honorbuddy: I thought Descent 1+2 came together, so you only have 3 games there.
hey you're right. joy o joy
if really feel like being in a candy store : all you can eat :D
any advice guys?
(except from a good dentist that is)
GOG i'm watching the clock ;)
DrIstvaan: Yeah, but we do that all the time. We could at least send them cake :-).
they should place a donate link on the website :D
next to it the price of the cake
and the countdown how much to go to actually buy the cake.
Off course we'd need proof so a picture with everyone smudged in whipped cream might be nice :p
Destro: but let me be the first to say it:
thank you, you all have made this possible!!! :)
No thank you guys ,
you had a great idea and we needed it oh so badly
result , a great community and real classic games in gaming history