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We know you're busy people, but would you like to contribute to an even better GOG? How about taking 5 minutes of your time to make the GOG experience an outstanding one?

Our main goal when designing was to create the best user experience in digital distribution ever. Many say we're doing it right, but we want to get even better, that's why we're launching a survey that will help us lead GOG in the way you'd like it to go. Taking part in it isn't required of course, but if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is (or at least even better than it is right now) and maybe win a free game, devote few minutes of your time to answer couple questions we've prepared. From all users who will take part in the survey, we'll randomly choose 20 who will receive a free GOG game of their choice. Grab a pencil... er, a keyboards in your hands and answer the below questions for a better future for all of us :)

The survey ends on Thursday, October 27 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
linhongjun: but i am using ff 7 too...
I have Jave 6 update 26. You?

Fandango29: MMM.... i cannot submit the form??
I thought that was gonna happen with me too. It took several seconds to go through. How much time did you wait?
RE: Final question

Would I like to see more day 1 release games on GOG? No.

The second part of the name of the web site says it all. OLD. I love older games, re-living my childhood. No new games, please!
Hoeri: On the other hand, I would love if I could do all my games shopping on one - DRM free -site. GOG could be the "God Of Gamers" instead of "Good Old Games".
Hmm I was thinking Good Original Games, but I like yours better
I would not mind seeing newer games, but not day one releases. I would rather wait for a test of time. Wait until all the expansions and DLC have been released. Wait until the final game is actually playable in one piece.
Newest game on GoG seems to be released 2008 or so, minus the the completely understandable releases of sister companies. So the line is already there around 3 year mark. I feel that's comfortably aged to fit in GoG. 1-year-old games are bit too fresh. I wouldn't mind having stuff from Paradox Games, 1C Company etc here, even if it's fairly new. Whatever fits the old school mentality of GoG is appropriate to sell on GoG, I feel.
crazy_dave: As for offering new games (last question), if you guys do decide to start offering more new games, I would like to see it as a sister-site with unified accounts to That way you keep the storefronts separate so that people can shop for "Good Old Games" specifically. I consider GOG to be essentially a boutique and it would be a real shame to loose the emphasis on your speciality. Having unified accounts allows someone to see games they bought from both GOG and "Good New Games" in one place and simplifies matters by using the exact same account for both. So you get to keep your unique identity while also keeping things simple for the consumer (as well as encouraging cross pollination of buying between the sites :D). I don't know how feasible that is, but that is my ideal solution.
I second this opinion. If you do go for newer games it would be better to have a sister-website to sell them while keeping the gog brand what it is today: a specialty store for those great classics of PC Gaming.
Aliasalpha: "Would you like to distribute more day 1 releases, like we did for The Witcher 2, with no copy protection, on a flat price package, and with extra goodies?"

Are people really going to say no to that question?
I said "no". The real question here is whether we'd be likely to buy any such releases from GOG, and frankly, I wouldn't. I don't often buy games before the price drops, and even when I do, Steam is my preferred distribution platform. They have a larger catalog and more sales, and I really like the Steam client. GOG I like mainly because it has so many of the older games that are hard to find elsewhere. There is, course, the DRM issue, but how likely is a publisher to relent for GOG while insisting on DRM for Steam?

To avoid confusion, I don't mean to imply that I want a Steam-like client for GOG. I said "no" to that part of the survey, too. In GOG's case, it would be kinda pointless, at least for me. I mean, how often am I going to need to patch Planescape: Torment?
I did wait some minutes but then my internet explorer told me that i went wrong unfortunately. It couldn't load the page.

linhongjun: but i am using ff 7 too...
Vorax: I have Jave 6 update 26. You?

Fandango29: MMM.... i cannot submit the form??
Vorax: I thought that was gonna happen with me too. It took several seconds to go through. How much time did you wait?
Nice survey. Actually I missed the part where you promise that you will respect the privacy and will treat all personal information strictly confidential... :)
Oooh, you know what I forgot to say on the survey? I wish there was some way to mark games that you already own. Like, my household received a package with Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics for Xmas last year. So I wish I could tell GOG "I already own this game (even though I didn't buy it from you)" so it wouldn't recommend it for me anymore, and so it would be marked in promo listings, etc.

Sorry if this has already been said in the past 110 comments.
My duty here is done :)
I.T. was blocking the third-party sorcery. Got it to work now, thanks everyone.
done :)
I'm quite excited about some of the questions. In particular, I would love to buy DRM-free newer games from here and have GOG as my main games provider.

In general, I'm happy to see that most people's comments mirror my responses. Let's hope they implement this stuff!
Am I the only one slightly worried about some of the questions in the survey?
I really don't want GOG evolving into some Steam replica, and I also believe GOG should just be what it says - Good OLD games.
Lets face it, we are all retro gamers otherwise we wouldn't be on here.

I would like GOG to concentrate on what it does best - getting old classic games to work, DRM free, on modern systems.

And hopefully lots of people voted for getting the wishlist back up new and improved - I would like to see the Top 100 wished for games!