chautemoc: You've got some twisted ideas in that head of yours. Please don't start this kind of thing again. There's much better ways to raise awareness.
Yea that’s what people tell me, if everyone would band together like that and go after the real problem, bad customer service, program errors and downloader issues. I think GOG would have to listen. Remember I didn’t create the problem, and I’m just not the kind of person to settle, it’s ok the GOG downloader’s not working so I’ll just shut up and use Windows. No, or its ok for them not to respond to emails because a bad word was used in them after the ninth one 64 days later. No. I am a PAYING CUSTOMER. That means I am PAYING for a product and for the SERVICES the company presented. I am just blown away at the size of the forums for each game. So many CUSTOMERS have that many problems, and yes, like I have said it’s good that there are other CUSTOMERS helping and offering their knowledge and experience. But in the end it’s ultimately GOG obligation to render ad and replies, that’s all I’ve sad.