome them with open arms.

Let's face it - it's also a necessity if the site is to thrive (there are only so many "good old games").
I agree about GOG is the way to do digital distribution, but GOG needs to keep it's own identity as being a place for the classic games. A sister site, like some have suggested, with the same distribution method for newer and indie games - thats fine.

There are many many old games still to come as yet - and as the years pass, the games of today will turn into the classics of yesteryear in the future (if you follow me..... :) ) - so it will be on ongoing thing.
Post edited October 12, 2011 by snap-d
kodeen: "Would you prefer to purchase games in your local currency as opposed to charging always in $USD? "

My local currency is $USD. I don't know how to answer this.
TheEnigmaticT: I told TheFrenchMonk that we needed an "I'm American!" option there, but he didn't agree. I'd leave it with "No."
The question is a bit difficult to answer since it isn't quite clear if that would include a price change for non-US customers or not. Not that we'd expect that from GOG but seeing that $1 = 1 EUR policies are quite common on other websites, you can't fully dispel the suspicions without clear statements. Generally I'm not very fond of websites automatically treating me differently depending on my country, although I understand why they have to do it sometimes.
Post edited October 12, 2011 by Leroux
Did I mention that I marked happily that question to buy newer games DRM free with yes. When are they coming? :)

Oh, and the local currency question was kind of puzzling. I already buy in local currency since I haven't any dollar at home. My bank automagically changes the currency from $ to €. And I like worldwide equal prices. However the display of the price could be my local currency, i.e. €. Maybe I would like that, so I don't have to change currency in my head. If this could be optional it would be nice. However I am not sure if the question was meant like this?

Or was it if we would be willing to pay locally different prices with non-market conversion rates between them?
Regarding the ongoing discussion about new games... I answered yes to the questions about that even though I do love old games (and the fact that I own a substantial portion of the GOG catalog will attest to that). I just don't have anything ideologically against GOG selling new games here - and if they were able to get them DRM-free, with extras, with the same dollar price all over the world, et cetera, that would be a wonderful thing when I do I want a new game.

I don't see that happening though, for most games. What big publisher agrees to those terms? Definitely not many.

But what I've always wanted to see is GOG selling new indie games. Preferably on a sister-site, like someone mentioned as a possibility for new games. There are many reasons why I think this would be a good idea - both because I feel like many indie developers would like it, and because the games would simply fit the taste of many of the existing GOG customers.

Many indie-developers share the general GOG mindset. Look at things like the Humble Indie Bundle and the discussions around that, and you'll see how many indie developers hate DRM and are willing to share things like soundtracks with their customers.

I've also noticed that many indie-developers are perfectly willing to sell their games at a fixed price to the whole world, even when different tax rates mean that they get lower profit margins in some areas.

Indie games are often designed with PC specifically in mind, like many of the old games that GOG sells, instead of the prevalent consolified ports of today. This is unfortunately becoming less true with an increased porting things like indie Live Arcade and iOS-games to PC, but a whole lot of indie-developed titles are still "real" PC-titles instead of blatant console ports.

A lot of indie games are also designed specifically to be "retro" - something that the GOG-crowd can probably often appreciate. It's also often true that in indie games we can find innovation that is often hard to find in modern AAA-titles. Not all indie games are innovative, but if you're looking for the kind of innovation that some of us think has been gradually fading from the gaming industry, more of it is to be found in indie games than in the big titles.

The price point of many indie titles also fit the accepted 6-10 dollar range of GOG.

A lot of indie developers are on Steam and other existing digital distribution services and get the increased exposure and easier distribution connected to that. But from what I've seen, a lot of developers would like those advantages without having to be associated with "the evil DRM monster." I don't personally have too much against Steam, but I understand those who do and I think that a site operated more like GOG would be more to their liking.

And, perhaps the most important reason - a sister site called Good Indie Games would be abbreviated to GIG, and I just think that's cute.
Also would you want the prices displayed in euros or aud if it kept changing depending on the exchange rate? Frankly that would seem to be very poor design to me, consistency of currency equals consistency of visuals which always looks more professional.

Now a table showing the current approximate converted price on the side of the page? That'd be nice to see even if it was something you had to click to open
About the potential price: for a good 1-3 years old DRM free bundled, goodies included game I would pay 10-30$.
Trilarion: About the potential price: for a good 1-3 years old DRM free bundled, goodies included game I would pay 10-30$.
3 years: 9.99
2 years: 14.99
1 and newer: 19.99
Aliasalpha: ...
Now a table showing the current approximate converted price on the side of the page? That'd be nice to see even if it was something you had to click to open
Even better if it would be displayed in small under the current price. Like:

RollerCoaster Tycoon 6$
=4.3€ (click here to change your local currency)
Zabinatrix: A lot of indie developers are on Steam and other existing digital distribution services and get the increased exposure and easier distribution connected to that. But from what I've seen, a lot of developers would like those advantages without having to be associated with "the evil DRM monster." I don't personally have too much against Steam, but I understand those who do and I think that a site operated more like GOG would be more to their liking.
Yes - something like Machinarium, World of Goo or Limbo ;-)
Post edited October 12, 2011 by mondik
where can i find a survey ?
Good survey, hope it helps the site flourish further.

Now bring on the GOGs!
If GOG were to add a daily sale (as well as keeping their weekend sales the way they are) I shutter to think how large my GOG collection would be.

I would also love to see them somehow add games from the Commodore 64 collection. Nintendo started doing it on the Virtual Console, but they seemed to have stopped. I want some C-64 goodness.