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So apparantly once again people are judging me and assuming I'm a pirate for wanting a certain game on GOG and not just exclusively on Steam. I get thrown in my face things like: "Obvious pirate is obvious". That just pisses me off.

Has it come this far that GOG releases of games are pirated so badly on torrent sites? And this results in people assuming you're a pirate for wanting a GOG release? I just spread my love for GOG to my friends and family, I even brought aboard some customers here.
Another time when I asked for a GOG release, another person said basically the same thing, that I was probably a pirate who wanted a GOG version so I could pirate it. That just makes me sad. They are defending Steam with it's DRM, and are totally fine with it. It almost feels like they've been brainwashed so badly that they are thinking that their DRM is good and that it shows they are paying customers.

No offense to people using Steam by the way. I just don't use it and don't want to use it. I respect people's choices. This is basically a rant but I do wonder how GOG's reputation has grown.
Post edited October 05, 2013 by Senteria
Senteria: snip
Well ain't steam games pirated just the same?
I personally love GOG and kinda hate Steam but slightly, noting hardcore there ;d
Post edited October 05, 2013 by simon_vd
Witcher 2 DRM-Free Version Was Pirated Less Than SecuROM Version :
Senteria: So apparantly once again people are judging me and assuming I'm a pirate for wanting a certain game on GOG and not just exclusively on Steam.
What kind of people? Steamtards?
I would say it's about education regarding what GOG is and frankly what piracy and how damaging it is.

To avoid people like that you should use filters like ask if they consider Steam is DRM and if DRM helps against piracy. If they answer no on the first or yes on the second just ignore them.

I also don't understand the correlation between torrents and GOG. Who in their right don't expect people that at least someone will share GOG release on torrent sites? It's in human nature to want to share even if it's against the law or current moral values. GOG likely even expected it but since they're still here they're obviously doing something right especially considering they doubled their profits from last year (please take this with a grain of salt as I don't remember the source).
simon_vd: Well ain't steam games pirated just the same?
Without statistics that would be hard to say but just that in general games are more popular and more expensive at Steam makes me believe Steam games are more pirated than GOG, but it's possible it's actually quite similar.
Post edited October 05, 2013 by Nirth
Nirth: GOG likely even expected it but since they're still here they're obviously doing something right especially considering they doubled their profits from last year (please take this with a grain of salt as I don't remember the source).
That's true, someone posted a link in polish from the company that owns GOG, and they wrote the profit doubled. Can't remember the thread tho ...
There are still stupid fucks out there who think GOG is a bootleg site that sells illegal warez. There's no arguing with idiots, I suppose, and Steam fanboys are just your garden-variety idiots.

I've introduced several people to GOG (usually by way of classics they wanted to replay) and they all love the service, especially those who hate the bullshit that comes with most other DD services. If I remember correctly, GOG has increased their profits every year, so I guess they're doing OK for themselves.

I have noticed that since they started putting out newer titles and indies, "will it be on" has quickly become a pretty common question that people ask about upcoming games.
Post edited October 05, 2013 by Mentalepsy
Nirth: snip
You don't really need statistics. What I meant is go visit a tracker and you will have a good picture just how efficient Steam is when comes down to anti-piracy.
It's all the same. If people want to pirate something they will find a way no matter what...
Most people I know call GOG "That place who sell old games only"

I do not know if my friend is in the "norm" but I have come across a very similar behavior lately.
He plays games on Steam after his second or third XB360 died a death. It seemed obvious because his first two PC games were Steam loads (Doom 3 BFG & some train simulator), so I bought him two games here and set up an account for him using his e-mail (also did the same on HB and IR).
Anyway he has become obsessed with Steam stating that his games are safer with the cloud service then the ones I bought him that were DRM free, "What happens when your PC crashes?", "What if those services go under, Steam is a real business that will be around forever".
He has even moaned at me because I have Alan Wake and a few other games on my PC that are not Steam versions so he cannot take cards from me to make his collections or something. He even moaned that I had not put my account forward for the game sharing because I have some games he wants to play, and those not associated with my Steam account could not be used either so they need attaching.
- I am sorry if I seem a little out of touch with Steam, but I only installed it to play a small number of games until I can buy them without DRM somewhere else.

I think that people believe the horror, is the reason people can so blindly follow the lies or miss-truths. We are brought up to believe that we (people) are inherently good because we follow the rules and that those who do not follow those same rules are all evil.
The games, movies and even the music companies peddle(d) the idea that without the DRM to protect their games that people would just pirate them mercilessly until there was no money left to make anything new.
This idea will be terrifying to someone who regularly lays $40-80 per game. So they will accept the idea of the DRM to stop pirates because if they are spending their money on this product and they are doing it the way the games companies say, they must be doing it right. They want the company to make money so that it can continue to make games they will be able to play.
It is also difficult for people to see what they themselves do as wrong, therefore you can have people defending ideas that appear strange to all others because as an intelligent individual they would never make a mistake, therefore their decision is correct and worthy of defending to the end,

The other hand are people who cannot think for themselves like teachers(this is not mean, just an observation of all the teachers I know). So when they read or hear anything from a position of authority they will accept it without any further cause for consideration.
This particular level of inbuilt trust leads my gf to once more spout the idea that I will die early and painfully from cancer because I eat meat. I kid you not that is actually being peddled by PETA and co again (I think I must go through this once every 6-8 months) and her veggieburger friend is trying to once more turn her veggie.

This is the problem with people, as an individual we are very resourceful and smart, but as a group we give up our independence to conformity to be accepted. So when we find people of a like minded level we will try and do things to make them happy and keep them satisfied. Sheeple.

--I apologizes for the jumble, but there is some sense in there. It just gets jumbled with everything else in my mind.
Thanks for the replies, guys. The game I want to see on GOG is the AVGN game. Been a fan of his work for a long time and I really want to support him but not through steam. Just goes against what I stand for. So I posted stuff on youtube as well as the facebook page for it, but got flamed for even advocating GOG. Treating me as if I'm advocating the devil.
Senteria: Thanks for the replies, guys. The game I want to see on GOG is the AVGN game. Been a fan of his work for a long time and I really want to support him but not through steam. Just goes against what I stand for. So I posted stuff on youtube as well as the facebook page for it, but got flamed for even advocating GOG. Treating me as if I'm advocating the devil.
I don't think you should take anything said on youtube or facebook seriously. The amount of trash written in the comments on those sites is absolutely incredible.
Steam is receiving the same rips ....just cleaned up by a different publisher.

Also, sometimes it isn't a case of buying rights to old Warez but rather a publisher, that has no clue what is doing, will buy rights to older PC games and do a really terrible sloppy rip themselves.

There are some games on GamersGate that are not playable without cracks because the publishers failed to remove DRM from the ISO's they ripped and I've just tested three of Gate's Atari games which are not playable even with a crack.
Senteria: Thanks for the replies, guys. The game I want to see on GOG is the AVGN game. Been a fan of his work for a long time and I really want to support him but not through steam. Just goes against what I stand for. So I posted stuff on youtube as well as the facebook page for it, but got flamed for even advocating GOG. Treating me as if I'm advocating the devil.
Youtube is the very bottom of the gutter, I'd never take anything posted in the comments there even remotely seriously. I've never seen such an enormous pile of racism, fascism, sexism, hate-mongering, pointless flaming, and total cluelessness paired with being full of oneself, on any other legal website. I consciously decided against making an account there because I know I wouldn't be able to let such things stand, and I really know better ways to waste my time.

I'd state politely that GOG is a legitimate shop that gets licenses from the publishers like every other reputable store, and that Steam games get pirated just like any other DRM, so it would be pointless for an alleged pirate to ask for a non-Steam version of a game that can be easily cracked while on Steam anyway. And then I'd get out of there before future replies make you question the future of humanity.
Post edited October 05, 2013 by Psyringe
011284mm: Anyway he has become obsessed with Steam stating that his games are safer with the cloud service then the ones I bought him that were DRM free, "What happens when your PC crashes?", "What if those services go under, Steam is a real business that will be around forever".
Well, although Steam is a pretty unintrusive form of DRM in most cases (in my opinion anyway), the statements that he made don't make much sense especially the latter considering that if steam or GOG go under I'll still be able to play my GOG games. And not to mention that a lot or Steam games don't actually have cloud saving (at least in my experience).