Xanto: It's like VHS vs DVD vs Blu-ray? How many of you still watch your old VHS tapes with a VHS player? How many have re-bought them on DVD and perhaps again on Blu-ray? I have many VHS tapes but no VHS player anymore. The movies I wanted to keep I re-bought in the new format.
Have you bought your DVD movies again in Bluray format because you can't play your DVD movies on your Bluray player?
The main attraction of buying movies again in a new format is because the newer version is of higher quality. This was true from VHS to DVD, and also from DVD to Bluray. So you are not actually paying for the exact same movie several times, but you are buying a better version of it in better quality.
If Bluray movies were of similar quality as VHS movies, and there was an easy way to simply move your VHS tapes to Bluray format, I think many would choose that instead of rebuying all their old VHS movies as Bluray movies.
Let's take for example the music I have in mp3 format. I don't know about you, but I am not looking forward to buy all my music again and again every time I buy a new device able to play music, like a smartphone, tablet or car stereo. I expect to be able to play my old mp3 music on all of them, also the future devices.
If some future smartphone refuses to play my mp3 music and says I'd have to buy them again just for that device, I'd tell them to phuck off. The only reason I would rebuy my music in some other format is because that new format is of considerably higher quality.
Yes, it is possible that future electronic devices meant for playing music will not support mp3 format anymore... but that will probably happen later than music services like Nokia Music closing their doors.
Xanto: Gaming is following this same trend. Re-releasing in a new format for newer OS. Most of us will re-buy just to stay current and because it's much easier to deal with just as we do with movies.
Do you like the option to buy a hires remake of a game (or play your older lores version)? Being forced to rebuy your old games several times is not something people like, even if they'd like to have the option.
I am not forced to buy GOG games of old retail PC games, but I can choose to do that. And frankly, quite often I am doing that in order to beat the copy protection (DRM!) on the original retail version. If the retail version has no copy protection whatsoever, I have much less reason to buy the same game also from GOG. But I still have the _option_.
And let's not forget all the games that are not sold on GOG (or Steam). Like my retail Grim Fandango. I can still play it even though LucasArts/Disney doesn't seem to have any interest to keep that game playable today. or even resell a remake of it.